👉 Shrimp Pasta in a bisque sauce. Call it a prawn linguine or a shrimp pasta, this dish will transport you and your taste buds to a fine dining restaurant by the Mediterranean seaside. You can now make this shrimp pasta dish fast at home, where it can take many hours in a professional kitchen. If you’re a seafood lover, the flavours will leave you breathless I promise you. Restaurant food is always a level higher because of the slow cooked stock that take hours if not days to make. Who’s got time to do that at home! But this recipe uses the prawn heads and shells, and it only takes 30 minutes. So it’s well worth the extra effort of making the stock, as that’s where the magic lies. This recipe provides three prawns per person, fairly much what you would receive in a fine dining restaurant, but for me, I like to double the quantity, just saying… A tasty Mediterranean dish combining both French and Italian influences. Please, keep the cheese away from this one.

👉 Seafood spaghetti marinara. The best seafood pasta recipe using fresh seafood. One of the best seafood pasta recipes. This Seafood spaghetti marinara is made with fresh seafood using shrimps (prawns), scallops and mussels for that beautiful flavour of the sea. Quick to make, by the time your water boils and your pasta is cooked, you’re pretty much all done. As seafood cooks at different rates, I like to cook it separately and it’s very quick. A lot of  cooks Throw everything in at once, this can end up giving you tough rubbery and overcooked seafood.   Cooking in separately in order will give you perfection every time.  Enjoy my version of Seafood Spaghetti Marinara.

👉 Seared Fish Hollandaise. Restaurant meal at home. Indulge in the exquisite delight of Seared Fish accompanied by Crispy Leeks and Silky Hollandaise, a culinary masterpiece that brings the sophistication of restaurant dining to the comfort of your own home.Crafted from scratch, the velvety Hollandaise sauce adds a luxurious touch to this dish, perfectly complementing the beautifully seared fish. The addition of fried leek julienne not only enhances the texture but also introduces a burst of flavour, elevating the dish to a level worthy of any elegant dinner party. Choose your preferred white fish or opt for the classic cod to complete this sensational gastronomic experience.

👉 Seafood Pasta. Easy Restaurant quality meal everyone loves!
Seafood pasta is a classic dish that is popular all over the world. This French-style recipe uses a variety of seafood, including shrimp, mussels, scallops, and fish, in a creamy sauce. It’s relatively easy to make and a great special occasion dish. I like to make my own fish pasta to elevate it to a new level. There’s something magical about fresh home made pasta. See my pasta recipe for more. If you don’t have time, buy some dried linguini or fettuccini.The mussels act as a seafood stock which will flavour the whole dish. The dish is sure to impress your guests.

👉 Crispy Tempura shrimp is a beloved Japanese dish, known for its light, airy batter and high-temperature frying. Achieving the perfect texture involves using low-protein flour like cake or tempura flour; if using all-purpose flour, substitute one-third with corn starch, potato, or rice flour. Ensure the batter is ice-cold by chilling ingredients and utensils beforehand to keep it light. Avoid overmixing; gently fold the flour into the liquid, even if lumpy, and prepare the batter right before frying. Fry the shrimp in high smoke point oil, like canola or peanut, heated to 340°F (170°C), for 2-3 minutes until golden.

👉 Fish and Shrimp Pie. When you’re after comfort food, it’s hard to pass on a good fish pie. It’s also perfect for dinner parties, simply place the elegant dish in the centre of the table and let the guests help themselves. You can use any fish you like, I think a combination of white fish and salmon works best. Make sure you buy the freshest fish you can. Don’t use frozen, it will fall apart. Stay away from dry fish, like tuna or swordfish. In this recipe I also added shrimp for an extra layer of flavour. You can add more to this recipe if you like, such as mushrooms, braised leek, dill, cheese on the topping, etc. I like to keep things simple, there’s more than enough flavours to satisfy your taste buds without overpowering the delicate fish flavours. Reheat in the oven for that crispy topping.

