Creamy Giant Couscous

by lnfinity


  1. lnfinity


    * olive oil
    * 1 onion, peeled + finely chopped
    * 4 garlic cloves, peeled + finely chopped
    * 270g (1.5 cups) giant couscous
    * 250ml (1 cup) white wine
    * 1 liter (4 cups) vegetable stock
    * 4 tbsp nutritional yeast
    * salt + pepper
    * 150g (5.3oz) baby spinach
    * 2 x 400g (14oz) tins of chickpeas, drained
    * 1 lemon
    * 1 x 400ml (13.5fl.oz) tin of full-fat coconut milk


    1. Add a splash of olive oil to a large pan, then add the onion and cook for 6-8 minutes or until it begins to caramelize.

    1. Add the garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes or until it begins to brown.

    1. Add the giant couscous and cook for a minute, stirring regularly.

    1. Turn the heat up, pour in the white wine and cook for 3-4 minutes.

    1. Pour in roughly 3/4 of the stock, followed by the nutritional yeast and a pinch of salt. Stir and bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer gently with the lid on for 12-15 minutes, or until the couscous is tender. If necessary, top up with more stock until the couscous is ready and give it a stir every few minutes to stop it sticking to the pan.

    1. Remove the lid and stir in the spinach until it has wilted, then add the chickpeas, zest from half of the lemon and juice from the whole lemon.

    1. Scoop out the coconut cream which has set at the top of the tin of coconut milk and add most of it to the pan, reserving four dollops of the cream for topping later.

    1. Give everything a good stir, then season to taste with salt and pepper and heat through for a minute or so, until the sauce thickens a little.

    1. To serve, spoon the couscous into bowls or plates, then top with a dollop of coconut cream, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Enjoy!


  2. kronkarp

    Not a good sign if I learn about a basic ingredient in a recipe. Where did giant couscous come from?! And what does it cost, like 5 bucks a pound?

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