Hi, I used the exact same recipe for this loaf as always, only this time I added rosmary, olives and parmesan. Normally, when I follow this recipe and fermentation, my loaves have awesome oven spring, this time it's rather flat…

any ideas why this happened? maybe because of the inclusions?

450g flour, 300g water, 100g starter, 10g salt.

bulk fermented for about 5.5h at 26.5 C and cold fermented for 17h

by abehure


  1. OoopsNotThatSoft

    I’m still a begginer, but I’d say overproofed. 5.5h BF at 26.5C seems like a lot (I live in a warm climate too and had to cut BF to about 3h.)
    Beautiful scoring btw

  2. timpaton

    Maybe over-hydrated?

    Looks like it spread out into a pool of dough rather than staying a tightly formed boule when removed from the banetton.

    So what spring you got was starting from a wider base.

  3. AnnaBalena

    I love adding cheddar and jalapeño to my loaves and I notice those ones are always flatter than my plain loaves, I have assumed it was the inclusions. Might be the case for you too

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