Wife is out of town visiting her boyfriend so I made myself a steak

by mdmike1534


  1. Electrical_Change241

    You guys are both getting some meat huh

  2. bornincali65

    Boyfriend here. I’ll let her know you can actually cook when you want to.

  3. Head-of-bread

    that looks great, i think you should invite him over he would be really impressed! After him and your wife work up an appetite you could cook them a very nice dinner.

  4. richardgiver

    Well she’s cooking me one right now, then I’m m serving her some tubesteak

  5. Excellent_Tell5647

    No wonder she wants one, you making leather steaks over here overcooked like that.

  6. 1ReverseesreveR1

    You have disgraced the white community with this steak.

  7. Aaron-Rodgers12-

    At least this guy isn’t a vegan and is honest about his wife getting dicked down. I can respect that.

    Nice steak sir.

  8. AnnualWerewolf9804

    Did she go to her boyfriends to get a decently cooked steak?

  9. Prestigious_Tap_9999

    You cucked yourself twice imo

  10. YifukunaKenko

    You should invite your wife’s boyfriend over. You guys’ taste should be very similar

  11. gokartmozart89

    Well, since you’re into that kind of thing, I’ll let you watch me eat your steak. 

  12. No wonder she’s out of town with her BF

  13. stephen250

    This is acceptable. Not quite r/welldone, though.

  14. BigDrunkLahey

    This steak looks amazing. Fuck the haters in here saying it’s way over cooked. It’s a New York strip it should be cooked medium, you’re just a touch over, but not enough to get all up on a high horse about. Who is out there chewing a rare strip steak?

  15. Coneycrook73

    Yeah she marinated her meat just like you did.

  16. FinallyDidIt_2_11_24

    My guy, you over cucked it.

  17. BeskarHunter

    How brave of you to get the courage to eat something you want for a change. Good on ya mate.

  18. Tinmania

    I’m getting sick of the “my wife’s boyfriend crap” so automatically downloaded without even looking.

  19. ninerz_allllllday_

    Her boyfriend would weep to see what he is missing out on.

  20. PubDefLakersGuy

    Is she Vegan and this is your one opportunity?

  21. Sadrcitysucks

    Not sure if this is a joke,or a cope. But from a guy divorced for 5 years it is totally worth the hardship to be free. I slept on the floor of an empty house with no heat all winter because I couldn’t afford tofix the hvac and she took all the furniture.. but it was Still preferable to being in a shit marriage.  


    I enjoy steaks at this doneness too, looks delish

  23. FishfulDreams

    The difference between the husband and boyfriend. The husband has to cook his own meat. The wife cooks her boyfriends meat.

  24. mutare12

    Boyfriend here– she marinated hers and it comes with some special sauce ,, you’re so kind

  25. Gesture29

    You should be put in prison for that well done steak.

  26. FishfulDreams

    Should have let it rest longer.

    Your wife’s boyfriend is letting her rest.

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