All 3 of these summer dips are easy to make and super tasty. Enjoy!

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Sun Dried Tomato Tapenade
12 ounces oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes – drained
1/2 (120g) cup extra virgin olive oil – plus more as needed
1 cup (120g) grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1/2 packed cup basil leaves

Cannellini Bean Dip
1 15-ounce can cannellini beans – drained well
2 tablespoons (28g) lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper – plus more to taste
1 teaspoon kosher salt (4g) salt – plus more to taste
5 tablespoons (70g) extra virgin olive oil – plus more for serving

Artichoke Pesto
1 24-ounce jar marinated artichoke hearts – drained
3/4 cup (180g) extra virgin olive oil – plus more if needed
1 cup (130g) walnuts
1 packed cup flat-leaf Italian parsley
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes – plus more to taste
2 lemons – zested and juiced
2 cloves garlic
1 cup (120g) grated Parmigiano Reggiano
salt and pepper – to taste

Billy Mark: @bluecrestproductions

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today we’re going to make three essential spring and summer dips there is no cooking involved here are the ingredients let’s get into it right now these are really easy and delicious spring summer dips I mean you can have these in the winter it’s doesn’t really matter but these are nice when you’re outside so I’m going to do show you the ingredients for all three of them from easiest to hardest but that’s not really right it’s just least amount of ingredients to the most amount of ingredients this is for the sundried Tomato tood so the re says use 12 oz of oil pack Suri Tomatoes we bought two 8 oz jars so we’re working with a little bit more here all of these recipes it’s extremely flexible easy if you add a little bit more of one thing versus the other so these are oil packed and I drain them because a lot of times they’re packed like with a touch of olive oil and a bunch of other kind of like not so good stuff if you could find the unil packed ones they’re just by themselves you can use them too because we’re just going to add olive oil back to it all right so that’s what we’re working with there one cup of parmesano regano cheese that is grated it’s like kind of like a loose grate so like we packed it down a little bit probably have about 9 100 G there doesn’t taste cheesy enough we’ll just add more and then we have a half a cup of basil leaves supposed to be half a cup packed basil leaves but again you can use more or less if you like then the next one is a canellini bean dip I have one 15 o can of calini beans that I just drained drained them well took the moisture out of them I have one clove of garlic and then we have one tbspoon of fresh Rosemary so just the leaves you’re going to use and then we also have 2 tbspoon of lemon juice in here also there’s going to be olive oil in here it says about 5 tablespoons but again we’ll just like We’ll add more if we need to one of the most important things in this one I love is a lot of cracked black pepper makes it really nice when you and you could swirl more olive oil on top the final one is arter choke pesto now this one is great as a dip but it’s awesome on Pasta Too so it really could do double or triple Duty it’s great on sandwiches as like a thick artichoke spread recipe says 24 oz of marinated artichokes drained we had two 14 oz jars so again we’re working with a little bit more I don’t want you to get nervous at all about having to have the exact amount that the recipes say it’s very flexible we have one cup of walnuts uh two garlic cloves one cup of fresh parsley you can leave a lot of the thinner stems or even some of the thicker ones some of this parsley had super thick stem so I just removed it but all this and it’s one cup packed which is about what that is the juice of two lemons and the zest of two lemons so a lot of lemon juice and zest uh the exact amount will probably be about 6 tspoons of lemon juice and probably about 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of zest that’s typically what you will get from these normal size looking lemons half a teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes and I think that’s it another cup of the parmesano regano cheese so again we’ll add more cheese if we need I got a nice block of uh 24mon parmesano regano right here these are super simple and I like to serve them with this so this is a baguette slice it very thin we’ll oil it we’ll toast them but you can use Peter chips you could use anything you like all right so let’s make all three of them right now all right we’re going to break out a tool that’s rarely used on this show the food processor it is a very versatile tool you know I don’t really use it for like say like bolog Andes when you’re and vegetables when you need the mints I just use a knife but for this this is the only way to do this I mean or you even blender okay so here are our sundried Tomatoes let’s just get them all in now it says a half a cup of olive oil depending on how well you drained them you might not need all that but I I know already because I just made this recently so this is extra virgin I’m using but you can use regular olive oil as well and then our basil leaves so it says half a cup of packed basil leaves just these these stems right here these thick stems you don’t want to put them in there you know nothing will beat your garden basil uh in a few months when it gets warm out cuz that basil will just like you know you’ll cut it and it’ll still be nice like hours later in in your house so if it’s not enough basil here I’ll just add more so you can get in there and just like push everything down okay so just you can taste this right now even before we put in the in the cheese because if you want more basil you want to put it in now so you could chop it up still all right so there is our delicious sundried tomato toonot and now I have the cup or about 90 grams worth of parmesano regano cheese so let’s give it a taste you can season with salt and pepper or you can check if there’s enough cheese in here delicious it needs a lot of cheese to like balance it out and it’s just rich and good if it’s too thick right now simply just mix in a little bit more olive oil you can do that before you serve it as well let’s make the next one okay calini bean dip this is the 115 Oz can I had to clean my food processor remember the old cooking shows like emerald and stuff where he’d be like put the chicken in the oven and then the oven then the chicken would come out of the other oven to be somebody in the back like handing him a chicken okay 1 tbspoon of rosemary leaves one Co of garlic and I just Juiced some lemon juice for both recipes this one