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[Music] Gres D with madira and Cherry sauce packed with protein and absolutely delicious store season rub hot pan the secret here is seaming it on the fat side of the duck breast that will give it a really nice crispy color in the oven 8 to 10 minutes 190° madira sauce hot pan olive oil shots mushrooms season the secret of the madira sauce is keeping it really nice and sweet slightly fruity to help match the richness of the duck madira wine absolutely perfect for making sauces with Rich ging meat reduce chicken stock bring that up to the boil save duck rest out rest that’s what I want all that flavor in there in my sauce cherries cut them in half and then add amader sauce back into the pan lovely butter cool Duck Sauce gressingham duck with madira and Cherry sauce served with caramelized Onie done [Music] normally done with beef but I’m going to do it with chicken this is a really nice light healthy approach to stos and so simple to do chicken breast slice smoked paprika and gives it a really nice Oak Smoky flavor salt pepper rub across the chicken hot pan olive oil the most important part now is just lightly saing the chicken giving it a little bit of color rest vegetables onions Peppers garlic mushrooms the secret here is we’re soting the vegetables off in the same pan as the chicken gently infusing the vegetables white wine reduce chicken stock sour cream chicken sugar snaap peas parsley rest and to finish it off is this little baby here speta basically the Germans pasta it’s light it’s fluffy but more importantly it’s got to be crispy season hot pan olive oil as it hits the pan it puffs up gets nice and Light [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] butter Str off that has to be the perfect stro off smoke paprika chicken strogov with spetz done course pork chop very nutritious low in calories very versatile I’m going to roast it with sage finish it with some braon apple and Rico perfect combination this thick line of fat around the back the most important thing now is just cutting through it and it stops the pork chop from curling up season hot pan olive oil it’s really important to get the Cho and roll it down the back of the pan get the outside layer of fat nice and crispy garlic butter base Sage Sage gets nice and crispy grain Masala that’s going to glaze the pork chop let’s leave that to rest because pork is a very dense meat we’re going to serve braon apple with redico chop leaving the skin on protects the apple and it doesn’t dis grade when it hits the pan [Music] [Applause] ricio olive oil apples in season time and then finally the Rio salad in there side of vinegar and then just finish it off a tablespoon of olive oil and make this wonderful warm soate salad with a side of vinegarette inside take your pork run it through his juices and then just sit that beautiful Chop on there and just cut that with a touch of olive oil that is delicious who said pork boring pan roasted pork chop with a diso braon apples done pigeon breast with a sumon vegetable casserole one of my favorite Birds very lean and very healthy so salt pepper hot pan olive oil pigeon breast skin side down first turn the most exciting thing about cooking pigeons they cook in minutes rest garage for the casserole a nice alternative of potatoes a puff pastry floor on puff pastry cut your holes and then cut them in half half again and so you got this really nice sort of half moon shape egg wash salt th 200° in we’re serving the pigeon cassol with a combination of delicious and summery vegetables smoked Panetta give The Panetta a really nice color garlic joll that looks quite sort of ainal this is a sum part asparagus baby carrots baby leaks blanch [Music] [Applause] beetroot the colors of that beautiful red wine vinegar we’re going to delay that down to a syrup which it starts to coat the vegetables chicken stock taragan broad beans beautiful for the summer the smoked petta has given body to the vegetable casserole but the flavors in there are extraordinary slice the Pigeon in half and you’ll see the color of the pigeon now nice and pink small drizzle of olive oil half P your case on top pigeon with a summer vegetable casserole done ribey this is the new Filip it’s a chef’s Dream It’s got this wonderful casing of fat separating the chain and the riye so as it Cooks this fat just imparts more and more flavor it just melts in your mouth delicious wrap nice and tight set that in the fridge and when I come to cut my portions they’re exact they’re the same size and more importantly I haven’t wasted anything fridge after chokes look they’re nice and firm they got this really nice sort of slay stroke nutty flavor to them this time of year perfect cut off the stalks remove leaves you know when to stop when you start seeing that really nice light colored Leaf inside take your knife and then just peel down through the stalk now that’s your AR choke preps lemon that stops them from oxidizing basically going brown and just cut them in half look at that that’s the beautiful celebration of spring water lemons salt white wine vinegar pepper olive oil watch let the knife do the work and look at that that is beautiful hot pan cooking the ribeye you got to be quick olive oil salt pepper get all that seasoning soaking up now look at that beautiful Garlic Crush Rosemary into the pan that’s the noise you want to hear that sizzling you haven’t got that get it back out of the pan look that color there absolutely phenomenal butter and this is where it starts to take the steak to a different level this butter is really bringing out the texture and the flavor of the meat out onto a plate and just leave it to rest griddle olive oil take out your eyes chokes salt and pepper Into The Griddle pan perfect turn them over hard of chokes off C and that is a dream come true RI eye of beef griddled out chokes done herb roasted rump of lamb for me personally one of my all-time favorite Cuts delicious score and just slice through