Dive into the flavors of summer with Martha’s best seafood recipes! Learn how to prepare delicious lobster, shrimp, and fish dishes perfect for any summer gathering. Martha Stewart and friends guide you through her favorite recipes, sharing tips and techniques to create mouthwatering seafood.

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Grilled Oysters
1:13 Grilled Clams
2:35 Grilled Lobster
4:58 How to Eat a Lobster
9:15 Stove-Top Clambake
12:03 Grilled Salmon
15:02 Whole Grilled Fish
20:57 Marinated and Grilled Head-On Shrimp
25:04 Grilled Trout Recipe
26:32 Steamed Mussels
32:44 Grilled Shrimp
33:47 Baked Stuffed Clams
40:44 Shrimp Boil
45:01 Cocktail Sauce

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How to Make Martha’s Best Summer Seafood Recipes | How to Make Lobster, Shrimp, and Fish

[Music] we have these beautiful oysters which you brought these are from Island Creek du Island Creek it’s uh duckberry Bay Massachusetts and we go ahead and place those on the grill right on the kind of medium part and notice that Chris is keeping all the oysters on a bit of ice until he uses them and that really does keep them impeccably fresh yes very important with shellfish Martha if you could help me with the garlic butter and then I’m going to add some barbecue sauce to these oysters so one teaspoon garlic minced uh half a cup of softened butter so grilling is really a quick easy fun way to cook isn’t it that’s what I think yes it doesn’t have to be arous and it doesn’t have to be complicated so here’s your garlic butter all right the oysters are starting to get done and you can tell when they’re done is that the oysters start to get the Ruffles around the edges boy look how beautiful and then when we finish them we just put a little bit of bacon on top there oh my gosh building the Lily even more I could eat like 24 it looks like about that they go down easy there’s this great place in the Chelsea Market called The Lobster Place and they sent all these gorgeous clams you can tell it’s an excellent quality clam cuz they’re closed yeah so that’s the most important part about clams are oyers these are Little Neck so this couldn’t be easier this is for the people out there that are a little bit concerned about grilling Seafood we just put them right on the fire this is a casserole pan that it’s grilled ready and we’re going to throw a hunk of butter garlic and then the tomatoes just kind of cook the garlic up a little bit and the clams have a self-timer the liquid inside steams and then it forces the clam open and then we’ll put them in our butter garlic you want to hand me the bread Marth and we’ll go ahead toast that cuz the best part is this liquid that’s cre sing it up oh there’s one opening look at that see how he just opens so fast I mean that’s less than a minute yep now our Garlic’s just been cooked a little bit so I think it’s a good time to add the white wine okay how much like I say like yeah I think that’s good and if for any reason a clam refuses to open then that’s an indication that it’s might not be in great shape and then I’ll go ahead and add a little salt and pepper while they’re oh yum and we finish it up with a little parsley M and there you have it the these look amazing I really wanted to cook grilled lobster and grilled corn from Martha today because I think that Lobster is one of those things that people think is tough to cook and yet it can be so quick and simple makes a huge impression that the guests will be talking about for quite some time so should we start with the lobsters well I actually might get you to do is to combine some water and olive oil and if you could brush the corn for me oh okay why the water I think that it’s nice that you don’t just get a heavy Char it steams the corn at the same time that it’s charring it while you’re doing that I’ve just quickly blanched the lobsters for a minute or two and then we’re going to take the claws off and cut them in half and then I just want a light hint of citrus in with the lobster so I’m actually going to throw them in whole and we’ll Grill the lemons along with the lobster it’s kind of intensify that flavor a little bit I can just get you a douse a little olive oil oh okay some salt is that enough yeah I’ll give this just a quick yeah I’m going to go ahead and get the corn and get the lobsters on the grill how hot is your flame I like to start with a very hot flame and then you can always turn it down later and also with the lobsters I always start with the flesh side down and then we’ll turn them over and basically they’ll roast in their shell we’ll just set these lemons right up the front so these are looking great now do we put anything else on the lobster we do I have some butter and we’re going to add Aleppo chili It’s a sundried chili the whole thing qu qu cup okay that will bubble up and we can go ahead and then just turn that right off give these Tails a quick brush