Or should I get both in case the internet goes out 😂

by DirtNapDealing


  1. Mint-Most-Ardently

    We just have the non-wifi anova and love it. Don’t really see a reason to spend more for wifi..: just check on it now and again!

  2. Dizzybro

    I dont have an Anova, but my wifi model Joule i almost always am home, and really have no use for wifi for it.

    Only reason i would consider wifi is one time way back when, I would put my food in the sous vide with ice, and then later in the day i would start it via the internet so it was ready for when i got home. So if that was going to be a common occurrence for you, maybe it is worth it at that point

  3. JohnnieTech

    I have the precision cooker 3.0 and it’s loud and annoying. Even after chats with support they said my level of noise was to be expected. I can hear it several rooms away and sometimes I don’t want to use it because of this.

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