👉 Shrimp Pasta in a bisque sauce: https://recipe30.com/shrimp-pasta.html/
👉 https://recipe30.com/seafood-spaghetti-marinara.html/
👉 Seared Fish Hollandaise: https://recipe30.com/seared-fish-hollandaise.html/
👉 Seafood Pasta: https://recipe30.com/seafood-pasta.html/
👉 Tempura shrimp: https://recipe30.com/crispy-tempura-prawns.html/
👉 Fish and Shrimp Pie: https://recipe30.com/fish-and-shrimp-pie.html/

▶ Check out my favourite kitchen tools here (affiliate): https://www.amazon.com/shop/recipe30

[Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] 3 [Music] w [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Music] guys it was such a beautiful day today I didn’t want to be stuck in the kitchen inside so I’m brought the kitchen outside and we’re going to cook spaghetti marinara spaghetti marinara is a pasta is a seafood pasta made with fresh local seafood and I’m going to use the muscles just to give you that really nice sea flavor you’re going to love it so let’s hit it first let’s boil some water for this I’m using a whole chili split in half scrape the seeds chob finally set it aside some flat leaf parsley it’s been washed Cho finely set aside once water boils add some salt cook your pasta almost alente I’ve got some beautiful fresh scollops cut them in half widthwise if they’re really small just skip this step with the muscles you want to make sure they’ve been cleaned just scrub them and remove any beards okay let’s start cooking some olive oil and you want high heat some prawns or shrimps you want to see them nicely on each side that’s where all the flavor is no need to cook them right through just yet Now set them aside as Seafood Cooks at different r eight someon chovies place them on a cutting board and give them a rough chop back with the same pan on high heat you may need a little more olive oil add the Capers the chopped chili and the chopped en chovies some garlic minced or Cho mix it up and leave it until it starts to Brown then quickly deglaze with white wine add some marinara sauce it’s a tomato sauce you can buy it or see my recipe how to make it now mix that up add the muscles give them a mix and cook for 3 minutes with the lid on return the prawns and add the sculps add the chopped parsley Now drain and add your spaghetti straight to the sauce cook for another 30 seconds mix well spaghetti marinara is [Music] [Music] ready oh yum [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] all right [Music] baby all right baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] a I [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] peace of me for you okay good boy you want another one okay okay who that’s it that’s it Whiskey that’s it [Music] a [Music] [Music] o [Music] see [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] a a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go Weis piece of me for you today okay good boy no that’s it just one piece that’s it one piece [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]


  1. Love that your recipes are simple and clean yet full of flavour. Appreciate your content and videography style. Informative without all of the chatter. Thanks.

  2. i forget how much i love fish, until i eat fish thank you for this. reminder to me that i like fish. planning my weeks meals now because i came across this

  3. These look amazing! I don't know which to make first. The seafood pasta dish reminds me of one I had many years ago at a restaurant in Coffs Harbour.

  4. Thanks for sharing your seafood dishes and above all thanks for sharing Whiskey it made me smile to see him he is truly missed

  5. Hi Joel amazing beautiful food again ❤the beautiful fresh fish 🐟 where do you go ??? I cooked some beautiful orange roughe last weekend oh my goodness beautiful fish 🐟 have a wonderful day 😊

  6. You are amazing Joel, Your videos are always perfect and recipes beautifully presented. I miss Whiskey so much😥❤️🇺🇸🇦🇺

  7. Hi, your video has lined up my weekend to my families gratification and satisfaction. Thanks for sharing another brilliantly executed video. The best on YouTube. Have a great weekend.
    ps. Loved Wiskey's sneak appearance

  8. One of my all-time favorite dishes is the seafood marinara pasta. I’ve always made it just like you. I cook everything separately because it does not cook the same rate. I love your outside kitchen. It’s absolutely charming. I hope you’re still in Bally relaxing, and enjoying yourself. Take care. From Southern California with much love ♥️

  9. I would order any of these dishes in a heartbeat!! They look delicious and would be easy to prepare. Unfortunately I don’t have access to the quality of seafood where I live. Just have to make do with what’s available. Thanks for showing us how to make it!🥰

  10. This is a delicatessen omg I love sea 🌊 food 😋😋😋 I grew up in a port city so thanks for remind me all those goodies 😀 My favorites are spaghetti marinara sea food pasta and shrimp 🍤 tempura crunchy delicious.
    I will try to make sea food pasta 😋😋
    Thank you so much for this wonderful recipes.

  11. I cooked the spaghetti marinara a few weeks ago using your base sauce. I just threw in the seafood and didn't fry them (must do so the next time I cook it🙂). I had cod fish, mussels and scallops, and of course, with chopped parsley. Really enjoyed it! Thank you!

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