This is the quintessential stuffed bell peppers recipe I grew up on, with bell peppers stuffed with seasoned ground beef, rice, and melty cheese, so good! It’s how Mom used to make it, but I’m making it that much better – still the best stuffed peppers out there that bring back memories of childhood. I love you, Mom!


0:00 Stuffed Bell Peppers
0:36 Peppers, Slicing & Coring
2:56 Blanching
4:29 Make the Filling
10:05 Stuff & Bake the Peppers
11:26 Variations
12:54 Taste
13:29 More Recipes

4-6 bell peppers use any color – green, yellow, red, orange
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lb ground beef 450g – you can also use ground turkey, chicken, pork, sausage, tofu, or other similar
1 medium onion chopped
1 jalapeno pepper chopped (optional, for spicy)
5 cloves garlic chopped
14.5 ounces fire roasted tomatoes (canned – or use diced tomatoes or tomato sauce)
1 cup shredded cheese cheddar, mozzarella, or a blend – I LOVE pepperjack for myself
1 tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup cooked rice white, brown, or wild rice
For Garnish. Fresh chopped parsley, red pepper flakes







I had so much fun making this! What other videos would you like to see?


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hey what’s up my friends today we are making classic stuffed peppers classic stuffed peppers are basically bell peppers that are stuffed with a mix of humble ingredients like ground Meats cheese rice and spices uh it’s very easy to make and it’s one that really brings me back to my childhood memories one that I grew up on uh it’s definitely not a spicy recipe but you can definitely spice it up as much as you like to and start to change it up and really use this recipe as sort of a jumping off point so uh I think you’re going to love it as much as as I do so let me show you to make it all right guys let’s make some classic stuffed peppers stuffed bell peppers uh here I have a number of bell peppers and uh bell peppers have no heat um but they do have great flavor and they’re the perfect vessels for stuffing like they’re nice and Hollow on the inside with plenty of room to stuff all sorts of deliciousness and you can use any color bell pepper for this particular recipe uh my mother always made them with green bell peppers and they weren’t quite as exciting as they could be um but I really love to use all the different colored delicious amazing colorful bell peppers so uh all right first thing you want to do here is uh slice off the tops of your peppers like so don’t go too far down cuz you want to leave enough room there and you’ll just remove the insides like this you can do it with your hands or do it with the knife usually it’ll just pop right out like so knock out some of the seeds and if you want to you can kind of like pull out some of the inerts here in this particular case you could use a spoon or a fork and just kind of scrape it out a little bit if you want to this one looks pretty good though knock some seeds out of there uh one quick tip don’t throw these tops away you can see there’s a lot of pepper still on the tops there so a lot of times actually I like to just go ahead and remove the stem and you’ll just discard those innards there you could chop them up and use them in your recipe if you want to um they are edible but I’m just going to use this part got the flesh right here and we’ll just chop that up and later that’s going to go into our overall pepper stuffing mix so we’ll get back to that [Music] there all right I got all my Peppers CED out here set them over and you can see all my uh the stuffing part over here and I got all these tops I mean look at how much uh you know pepper there is still there so the next St just go ahead and chop this up and we’re going to use that again as part of our stuffing ah seeds are flying I got seeds everywhere it’s the Perils of peppers all right I got my Peppers all chopped here so go ahead and move them over to a bowl and then we will blanch our Peppers all right I got some boiling water set up and we’re going to blanch the peppers blanching is an important step when you’re making stuffed bell peppers uh because you really want to soften up those thicker thicker W Peppers so that after you stuff them and bake them they’ll cook through properly they could be a little thick and if you don’t blanch them or possibly roast them a little bit before you stuff them they might not cook all the way through um so we’re going to go ahead and blanch these and really just got some boiling water and I’m going to set it right into the water and we’re going to boil for four or five minutes or so really just to kind of soften these guys up and I’ll do just a couple at a time here but as an alternative you could take these also and put them into the oven and bake them or roast them for just uh a few minutes really just to get them kind of softened up not cooked all the way through but just softened quick tip if your peppers aren’t standing as