These cows must’ve ran marathons weekly

by Outrageous-Oil-1838


  1. grumpvet87

    grass fed has less marbling than cattle fed GMO corn and soy

  2. beckychao

    They might’ve not finished with grain

  3. The_OtherGuy_99

    I hope someone out there buys and enjoys that steak.

    It won’t be me, but I do hope someone does.

  4. RedditArbitrator

    Farmers love grass fed lol don’t have to feed them out last month to fatten them up and people think grass fed is some saving grace 👻

  5. Prestigious_Tap_9999

    They can’t grow em fast enough 🤣

  6. TheWeisGuy

    Those are some nice looking pork chops there

  7. hoe_told556

    I’ve been noticing that as well. Rib eyes that look like eye rounds.

  8. juiceyb

    I may be in the minority but I love grass fed. I like the gamy taste.

  9. Budskee420ish

    Looks like there was some sorta grass shortage for them there cows eh?

  10. ShnickityShnoo

    Grass fed. But some asshole kept mowing the field.

  11. Chrizilla_

    If you have the patience you could tenderize those down to some cubed steaks, right? Like, they’d be huge but it would work?

  12. OrganizationFalse668

    Butter baste them in a pan and they will be delicious.

  13. yomamasofat-

    They’ve been working out pretty hard

  14. Michelle_akaYouBitch

    That’s not NYStrip. That’s that crappy, “sirloin” cut.

  15. doomage36

    I really prefer my steaks this way, I hate the texture of fat

  16. loveindrugs

    So many people seem to be unaware to the fact that actual grass fed cows are not eating JUST GRASS but are grazing on the various things in the grass. They get insects and worms and different variety of plants. Looks like the “grass fed” label is just an excuse to feed cows fermented grass clippings and claim it’s better. Grass feed is not GRAZED cows. They would have fat and marbling lmao

  17. Ocarina-Of-Tomb

    You pay: $20.69. No, YOU pay it.

  18. Jebgogh

    It is on sale for $6.99. At that price and looking as it does, its stew meat

  19. strawberrysoup99

    That cow was fed a steady diet of gas station ash tray remains and sawdust.

  20. funewguy

    I pick these up for cheap and freezw them until firm then slice very thin, use butter in a cast iron and fry with onions and peppers, throw in a sub with cheese and you have a pretty solid cheese steak.

  21. egbert71

    Since its all meat i’d buy them to grind into some fatty brisket and chuck

    But yeah the ones in the picture had to be team usa sprinters to have very little to no fat lol

  22. leaningtoweravenger

    If you like your steak blue or very rare, lean meat is better than the one with more fat as this last one would not melt with such short time on the grill

  23. B0BsLawBlog

    I’m always confused when I see non Costco pricing.

    Prime NY strips are like 16.99lb there, and this is what you get if you step down to supermarket 12.99? Id just stick to frozen chicken strips man.

  24. Blessed_Ennui

    Pound thin

    Apply the velvet method

    Stir fry w veggies



  25. lemongibre

    Is this bad? If so, why? I keep seeing things from this sub and im not even in it, i dont know anything about meat, is it hard meat if it doesn’t have any fat at all? Is that what determines the tenderness?

  26. darkside767

    I would buy these. Because they would be discounted soon. It’s a hard life

  27. Comfortable-Survey30

    Lean, mean, and no marble between!

  28. more likely from older mama diary cow that have passed their prime. Usually if the cow is older than thirty six months, the meat is rejected in the international markets due to export/import restriction from the destination country, so the meat is lean and sold in supermarket for a lower price.

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