that dough makes me sad.

by callmestinkingwind


  1. GotenRocko

    Too much sauce and toppings. Try parbaking the crust for a few minutes with nothing on it then topping it and finish baking.

  2. Lucky-Mud-551

    The debate said, ‘hold my beer’. This is rough.

  3. CharmingAwareness545

    How did you bake it? Ive never seen dough come out like that

  4. of_lice_and_men

    Still probably better than the debate.

  5. goodjuju21

    So glad I kept scrolling. The doggo getting cheese more than makes up for it. 😄

  6. Successful_Mix_6644

    Dew that much pepperoni you can see it through the base! Looks awesome 🙌

  7. J_Kenji_Lopez-Alt

    That looks like way more sauce and cheese than the recipe calls for. All that extra weight and wetness are gonna keep the crust from crisping properly!


    Damn and you had to pay the cheese tax.

  9. _DapperDanMan-

    WAY too much SAUCE.
    HOLY hell this is soup.

  10. Dangerous-Lettuce498

    Why the fuck would be excited about the debate?


  11. DemonSlyr007

    Your cheese is part skim, not whole milk. That won’t melt as well. The low moisture part was right, but the part skim was not. And as others have said, that’s a metric fuckload of sauce and toppings. They all steam the crust instead of crisping up the crust.

  12. TheGloriousPlatitard

    This reminds me of when my parents come over for pizza night and put so many toppings on that it makes a dome. I can’t ever stop them 😂

  13. jaymick007

    Pizza looks fine, debate was a shit show.

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