with the Aleppo butter okay this should only take 5 or 6 minutes on the grill some of these are looking great you see it turns opaque and pulls away from the shell you know it’s ready done okay I’m going to put these all into a bowl so that we can toss them together if you can grab the rest of the butter we’ll drizzle that over top M throw some chives for a bit of freshness yum all this pepper yeah and then again we just toss that around yum and these lemons look so good just going to take a couple of cherry tomatoes just finish with a tiny bit of cilantro this is the way to grill a [Applause] lobster that looks awesome man oh here’s the goodness right there may I yes an oint your plate while they’re just cooled a little bit so you can hold them up I always clip off the tips of the claws that’s Nast no it’s not nasty that’s just that’s just the water it’s going to get nastier if you think that’s nasty oh my God wait till he sees the green stuff but if you do this then your plate isn’t going to be soupy you know if you put it on the plate and then you cut the Lobster open it’s always going to drip water so do this ahead of time and you won’t now that’s for you so put that on your plate over there and I’ll do one for me now just don’t don’t start dismembering it yet no no I but uh lobsters used to be so plentiful that um they were they were considered junk food and uh they were people just didn’t even eat them until finally they discovered that they were really delicious and Maine is the largest producer of uh lobsters in the United States uh I think second only to Nova Scotia on the East Coast so here’s my Lobster it’s like a big crawfish yep so here we’ll just move this stuff away cuz it gets a little bit messy so now this is the way I do it okay uh this is one leg so I twist the leg off just twist okay and put that aside Twist Off the other leg gently you don’t even these are almost shedders they’re um soft shells lobsters shed their shells like 40 times in the first year and then a couple times a year after that and they grow um generally what you get in the store is about a pound and a half or pound and a quarter Lobster then you twist off the tail just gently twist okay and pull it out gently so that you get all the meat that’s nasty now if you think that’s nasty just wait it’s not nasty at all it is utterly delicious so you never really have eaten a lobster like this I mean I have pull off all the little legs just pull them off okay just pull all these off pull them off these These are good just to chew on and um and then you take the carpas off the body oh and this green stuff do you have green stuff in yours I haven’t gotten there yet that’s the tamale that’s really good A lot of people love that tamale and a lot of people don’t love it so just put that on your other plate it’s and then yeah you’re doing well yeah just pull this part yeah these are the antenna you can wash your hands after you do this part yeah I’m going to okay okay so now put the shell over here okay and put the body over here there’s a lot of meat in there if you if you look for it and that’s the tamale which you got all messy over here wash your hands okay wash your hands I always keep damp Rags around and then oh here’s the here’s a really good method for getting take your fork like this and put the fork this way under yep right under the top shell of the tail and just pull gently oops and you’ll get the whole tail out look at that the whole tail comes out this twist a little bit you got it see a lot of people struggle with the tail and there’s no reason to struggle at all and just put your shells over there and then you have that and then to get the claws twist the claw this is the claw this is the thumb and twist it from the knuckle and uh it’s a little tough on your fingers and then you can use any number we have every kind of Nutcracker I’m used to The oldfashioned Nutcrackers and these are such soft shells that you really hardly need a nutcracker I’m still stuck at the knuckle oh just okay that’s good okay yeah now take the little Knuckles and you’re going to take one of your little lobster Forks or fish forks and just pull the meat out look at that beautiful knuckle meat a lot of people prefer knuckle meat to all other meat are you going to taste it um okay yeah just take a take that and dip it into the butter all right M now you like that yeah that’s good okay thank heav and then just pull the thumb off crack crack the um the claw itself and you have a beautiful piece of claw meat and there so you that’s the way to eat a lobster first thing we’re going to do is add um garlic so like oh six cloves or garlic peel um uh some on onion white onion cut up very essential some beer my favorite just put that down in there that adds some real good flavor it can be your favorite beer or ale and uh one cup of water and turn that on high and now add some seaweed on top of that wow this is fresh