needs 2 tablespoons 1/4 teaspoon of cracked black pepper start with that much we can add more in later it’s really nice to put like to swirl the extra virgin and some black pepper on top one teaspoon of salt 5 tbspoon of extra virgin olive oil could always just put in more and depending on if you have like a really powerful food processor maybe just chop the garlic a little bit before you do that that’s delicious I don’t think I need to do anything to that except eat it and it’s very easy just to double this you know if you’re like Jim that’s not enough so just just double everything okay so the last one two cloves of garlic right in there so here’s all the artichokes and don’t worry about if you get excess liquid in there it’s it’s it’ll be all right you’re always going to have excess liquid no matter how much you drain them we’re pushing the ma the capacity of this one I think when they blend it’ll go down one cup of walnuts right so here’s the zest of two lemons and the juice half teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes and then 3/4 cup of olive oil I’ll start with a half a cup right now and I’ll blend it and then hopefully after I blend it I can fit in the rest of the stuff there room now this is a really good like spring or summer alternative to the heavier spinach artichoke dip that’s B yeah so this is we wanted to do uh no no cooking involved which a lot of times in the spring summer you don’t want to like heat up your oven so much and I am going to add in that extra4 cup because the recipe says 3/4 cups so that sounds about right might even need a little bit more let’s give it a little taste this is very firm here which is fine so if you like for dip or for pasta you know pasta you just use pasta water at the end for it m that one hit me hard that in a good way yeah that was that’s but the cheese isn’t even in it cheese isn’t even in yet that’s really good right with no cheese it’s amazing already yeah so if you if you can’t have dairy exactly that’s really good just like that yeah listen the reason I’m putting the cheese in at the end and you do this for like if you’re using just doing a regular basil basil pesto it’s like the saying goes oh if you heat up the cheese too much it like changes it I’m just sticking towards to that in case you know I don’t want to offend the offendable which some of them are around okay 90 G or 100 G or 110 G or a cup packed Loosely packed whatever you know mix that cheese in and then oh my God are you okay I got to say it must be the brand of these artichokes they’re good I mean this is good the other ones are great too I love to serve it with you know this is a little I guess a little bit more difficult you could do just peita chips if you like but you can just make really uh small [Music] pieces you could like broil it or you just put it on like a 400° oven just for a couple minutes just want to just toast these up with a tiny bit of olive oil I like these brushes these uh you know like faux horsehair brushes better than the silicone ones silicone ones just goes right off so all you got to do is just very quickly just give it one little wipe okay you can get like six or seven of them before you reload couple minutes toasted and then after this we will play it up and we will have the taste tester judge which one is the best all right Taran knock yourself out and um I already ate a bunch of each one so I know what they taste like all right M this one’s so easy to make too that’s the best thing about this one yeah you like double triple quadruple it’s super simple calini beans don’t don’t waste time with dried beans I mean you can but just remember then you got to cook them the night before mhm I’m ready for the next one okay so this is the artichoke artichoke pastel which can be on pasta too it’s delicious on pasta smells really good yeah I can really smell the lemon M I can taste the walnuts the walnuts are delicious in it so good that’s that’s what I thought it’s really good so I always test recipes and this probably maybe the third or fourth time it was made I always have standard Brands I use for these things and probably this was not a standard brand T purchased these artichoke marinated artichoke hearts from Whole Foods in a brand we never heard heard of yeah I think they’re better quality now on the flip side the Sund Dr tomato is actually it’s reverse and I think you’ll notice that okay well the sundried tomatoes are these are also from Whole Foods but it’s 365 I’m telling you everything with 365 has been bad lately like big time I can already tell the texture from this is different and I think it’s from the sundried tomatoes because the last time you used it we used chento Tomatoes or Cosmos chento or Cosmos yeah and it’s it’s it’s a little too Crum right now the flavor is really good I think the texture is a little too crumbly yeah I think I say more olive oil than I can that can remedy that so you like the board right the board’s really nice I like the way this is set up in fact I think this is simple enough where you actually could make all three of that y my favorite one is the calini okay dip that’s my favorite the next two it’s a little bit harder for me to pick because I think they’re both really good they have a lot of good flavor I think the artichoke Walnut pesto is number two for me followed by the sundried Tomato toput I really like the artichoke pesto I I almost feel like the Walnut overpowers the artichoke really so maybe do you think so so so I don’t personally but if if that’s the case for you I would maybe and you want to listen to what T said maybe start with half the amount of Walnut yeah or you can use pinol nuts um it could also be the walnuts we’re using and the artichokes we’re like that’s the thing it’s when you’re making something that’s so fresh and like no baking involved I feel like yeah using a different brand of ingredient can really change the whole flavor the dish and I like this one too like I said I think I would add a little bit more olive oil to that it does have a strong flavor I think I preferred it when you used the brand other brand of sundri s again that’s the the brand kind of makes all the difference yeah well thanks Tara I going to go with almost her ratings but I’m going to go one two and three and believe it or not this one is always my number one when it’s served in our favorite restaurant which is uh called TR the trara which is local in St James New York they’re not using the Jarred ones they’re using the plain ones yeah but I think this is a great spread I mean you could do this with pita chips you could even do just do it with regular um bread that’s not even yeah toasted yeah for sure delicious all right excellent thank you thank you hope you make them all and we will see you next time


