İ posted this pizza in another sub and a lot comments are negative. So I’m curious and genuinely asking what looks wrong with my pizza? Btw i made this with rye flour.

by Rainbowdark96


  1. Muppet83

    Unless it’s a Neapolitan canotto style pizza, the crust shouldn’t be that big. Toppings closer to the edge = more toppings which is always a good thing, especially when dealing with a dryer crust.

  2. riddiols

    Looks like it probably tastes good! I personally don’t like that much crust or rye flour but that’s just my personal preference.

    If you thought it was a good pizza then it was a good pizza. I’ve turned out some pretty awful looking pizzas but they still tasted good.

  3. PNW_Forest

    I would brush the crust with garlic butter.

    Ive never had a rye crust pizza before, though theres a finnish pastry that’s made with a rye crust that’s just divine, so I’ll bet it was tasty.

  4. randee-redwood

    Condition commonly known as Crustifus Maximus

  5. Working_Ad8080

    I think it looks great. Some people like a lot of crust. You could also make it like garlic bread.

  6. ohheyhowsitgoin

    I agree, it is too much dough. You could make this same size pizza with half the dough you used.

  7. metbass

    There are a couple things I see.

    Turn the pizza during the bake and the dough was formed too evenly it looks.

    The crust should be a rounded bubbled edge.

  8. CarsonWentzGOAT1

    Looks good just cut down on the crust or at least make the crust even across each portion.

  9. Conscious-Aspect-332

    It looks like my favorite style! I love love a thick crust!

  10. MAINsalad1

    Looks like a frozen pizza with way too much crust. Prob fast just fine tho. Unless you’re actually eating it ppl have to go with what their eyes tell them.

  11. Easy-Protection9096

    Remember that at the end of the day, the crust size is all your preference. If you like it how it is, then it’s perfect for you. I just hate when people on food pages objectively think that your steak must be medium rare or pizza must be minimal crust to be the best it can be. It’s just not true, as it all comes down to taste. 

    With that said, I like to twist the ends of my pizza dough after I have shaped it. That way it gives me a crust area that looks a bit fancy, and I know where to put my toppings and sauce up to. When it cooks, it always leaves a nice crust but not too much. 

  12. Lordpretzelthethird

    This pizza looks amazing , brother !

  13. gffan09

    I don’t think it looks bad at all I think it looks great! Just a lot of crust that’s all

  14. RotatingUppercut

    i think it’s down to taste n preference. i personally love a thick crust pizza, gimme deep pan any day! (and not deep dish, deep pan) but i can understand why many ppl, would say the crust needs to be thinner/more airy. more pleasant for a wider range of tastebuds

  15. BogBabe

    If you thought it was great, then it was great for you! I prefer less crust, and regular non-rye flour, but you do you. My favorite thing about making my own pizza at home is, I get to make it exactly the way I like it. And so should you.

  16. Looks like a personal pan pizza, great job

  17. NateInEC

    Looks yummy !! Never tried a rye flower pizza … good??

  18. ProfBacterio

    I’d eat that tbh. It’s kinda atypical, sure, but looks perfectly fine to me.

  19. BankAdministrative52

    Aw, that’s mean. I think it looks really good.

  20. sheppard147

    Not enough crust /s

    But seriously. That pizza looks hella fine.

  21. It depends on what you like. It looks nice but some people like a lot of crust.

  22. Remarkable-Book-8758

    Crust ratio is too high but I bet it was delicious

  23. girl_on_the_net

    honestly it’s a beautiful pizza it looks delicious

  24. Aromatic-Grass8481

    I mean, I’d eat it, so nothing?

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