Wife is away for a month, here is my 2 week in treat.

by Creepy_Ad_5610


  1. WestYak5062

    Steak looks great! Beverage choice however needs to be reconsidered…

  2. thebadjerry

    Oh yeah! I always have at least one big steak dinner when the wife’s traveling

  3. LameDonkey1

    Solid plate, I would definitely eat that and drink the stella

  4. Substantial-Dig9995

    Serious ? Your wife doest let you eat steak

  5. Nervous-Trader

    I hope I marry a man who gets sad when I’m gone for 4 weeks and treats himself to a nice dinner to celebrate making it halfway through my absence lol this is what love looks like!


    You have to work on your veggie to beef ratio. That combo looks like you have some guilt issues going on.

  7. drinkingbeers_

    If my wife was away that plate would be in the microwave heating up for a few lines.

  8. ichkannkochen

    After two weeks, i treat myself with some peas to my daily steak

  9. Life-Mountain8157

    Steak & Beer are my favs….. well done mate !

  10. Familiar-Agency8209

    wife is here. steak.

    wife is away. steak.

    wife is steak

  11. Honkey_Fellatio

    She’s gonna cheat on you dude.

  12. VirgoLady35

    Is that sour cream? My fave steak dip 😆

  13. ymoeuormue

    My wife won’t let me have peas either.

  14. johnnyribcage

    My wife would be pissed if I only made steak when she wasn’t around. She’d also be pissed if I overcooked it like that. She’d also be pissed if I served skunked Stella with it.

  15. CplTenMikeMike

    Could be a tad more rare, honestly!

  16. caryn1477

    What is it with the “wife is away” steaks? Do no other women like steaks???

    My husband is prepping our steaks at this very moment.

  17. AdDramatic522

    Overdone for me, but it still looks good

  18. Brave-Expression-799

    Looks like you should have taken it off the heat a little sooner.

  19. SuggestionStandard81

    How many wives are keeping their husbands from eating a steak lol this seems to be a common theme in this sub

  20. Uknowwhatyoudid

    Shoot, probably would be breakfast a couple times a week if I had the place to myself for a month.

  21. SnooWoofers7345

    Mayo, steak, peas and Stella Artois? I smell Belgian in here.

  22. Sterling-Bear15

    Mate you’re already having a 1x month treat as it is

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