2 medium zucchini
15 shrimps peeled
2 tablespoons olive oil
¼ cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic peeled & finely chopped
2 teaspoon olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
Salad Base
3 cups Mixed salad leaves/lettuce

Make the dressing
Mix the lemon, oil, mustard and garlic in a bowl. Whisk lightly and set aside.
Cook the zucchini & shrimps
Chop the zucchini into large chunks
Place the zucchini in a bowl and lightly toss the pieces in the olive oil.
Heat a griddle pan or fire up the BBQ.
Cook the zucchini on the pan for about 3 minutes each side until they are lightly charred.
Set the zucchini aside in a bowl.
Cook the prawns on the pan for about 5 minutes, turning them over to ensure that they are cooked.
Add the prawns and salad leaves to the zucchini and pour the dressing in. Lightly toss and serve immediately.

1 Pint strawberries sliced
1 Can Pineapple chunks in 100% juice undrained
1 Can Mandarin orange slices drained
1 Bunch Red grapes cut in half
2 Bananas sliced
1 Box French vanilla instant pudding mix

Pour the juice from the pineapples into a large mixing bowl.
Add the french vanilla pudding mix and whisk to combine until smooth.
Place all of the prepared fruit into the mixing bowl, and toss to combine with the pudding mixture.
Serve immediately or chill for several hours if preferred.
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hi guys it’s Crystal City your homestead so I’ve decided I’m going to do another fruit salad and then dinner too so this one is fruit salad to dye for so we are going to take pineapple chunks and we’re going to open those and then we’re going to drain all the juice in the bottom of the the jar or the bottom of the bowl if I can even talk would’ be great then we’re going to take a box of french vanilla they didn’t have any french vanilla so we’re just using plain vanilla and then we’re going to pour that in there now we need to mix that up until everything is smooth so we don’t want any of those big old chunks left in there I got this because I like pineapple well actually I like everything that’s in it so I guess we’ll be doing good try not to make it as long as the video was yesterday all righty that looks pretty smooth I think all right so now we’re going to put that container of pineapple chunks in there we’re going to put in a can of Mandarin oranges drained we are going to use it says to use a full um a bunch of grapes the this is what I have left so actually I’m not going to cut them in half because they’re very small so we’re going to throw those in there all righty oops there’s one way over there all right now we’re going to take I got all my strawberries um washed up you know I’m really disappointed cuz I found someone there that’s already got whatever on it and you know I don’t they should last longer than two days when you bring them home just saying I mean I just got them home I’m going to cut them in half cuz they’re pretty big pieces I just got them home Monday afternoon they shouldn’t be getting any mold on them already but I did get them three bucks for 2 lbs so I guess maybe they figured we’d have to deal with it right could very well be that salad yesterday was really really good too oops I forgot a grape it says to use a pint so I’m just assuming it would be like to be a pint and then I’m going to take the rest of them that are good and I’m going to chop them up tonight too and I can send them to work with Tom he took some fruit salad with him today then between the three of us and then his lunch today he’ll use it out we used it all up so that’s good cuz fruit salads like that you can’t keep them a long time because actually the color will change in them and yeah like this one says immediately use it or keep it you know chilled for several hours so we’ll use it all up tonight all righty so then we’re going to also take two bananas and we’re going to slice that up in there take off that stuff we don’t need all that someone said if you slice them a little bit bigger that they turn out better in the salad I’m not going to use those last two pieces cuz it’s getting Brown and so I’m slicing them up into just a little bit bigger slices this time I like the bigger chunks anyway that’s fine all right so let me move this off to the side and you know someone else had brought up you know saving the vegetable things I was thinking for broth but you can make a vegetable broth so I will be saving my vegetable ends from now on because I really hadn’t used vegetable broth until the last few weeks and I really do like it so I will be doing that I will be saving vegetable ends and making vegetable broth cuz it is pretty good you know and it’s nice when you’re making a vegetarian meal not to add you know chicken broth or beef broth or whatever that doesn’t make it very