  1. These are all easy to make and perfect for summer when you just want something to snack on. The ingredient amounts (also in grams) are right in the description and the print recipes are linked there as well. As always, thanks for liking our recipes and videos and sharing our family table each week

  2. They all look tasty, I also like a black olive tapenade and would add it to the ensemble. Thanks guys!👍❤️

  3. Good!!!!!!!
    I have been waiting for some sort of a dipping recipe
    And I never heard of a cannellini dip before I am very intrigued.

  4. These all sound amazing!
    Could you offer brand preference for sun dried tomatoes and artichokes since it’s apparent this can make a difference? Thanks

  5. Could not have come at a better time. This weekend we are attending a family function, and I have been given the responsibility for the appetizers. I have been wanting to try other things besides the typical store bought brands that have been supplied in the past.
    Can't wait to try these.
    Next month we are having a family reunion/birthday celebration here to celebrate my mother's 95th birthday. All these dips will go over well with my family.

  6. I'm so glad you guys moved the plaid chair it was distracting IMHO maybe the plaid blanket should go too lol

  7. I made the artichoke dip, but as I am allergic to nuts, I substituted hemp hearts (which I also usually use for pesto in place of pine nuts)—it was very tasty as a dip, but I bet it would be outstanding over pasta, like you mentioned!

  8. This came at the perfect. We're having a BBQ for my hubby's birthday and they first 2 I'm going to make. Same goes for a brunch We're having in August. They will definitely add to the spread without spending a lot of money. Thanks Jim and Tara.😊

  9. Thanks Jim & Tara! I look forward to making these dips with my 18 y.o. son this weekend! We watch your videos together regularly and have not yet tried one of your recipes, but we will definitely start with the cannelini & artichoke dips this weekend. Let the Summer begin! (Jim in Santa Rosa, CA)

  10. Hi you guys are gonna get me fat 😂😂😂how do you stay so thin, I’ve been trying your recipes and they are so good but everyone is telling me to slow down because I’m like shoving food in their face all day everyday. Thank you excellent ideas.

  11. My first time seeing your other taste tester 😊. They all look yummy, even could through in a crudités with all of them.

  12. These are great, thank you. I also like adding soaked cashews to the sundried tomato dip; they add a bit of a creamy texture.

  13. Do you ever not wear flannel? Just curious? Even in summer? Is your role model Al from Tool Time?

  14. I love when he has his spouse as the taste-tester! As a married dude it always makes me super happy when your spouse is down to take part in a production with their other half 🙂 Also, as someone from the deep south: Getting to hear about local lived "Yankee" food culture stuff from our blue-collar family brothers in the north (who are just the other side of our shared east-coast coin lol) is so valuable and delightful. That pesto dip made me make a schedule to make it!

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