seaweed seaweed uhhuh yeah you got for wiconsin there’s NOA be part but and this is the layering that goes on and then um we’re going to add potatoes one and 12 lbs on top of the seaweed uh just small potatoes cuz these won’t take so long to cook so is that is that important to put the potatoes after the seaweed yes yes on top the seaweed is like a little division between the onions and the garlic and some beautiful cherito uh and this comes from our um oh Spanish and and um Portuguese forbears and one tablespoon of salt just sprinkle that over all of that perfect cover that and then the next thing you’re going to add to this after a few minutes is the lobsters and we’re using three one and a half pound lobsters wow but we have them already in here look how beautiful wow the timing is all in the recipe you will not have any trouble so these are these are getting cooked here I’ll show you what they look like so gorgeous holy cow look beautiful lobst on top of the potatoes and and the Chito and the onions now add your clams and fresh your corn right on top of the lobsters sorry lobsters they’re already gone don’t worry and 36 or so little neck clams well washed clean put that in here and steam that for about 6 minutes then we’re going to add muscles and shrimp and you’re going to have what we see right here this amazingly beautiful holy cow uh stove top so is this the bake this is the CL bake okay so this whole time done and here’s some here’s some beautiful this is the broth the cook down broth from the pan and we’re just going to put that into some dipping dishes so you can dip your corn and your Lobster meat and your clams right into this liquid if you were serving this in big shallow dishes uh for everyone to eat you could put it right on the plate so here’s two little pieces of salmon this is for two people salt and pepper both sides of the salmon I like I like salt and peppers so um I just put it all over and uh and a little bit of salt and the grill pan I have a seasoned grill pan um heating up right here and the bok choy is cut in half this is a whole bok choy just like that and this too just um sprinkled with a little bit bit of olive oil on the cut side and salt and pepper and a little tiny bit of oil too on your salmon because you don’t want it to um stick to the pan and then just get that right on the pan and you’re going to turn this over in four minutes and the same with the bok choy salt pepper these Grill pans are great for healthy cooking uh no deep frying no um frying in a in a lot of oil this tiny bit of oil just adds flavor and keeps the U vegetable from sticking on the gr griddle very nice our salmon on the other griddle is almost done but look how pretty this is It’s just so lovely and this gets soft and uh delicious and here we have have you made have any of you made um uh the food in the magazine oh yeah yes everything oh you have good and I heard that Karen has kept uh the two of you very very organized oh yes Karen is the Martha Steward of our group of friends oh really so for the salsa I’m making one naval orange which has been uh Supreme you can see you can get those nice segments out of it a half of an avocado uh cut up a little tiny bit of toasted sesame oil just like a quarter of a teaspoon gives a lot of good flavor and not a lot of oil 1 tbspoon of finely chopped Red Onion a tablespoon of cilantro leaves a teaspoon of fresh lime juice and a little bit of salt and pepper and you have a a very tasty salsa so um you can make this for a salad too it’s really really tasty make it two or three times this and here’s your salmon oh I think this looks so good comes right off the and we don’t have the bok choy it’s not done yet so I can’t show you how it looks with the bok choy on the plate but look how pretty this is and just a nice generous helping of this oh I I want this is what I want for lunch oh and I I tried the plan I didn’t quite make it over the weekend I don’t know what’s wrong with me but almost the essence of Grease right here okay you grilled whole fish little lemon olive oil and oregano and then we’re going to have serve it with a side dish of some braze blackeyed peas done La style when I saw blackeyed peas are there blackeyed peas in GRE very much so and and oh I’ve never seen okra yes I know okra but that would be there but I didn’t know that blackeyed Peas I love okra I remember that yes want do the fish okay let’s do the fish what we’re going to do is we’re going to score the fish first so it’ll make it easy to filet after you grill it right just shallow till you feel the bone like you’re going to fet all right we’re going to go to the Bone here go to the tail and then turn it to the side and we’re going to run however you feel comfortable along the dorsal fin which is the backbone there just as we would nice sharp yeah just as we would if we were going to Ft it okay repeat that on the same side on the other side rather same way