Every night when my husband gets home from work he has 3 of these chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk. This recipe makes 60 cookies so I bake them every 20 days.

I freeze them in stacks of 3 and put them in gallon freezer bags. This has been my routine for 10-8 years (I can’t remember when I started). I take a stack from the freezer in the morning and put it in the cookie jar. They’re thawed and ready to eat when he gets home.

by Split-pea-marsupial


  1. SwiftTime00

    Interesting you bake them and then freeze them?

  2. 10111101011x

    Those look perfectly cooked! This is such a sweet labor of love <3

  3. NoMuffin64

    Those cookies look so delectably chewy 😱

  4. NOOBEv14

    Okay fine I’ll be the hater.

    Unhealthy things should always be a unique experience rather than a fundamental part of a routine. Ice cream sundae randomly with the family? Fun! Ice cream Sunday for dessert after dinner every day? Irresponsible parenting.

    Establishing this sort of thing as a habit means that even on the days where he’s not particularly in the mood for cookies, he’s eating cookies. Now his body’s wired to expect cookies every day, he’s basically feeding an addiction. I don’t like this.

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