vegetarian does it oh you guys this looks really really good oh my some of my favorite fruits are in this one should be really good so let me get a spoon out here I had someone say on my Channel today last one to recommend this one do people really think that we live our lives around people that troll us that way I mean honestly all right so let’s taste it if I didn’t want to be as big as a baron well I already am but you know what I mean I could seriously live off that it’s really good all right so I’ll be back with um another one tonight I’ve never made and tomorrow is another one I’ve never made I hope that you guys like them because I searched and searched and searched to try to find something different and new and um hopefully I’ve done that so I’ll be back tonight for supper all righty now on to dinner so I’m not sure how dinner is going to work tonight so they’re definitely probably will not be Tom showing cuz my appointment’s at 4:40 and it’s almost 4: and his buddy had a heart attack last night so I don’t know if he’s going to go to the hospital and see him or whatever so you might just get my taste test today so we are making e um shrimp and zucchini salad I’ve never made this never even heard of it till today or till I started planning so let’s check it out the first thing we’re going to do is make the dressing so we’re going to do um a/4 cup of lemon juice and I’m sure if you would rather do something that you know um just cover it with regular dressing you could do the same thing if you wanted to and it says two cloves of garlic so we’re going to do a couple [Music] teaspoons and then then we’re going to do 2 tpoon of olive oil might have to get this thing filled back up too all right and then we need um a teaspoon of Dijon mustard well I just haven’t even used it yet so I have to open it one second all all I had bought it for a different recipe actually and never used it so we’re going to use a teaspoon of that and then we’re going to use a half a teaspoon of salt and a half a teaspoon of pepper and then we’re going to whisk that together can’t wait to smell this when it’s whisked oh that smells good smells like lemon and yeah it just smells good all right so now the first thing we need to get ready is we’re going to do two medium zucchinis and actually whoever picked up my groceries did a good job they um picked up two nice zucchinis so it says big chunks so what I’m going to do is do the bigger chunks and then we’re going to cut them I don’t think it says if you cut it in quarters or not but let me see it doesn’t say so I’m going to cut it I think in at least at least half how’s that told you guys I was going to come up with some different kinds of salads I’m sticking to my words I just wanted stuff that sounded really good and that maybe it’s something that we don’t ever cook you know what I mean why not make it something really different so that was the goal this time is just do kind of different stuff I haven’t even figured out what I’m doing for next week on whatever week so I got to get that together I haven’t figured out Sunday’s breakfast yet I tell you it’s just been crazy all righty so now the next thing we need to do is add some olive oil to that and then we’re just going to mix that in together make sure all those pieces get covered now you can do this on the grill you can do it on the stove you can do it wherever you want to I’m going to do mine personally on the stove and we want to get them that’s why I didn’t add any extra oil we want to get them so they’re kind of charred and in the meantime I’ve already cleaned up my shrimp and you know took the skin off and the Tails and all that good stuff so we’re going to get this try to lay it down single so that it can get charred a little bit so it shouldn’t take long I don’t think we don’t want it soggy so yeah I’m going to get these cut up and or I can’t even talk today we’re going get those cooked up and then I’ll be back all right so now we’re going to take all that zucchini out of the pan and put it back into the bowl if you can see I’ve got a good CH on it it says about 3 minutes per side that’s probably about what I did too I didn’t time it but that’s about what it felt like I’m bad with timers unless it’s for canning I take the canning timers very very seriously cuz that’s not a difference in is it going to be [Laughter] crunchy that’s actually a safety precaution all right so now I’m going to put a little bit more olive oil in the pan turn the heat back on and then we’re going to cook those shrimp and it says for about five minutes so that they’re completely cooked that’s about all it takes for shrimp um and then I got some of these little baby tomatoes for 9 cents when I went up there Monday so I grabbed one of those and I got some of those chopped up I’m going to you