and if you do it you know any other way it doesn’t have to be in that sequence of order so why are you doing this so that when we’re done and we finish grilling it it’s going to be that much easier to fillet oh I see okay so you go on both sides of the back both sides yes and then from here your next going to do a little brush so this has been cleaned Bo what a beautiful fresh fish isn’t that lovely you get them imported directly from gree is this from the Mediterranean yes it’s a Mediterranean SE Bass the Greeks call it laki you may know it as the Italian bronzino um and also we’re going to brush this I have my new Greek cuisine oxra virgin olive oil that we’re putting on here well this so good so this is your own this is my own I just started imported that oh how great from which town this is from the pelones region Laconia Laconia near near camata exactly and I was just there I went to go meet the Growers it’s a Cooperative of six different Growers and it’s just a fantastic consistent olive oil um and it has a PGI which means a protected geog rical indication which you know is indicates it’s just from that particular region there’s no hanky panky taking I went to the to the vineyard The Vineyards the olive Groves there and I went to a olive oil factory fantastic it’s amazing so we’re going to do two ways we’re going to do one where we’re going to place it directly on the grill okay okay and I always do like this little thing where I go back and forth just to make sure it’s lo you know not going to stick not going to stick the other thing that you want to do is just treat your grill the other thing we do is you right this I love because this really does hold the fish and if you’re going to cook it Outdoors over the coals put it right into there this really your fish right pull that thing back place it in now if oop now if you can imagine that’s a funny thing if you had um Open Flame and you plac this on an open flame you want to stop you want to do something you want to move it around a little bit look how easy that is yes you take that into the kitchen with yourself too and then we’re also going to do the little Emulsion this is an Emulsion that we’re going to put on top of the fish okay what is that this is lemon olive oil in here we start with a little bit of lemon juice and mustard we put a pinch of salt and then we’re going to do is create what we call in fancy language emulsification this is very high-tech too here so you have a variable speed here which is very lovely and then we just slowly add that it’s going to get nice and creamy oh so you’re making almost a mayonnaise sort of like that exactly we want to suspend the oregano would you mind putting a pinch in there for me please okay that’s great get to that so it’s going to start to get thick it’s going to get thick take this lovely fish ooo unbelievable so beautiful see that so that’s for me this is this whole one’s going to be for you okay A little bit of that lemon Emulsion which is quite lovely how how much do you want to cook the spinach all the way down just until it wilts into the beans yes thank you so that would be number one okay and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to see if we can break this down for you so you can get a general idea I’m just going to make a little bit of space here I’ll put my little dish right here we removed the head and the tail M and then we just follow the bone here I don’t know if you guys can see that see how easy that comes apart so easy now that is the reason for that is because of the scoring okay then what we do is pick up that Center bone discard all that there’s a little bone at the bottom you’re never really going to get it to where it’s this is my favorite part completely boneless you know there’s always going to be a little bit what normally we do is inside the rib cage here to some bone sticking up just take those that’s the best M I’m actually going to Ser I was going to serve that on the plate what do you think the head yeah yeah is that okay that all right you ready I cannot keep from eating them okay so we’re going to go down the middle here separate the fillets all right and you have waiters who are expert at doing this yes you know what we do I taught my food runners we do we debone everything in the kitchen lay that out the collar bone I keep the collar bone on that’s another nice piece see the collar bone stays right there okay lots of Bones little bit of Bones putting together like that put your head the tail and that beautiful sauce a little bit of sauce these gigantic head-on SHP are very delicious when marinated and grilled and they make a very impressive presentation however you don’t have to use shrimp this large this recipe would work just as well with any uh large or extra large shrimp grilling is easy I’ll show you how first we clean the shrimp and to clean a shrimp with the shell on we cut down the back of the shrimp with