anchovies rosemary garlic stuff in salt pepper hot pan olive oil what we’re going to do now is color the lamp olive oil Rosemary and chovies hot oven 12 minutes bang absolutely beautiful rest vinegarette balsamic vinegar Rosemary mustard olive oil lemon C carved that is amazing herbs studed Lamb with warm vinegarette done British Rosé Veil a really nice alternative to beef and one of the most underused Meats in the country seasoned hot pan olive [Applause] [Music] oil it’s a very lean meat so they go very dry quickly literally 30 seconds each side rest Masala sauce fresh oil in the pan shots really important to use the same pan we want that flavor from the Vil being sauteed mushrooms season color Masala red juice we’re just rinsing the bottom of the pan out for all that amazing flavor chicken stock boil tomatoes taragan sherille ve sit back in the sauce it just adds that really nice rich sweetness to the flavor of the ve Little Treasure Chest that British Ros Vil rosville with Masala sauce done it’s sculla chicken with s potatoes and red chard one of my favorite all time Birds chicken breast butterfly if this open whole thing Cooks evenly egg wash beet flour season chicken breast dust shake off any excess flour into the egg wash just run it through and then into the breadcrumbs this helps to keep the chicken breast really nice and moist hot pan olive oil into the pan color over that’s what we want rest sauce shalots garlic Tomatoes hot pan olive oil basil sauce mozzarella grated Parmesan olive oil stop it from going Dry Bake 8 minutes look at that beautiful [Applause] it’s sculp of chicken served with saute potatoes and red chard done rabbit is a gamey chicken flavor absolutely delicious butcher we going to take out the liver and that’s a bit of a chef’s treat there then underneath the liver beautiful rabbit kidneys remove legs poach bring up to the ball and just leave them to poach for about 45 minutes remove loin set aside sauce hot pant olive oil shots bacon nice big thick chunks mushrooms thy rabbit is a very mild delicate flavor so we have to think in terms of mild delicate herbs these lay the pan with white wine reduce stock in reduce cream and we’re now starting to form this really nice cafe latte color this is the secret asent a pomy grain mustard parsley just chop through it once in set aside fry rabbit loin take the legs out from the stock add poached legs now look wow the smell is amazing tagy what I’m trying to do is combine the earthiness of the Fret to the sort of classy Rich pasta on non-stick pan this liver is absolutely delicious in to the pan liver kidney season that is fit for a king rabbit freay with tagat Telly done fill it of beef that has to be the ultimate Indulgence when you bite into that it actually melts on your tongue like butter the flavor is phenomenal mushroom Graton chelot Garlic Crush it like that cuz what it does now it releases the flavor but it’s not too strong mushrooms chestnuts just cut into quarters the chestnuts have got that really nice light Woody texture the shiu have got a really nice heavy rich flavor and you got this delicate dainty oyster mushroom that is phenomenal seasoned the garlic that’s it job done take the mushrooms [Applause] out Cream Egg Yolk chives don’t start slicing the thick end there’s no flavor there the chai flavor is at the end there nice oniony [Music] flavor look beautiful that’s it cooking the fet steak going to be a little bit precious with this because it’s a delicacy and it’s not lined with lots of fat color it but don’t Brown it too much otherwise it goes dry touch your salt and pepper in and look at it yes it’s Sumptuous yes it’s expensive but boy is it worth it that it’s perfect be generous parmesan in the oven she goes hotter than 7 [Music] Minutes looks like a meal for six there look beautiful oh my God that has to be the perfect Indulgence I just want to die and [ __ ] off to heaven with my fet steak beef fet with mushroom greton done this has to be one of my favorite Cuts because look you got a double Wham you got two nice eyes of meat and these beautiful little fillets ins side a very lean meat absolutely delicious toasted cumin salt pepper grind and then just rub it into the lamb cumin is a really nice way of bringing out the sweetness of the lamb and then just mop it up stuffing apricots that’s it out pine nuts again these pine have been toasted so we’re just improving the flavor every time salt pepper we’re going to bind that together with a tough of olive oil and it’s a really nice Moroccan feel fruity fresh fragrant stuff goes down into Center there and the smell of those apricots and the toast C is extraordinary get your fets and run alongside the stuffing and just nice and tightly roll that over just look at that wrap Palmer ham you got this really nice marbling of fat running all the way through there that just gives the saddle of lamb so much flavor lamb down you lift that up over and roll pull it nice and tight like we make an amazing big Swiss roll just twist the ends opposite each other in and out in and out if it’s rolled evenly it’s going to cook evenly chill 1 hour unwrap tie a loop around the outside of the the lamb Loop it round and then slide it over the lamb olive oil into the pan salt pepper and the flavor of that cumin now I can actually smell it it’s absolutely amazing hot oven 40 [Applause] [Music] minutes it’s important to leave the lamb to rest so it just starts to relax therefore it becomes a lot more tender remove string carve first one through one slice and look beautiful lamp and it smells so sweet delicious Lamb with apricot and cumin done


  1. Starting to get hungry. Blackberry cobbler sounds alright. After deep-fried catfish, hush puppies, coleslaw and macaroni salad of course. Maybe top of with some Sangria or a twisted ice tea. Mindset at ease. 🍽️🍹🍷🤔👍

  2. olive oil cooked in olive oil with a dash of olive oil to be served on a plate of olive oil with a side of olive oil

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