know that I’m going to change things a little bit that’s just how I work so I’ll be right back as soon as the shrimp is done just got a call from the doctor and she’s running late never fails now you know your shrimp is done when it turns pink now I’m going to do it differently than what they say but I’m going to mix the um zui and the shrimp together I think there was a towel there that would have been very hot there we go so I’m going to let this cool down just a little bit I don’t want it that hot going on top of my salad and then I’ll be right back and we’ll get everything put together all right so now I put about three cups of lettuce in there salad mix and I’m going to throw in the shrimp and zucchini it’s still warm not as hot as it was I mean there’s still steam coming out of it and I’m going to kind of just mix that together I want to get it mixed a little bit before I put the dressing in it isn’t that pretty all right now we’re going to put that dressing in there and then we’re going to get that mixed up in there really good look at that ha I got to take a smell of it oh you guys that smells delightful all right so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to put it on our plates and then I’ve got his bowl for work tomorrow too give them a nice full plate we don’t want that look at that I don’t think Jack will be eating with us tonight cuz there isn’t that much so he might have to do hot dogs and mac and cheese like he usually does so yeah if we don’t have enough I’m going to put the rest of it in his bowl for work tomorrow all right then what my plans were is to make it a little bit different is I’m going to sprinkle it with just a little bit of cheese and remember we’ve got that fruit salad too so it’s not like it’s not going to be enough to eat put a little bit of let a little bit in there and then I’m going to take those tomatoes and put them on top so we can add just a little bit more color to our salad right put the lid on his for lunch tomorrow what do you think so now since he won’t be here to taste test I guess it’s up to me all righty I want to find a piece with everything there’s a shrimp all right I love that dressing one second that is so good you guys um I mean it’s not like your normal like oh my gosh salad it’s really really tasty and yummy um I like it I like it it’s something different and different is always good so um if you can say a prayer for his buddy his buddy’s name is Reed and um that you know he can pull through this and he’s had a couple of rough years he’s had Co a few times and his heart’s gotten bad and yeah um he fell Monday out of bed and smashed his face up went to the hospital for that just got home last night and called Tom so yeah it’s like his oldest friend in the world so if you can say a couple prayers for him that would be great so anyways seems weird not to taste test with Tom doesn’t it I know right so we’ll be back tomorrow hopefully everything will be okay and then it’ll be a new one for me tomorrow too and it’s going to be a good one so this was really good definitely give it a try it was yummy very yummy so you guys have a blessed night be a blessing and bye Tom you’re in Courtney’s car right now you guys have a great night hi Tom hello well I guess you get a taste test from them anyway my doctor hasn’t called yet and his buddy’s wife’s not answering so he doesn’t know if he can get into ICU so I already asked everybody if they’d pray for Reed he’s had a rough year a couple years huh yeah he’s had a rough couple of years yeah something happens to him only you and one other person’s left in your class pretty much dang you’re old me and Joel all right there’s a salad take a bite you got a big piece of that yellow lettuce didn’t you oh no that’s a that’s a shrimp mhm oh you want to make sure you got your shrimp okay got right there too see oh you got two shrimp look at you I forked in the middle I figured it’d be a lot of stuff right [Laughter] there guess what what right yeah how is it is it it’s really good isn’t it mhm I wouldn’t have pictured all that together is good so I want you to give your fruit salad a try okay yes that was a beer what you think about that one that’s really good has pudding in it one yeah got gra too yes the last of the grapes you got the rest of them for work so what do you think so far salad week pretty good yeah mhm awesome so we’re going to let the man get to eat in here you guys have a blessed night be a blessing bye Tom bye Tom


  1. Praying for Tom's friend. I choose a different green veg. Brocolli for instance lol. Looks good both salads. ❤

  2. My fruit salad ❤️ I'm so excited!! Praying for Tom's friend 😢 I bet that shrimp and zucchini salad is awesome. Nice and colorful too. Blessings dear friend ❤

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