straight as you want to sometimes they could be a little crooked uh you can slice just a little bit off the bottom to make them little a little bit more even and level just don’t go too far in or you’ll knock a hole in the bottom all right my peppers are all blanched here soften but not too soft and go ahead and set them into a lightly oiled baking dish like so that’s not for you and then we will make I’m not sure about that that wasn’t for you anyway next we will make our stuffing okay so we’re ready to make our stuffed bell peppers stuffing and it’s a little bit like making a chili a lot of simple down home ingredients we’ve got uh peppers and onions and ground beef and some spices and such so uh get your cooking station all set up got a medium size a pan heated to medium heat and we’ll add a bit of olive oil and I have a mediumsized onion chopped and I have our pepper tops so I have quite a bit here you can see and that’s going to add a lot of extra flavor to the stuffing and a jalapeno pepper uh jalapeno pepper is going to add a little bit of spiciness to it um of course you can go hotter I often times like to use Sano Peppers maybe I’ll throw a habanero in there or something for my garden something nice and hot um but really you can keep it nice and Mild if you want to with uh just the bell pepper tops so we’re going to cook this down for a good five 6 minutes maybe to soften up the veggies then we’ll add more flavor all right the veg is cooking down nicely here so next we’ll add some garlic I have uh five or six cloves maybe a little bit more I like a lot of garlic as you already know by now gorgeous garlic so we’ll add it to the pan here and we’ll cook this for about 30 seconds or so until you can smell the gorgeous garlic blooming come on guys and next I have a pound of ground beef and you can use other uh ground Meats for this recipe but I’m using ground beef kind of classic classic stuff peppers like Mom used to make so I’m going to go ahead and break this up in the pan and we’re going to Brown it and uh really cook it mostly down for several minutes really until it’s like pretty much cooked through all right the beef is cooked mostly through here so next we’re going to add our seasonings and you can really vary this up but this is kind of a classic combo here here I have a tablespoon of paprika along with a teaspoon of dried oregano and a teaspoon of dried basil and salt and pepper to taste it’s about a half teaspoon each really to taste and go ahead and mix this in we’re going to cook it for about a minute or so kind of let the flavor bloom a little bit but uh again this is one area where you can change up the seasonings if you want to um a nice Cajun blend would be great in here or some blackening seasoning Creole blend um really any of your preferred flavors but this is kind of a kind of a classic combo all right next we’re going to add fire roasted tomatoes I love fire roasted tomatoes I got a can so about 15 oz fire roasted tomatoes uh you can use just can oops sorry you can use canned tomatoes or tomato sauce uh my mom used to use like a tomato sauce product um I love the extra flavor of the fire roasted delicious and I have a cup of rice cooked rice going to go and mix it all together here and I’m just going to go ahead and simmer this for just a few minutes to let the flavors develop a little bit and you can simmer longer if you want to um it’s going to develop a little bit when you stuff and bake it but it’s really up to you depends on how much time you got but look at that nice and delicious all right while my while my stuffing is simmering here a quick note about the amount of stuffing here uh it’s the amount that you need is really going to depend on the size of your peppers uh my original recipe calls for four good large size bell peppers but as you can see the peppers themselves vary quite a bit in size you got a larger one or this is kind of a smaller pepper um so you can fit anywhere from four good large size bells to six or even eight smaller ones so it really just depends on the size and how much you want to make um the good thing about the stuffing is it actually freezes very nicely and has many other uses sometimes I like to make a big batch and freeze it and then I can take it out and use it in soups or stews or even just to make quick soft Peppers oh don’t forget the hot sauce you know I got to have a little bit for myself um really to your own personal preference you don’t have to go crazy like I do just a little bit just a little bit don’t spice yourself out my uh red Savina m delicious add some heat all right last step of my stuffing step here is I’ll remove from heat here and I have some shredded cheese hey I had a lot more cheese in here what’ you do was it [Music] me Paddy I like cheese all right I got to grate more cheese so I’m going to add maybe about a half a cup or so to this mix here and uh the the type of cheese you can use any kind of a melty cheese usually a lot of