a sharp knife just through the shell and then open it up a little bit and take out the intestinal tract that’s really what this is down the back so rins them well in cold water and put them in one layer in a glass dish we’re going to now prepare the marinade and leave these overnight for the marinade lemongrass this is a really U delicious marinade with a very lovely flavor use the white part of the lemongrass it’s quite tough and so use a good sharp knife to cut it into slices and these slices will flavor the marinade so here’s your lemongrass some coriander seeds a teaspoon of coriander seeds three or four dried red chilies some slices of lime approximately a half a lime sliced and some cloves of garlic and you can just smash them you can hear them break and you smash them like that and put that right into and then a half a cup of vegetable oil and then pour this all over the shrimp cover with some plastic wrap and marinate overnight and here are the marinated shrimp they smell excellent generous sprinkling of pepper and salt the skewers I have soaked in water it prevents the skewers from burning if you do that and then just skewer right from the head to the tail like that and put them right on the hot part of your grill the straight skewer is very good because it does prevent them from curling up if you put this on without a skewer the shrimp would curl up into a little round so pretty these should take just a few minutes 3 to four minutes to grill through now of course I’m doing this on an indoor griddle pan but you can uh do this on an outdoor grill just don’t Char these to death because they’ll cook too fast and they will be really dry if you overcook them so there they are looking very good oh look at the great color they’re turning and Grilling or broiling shrimp is very easy because unlike some shelfish shrimp never stick to the grill especially when you have uh the Shelf intact as we do and grilling shrimp in their shells like this keeps them moist and tender 8 minutes perfectly done 4 minutes per side and there is and serve them hot with a squeeze of fresh lime juice serve with a frosty Margarita your guests are going to love them I’m going to Salt and Pepper the f so you’re seasoning the FL and you’re going to start in your pan with canola oil and we’ve already started these they’ve gone about 4 minutes I’m just going to flip them over so flesh side down first flesh side down first cuz that’s our serving side so I’m just going to flip these over look how beautiful and golden they are yes and we’re just going to let these finish cooking for a couple more minutes okay this is and the sauce could be easier it’s just roasting a little bit of almonds so I’m going to cleaning my pan a little bit right add a little bit more oil okay so could you add olive oil at this point um I like using the neutral oil but you could use olive oil and sauce you’re just going to roast your um your nuts first oh first oh the nuts excuse me and if when you’re using almonds make sure that you use almonds with the skin because that’s where all those great flavonoids are yeah so don’t throw yeah don’t get the blanch on don’t get the blanch for cooking I’m just finishing up the salad here all right so and then after those almonds start roasting and you know you can smell them and you can see them you’re going to take the pan off the heat and add all of your citrus zest and Juice yummy and then finish it with the parsley and then all it has to do is get poured over your fillets our wonderful wonderful platter again I mean this meal is made in under 10 minutes it is so good actually in about 5.34 minutes probably I think we set a new record today and this is so amazing no reason not to treat your families to really great healthy steing a pot of shellfish muscles clams is actually quite simple and very quick make sure when buying shellfish that they are unbroken tightly shut or if they’re slightly open that they snap shut when tapped like that uh if they don’t close they’re not alive they’re not fresh and of course avoid anything with a strong odor cleaning the shelfish is the first and most important thing uh to do when preparing uh a steam shellfish like these muscles that I’m going to show you how to make they do have every now and then a beard I use a little peing knife like this to pull that beard out of the shell I remember cleaning the muscles from Burying Hill beach in Westport Connecticut uh quite a chore they were always uh just full of barnacles and other things but they were delicious muscles and we love to go there at low tide and collect a great big basket of muscles which we will then steam just like we’re going to do right now so now you can shuck muscles you can deep fry them uh but today we’re talking about steaming so we’re going to steam these look how nice and glistening the shells are dark black shells and the equipment and the ingredients that you need for this