Hy-Vee Dietician Julie Gallagher joins us to talk about Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month.

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it’s June and that means it’s Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month so joining me to discuss nutrition and brain health is H dietitian Julie Gallagher thanks for being here thank you for having me yes um Alzheimer’s um it is a it is a special month because there are things that we can do in our community and also um individually to slow the decline and hopefully prevent um the Alzheimer’s which is a major type of dementia so um one of the first things that I mean and I want to back up a little bit there’s probably over 60,000 of people in the state of Iowa that are that are going through or suffering from this uh terrible disease so um I wanted to give you some tips on what we can do out in the community and also nutritionally um because we know that people with poor diets usually um can’t have that effect of reducing um the effects of brain Decline and hopefully preventing um Dementia in Alzheimer’s so I’m the one thing that we suggest that’s out there that has been researched very highly is the Mind diet and the mind diet stands for its combination of Mediterranean and the DASH diet um for a neural degenerative delay so that’s a tough word to say a big word so um and it’s got 10 different food groups to it but the main purpose of the Mind diet is to integrate B vitamins Omega-3s and also antioxidants so right here I’m going to start out with Omega-3s Omega-3s ala and DHA we can only get those through fish so it’s important that we eat fish at least once or twice a week and we can also get it through plant sources and the plant sources are are right here flax and chia seeds these have the omega-3 ala and ala is not easily transferable to the um DHA and EPA which are very important for us um we are doing our monthly screenings for um Omega 3es so if you don’t know your omega-3 level we can your H dietitians can do those for you if you’re not eating fish at least once or twice a week you need to supplement with um your uh fish oil pills and your high dietitian can assist you in that so the B vitamins over here um in the mine diet we also have um you know it’s important to have a salad every day have something other than leafy greens every day on the mine Diet also to have fish or excuse me fish wants a week um at least once a week poultry a couple times a week and then integrate whole grains every day and we we don’t know why the research is there for whole grains we just know that the combination is a good combination um for brain Decline and then also wine in moderation and that’s one drink um for females and two drinks for males um and then add some snacks in add have nuts like five times a week maybe um and also have um berries um berries are good antioxidants those are very good for you I have a recipe right here it’s a a Mediterranean crusted hbet so when you’re looking at fish choices look at um think of the acronym smash salmon uh mackerel uh anchovies um sardines and I I put in I threw in halet so I made this dish with halet and that is on our website at hi.com health so a lot of brain tips or a lot of tips for brain health uh to take with you and uh we also have a walk be uh that’s going to be coming up in September for Alzheimer’s and Alzheimer’s is raising a lot of money for research so it’s important to form your teams and get out there so in September we’ll have some walks available so awesome great tips and great food for summer too thank you very much thanks Julie Gallagher with hi ve thanks for being here thank you very much stay with tv9 your

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