people use something like a cheddar cheese but really any melty cheese works great even a mozzarella um here I have a mix of a sharp cheddar and a smoked guda very goua so uh anyway just add about about half a cup or so but you can always add more I mean really you can add more cheese is like boom baby all right so just kind of mix it through let it melt through like so look at that yum all right let’s go ahead and stuff some peppers all right let’s get stuffing you guys uh first thing get your oven set to 425° F or 220c so that we can bake these but uh I’ve got four um sort of smallish to medium siiz Bells blanched and in my baking dish and this is a half batch for this but again sizes vary so then go ahead and just stuff your peppers going to spoon spoon your mixture right into the pods here blanched Peppers you can probably fit more than you realize and be careful not to make a [Music] mess you can Tamp it down if you want to get it nice and stuffed and you can put a little bit of water in the bottom of the pan if you want to just a little for help steaming but I usually don’t need that and next we’re going to top with more cheese like so and this could be as much or little as you want you don’t even have to use cheese if you don’t want to all right topped with cheese and we’ll go ahead and bake for uh anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes really until the cheeses get nice and melty and the peppers are cooked through to your liking and then uh stuffed peppers on the way my friends all right while my stuffed bell peppers are baking let’s talk about variations again this is sort of the quintessential stuffed pepper recipe but there are so many ways you can change it up uh first of all you can change up the types of peppers that you’re using um you can use like larger hatch chilies they’re perfect for stuffing um I’ve grown large sweet Italian types uh that are nice elongated pods with thick walls that are really great for stuffing sort of like boat style so any larger Peppers that have a thicker wall are just ideal for stuffing you can even use Mexican chilies like um poblano peppers for the you know quintessential Mexican stuff pepper Chile Reno deliciousness but you can even use jalapenos I mean it’s just so many different ways like poppers right so uh another thing is you can vary up the meats I’m using ground beef but you can use ground chicken ground turkey choriso one of my favorites man big big flavor right there um you can also vary up the spices different seasonings you can add hotter Peppers to your mix to make it like a nice extra spicy version which is like just like I like it yeah um also different cheeses you can see I use different types of cheeses today but any melty cheese works great and also you can even change the way you cook these Peppers so you don’t have to bake them in the oven you can toss them on the grill you can smoke them uh you can even throw them into a slow cooker and slow cook them for several hours until everything’s nice and soft and delicious so hey many ways to change it up all right check it out my friends got a batch of stuffed bell peppers right here M smells good oh yes would you care for a stuffed bell pepper all right let’s give it a taste stuff peppers I love it about peppers have a very special place in the heart of chili pepper Madness classic stuff Peppers my friends that is how you make delicious classic stuffed peppers uh part of my Classic Series going on here so uh hey I hope you love the recipe as much as I do and if you’re looking for some uh more amazing delicious recipes got a couple popping up right here so check those out please and uh I’d love to hear what you think of the recipe in the comments below and I’d love to hear how you’re going to change it up and make it your own so uh I hope to see you in the kitchen next time Mike from Chili Pepper Madness bye


  1. Those look great Mike. I have a few green bell peppers in the fridge. This may end up what's for dinner Saturday. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Some tasty peppers. You better watch out for that home assistant, might take over for you.

  3. Heck Yeah Brother that is a excellent looking recipe. When I start getting Bell peppers out of the garden I will try it. Thank You GOD Bless You Guys

  4. Interesting. Just like meatloaf, everyone has a different recipe. This looks interesting. I might substitute raw sausage meat. You could also stuff hollowed tomatoes, and eggplant.

  5. Amen to blanching!!! They don't get soft enough if not. I agree that this recipe can be anything you wish it to be flavor wise. It is perfect for summer to use up things for the garden. I like to make this lower carb with cauli rice instead of the real thing as a filler for them. Add in an egg too! I also put cheese in mine. These are great as you can customize to your taste. Thanks for bringing this to my attention to do again.

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