wonderful steamed muscles with saffron the muscles of course some parsley garlic saffron some butter salt pepper tomato and shallot and some white wine and a flat bottomed pan like this with a tight fitting lid that’s all you need and just a few minutes to cook so I have all my ingredients in front of me the muscles the saffron and the wine oh by the way saffron is not soluble in fat uh so it won’t release its color or flavor if added directly to the melted butter that we’re going to uh be Heating in a second so soften and Infuse the white wine 3/4 of a cup with the saffron threads see the white wine now watch what happens when I add the saffron it’s already becoming a nice orangey color and I’m going to melt 2 tablespoons of butter in our pan add to that sliced garlic of two um cloves of sliced garlic I’m using a mandolin now watch your fingers when you do this I’m going to hold this with a little piece of paper towel don’t slice the paper towel look what you get isn’t that beautiful I just love that it’s so Exquisite and then the shallots too can be done just like that and the thinner they are the quicker they cook I always start with the shallots rather than with the garlic we don’t want the garlic to get any color at all see what’s happening nice thin slivers of Shallot there and add the garlic you don’t have to have garlic with the muscles this recipe is very tasty with it and now some roughly chopped tomatoes but make sure you take the stem end out you don’t want that to end up in your dish and you don’t have to seed or peel these I find using a sharp serrated knife works very very well so just a coarse dice get your tomatoes in there now can you see the color of the saffron wine I love that the color comes out like that make sure you get every thread in and again what’s in the pot is also a fantastic color saffron and shellfish just a wonderful combination now the shells themselves are Little Steamer baskets holding those muscles very nicely we’re going to put the cover on turn the heat up to high and I Shake while it Cooks it’s going to take just five to six minutes to uh cook the muscles you can stir once or twice I can see the shells just starting to crack open and did you know that muscles have more iron and vitamin B12 than beef an interesting fact and also most muscles now that you buy are farm raised sustainably in Maine and uh in Northern California and uh they are very delicious and it’s nice not to have to do so much scrubbing but if if you’re going to pick muscles in the wild make sure you do so in approved areas and here we go they are done sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley leaves and a little bit of black pepper sprinkled on top and a little bit of course Salt and they’re ready to serve I just love muscles and I love cooking like this serve them with their broth and nice shallow wide bowls and if per chance a muscle has not opened just leave it don’t try to eat it and I want to show you one very nice way to eat muscles before Oh look how gorgeous what a beautiful plate see how plump Not shrunken if you’ve overcooked it that muscle will be a tiny little thing in the Shell now pull out the muscle with your little butterfly pincers so delicious and here you have really delicious muscles and now we’re going to do shrimp yes so you want them peel from between head and tail yes okay and a slight slit down the back so we’re putting a little sesame oil on the outside that helps prevent sticking and then a little salt and pepper for me I like to cook shrimp quick and hot okay we usually say like 2 to 3 minutes aside oh boy once the shrimp are done we’re going to put them in the bowl and we have a collection of Southeast Asian flavors that’ll go on it I think testing for dness is an incredibly important part of grilling with shrimp and seafood in general is when it Cooks it becomes opaque and when it’s raw it’s translucent these are Big flavors so we want to be a little careful so this is the fish sauce this is a classic yeah oh that’s very strong very fishy lime juice okay okay lemongrass garlic hot chilies fresh ginger cilantro mint curry powder should I toss yeah yeah that’d be great here’s a plate okay oh look at that that’s beautiful to finish it up a little Thai Basil Chris this looks amazing baked stuffed clams so delicious they came out of the shellfish fat of the early 20th century when just about every restaurant had a baked shellfish recipe on the menu well while there are variations on the filling ingredients of this Steakhouse favorite One Thing Remains the Same the clams need to be well scrubbed and removed from their shells and these are called top neck clams somewhere between a little neck and a Cherry Stone notice they’re just about the size of my palm perfect size for stuffing you can also do the great big quah Hogs if you have them in a big pan add two tablespoons of olive oil and one small red onion has been peeled and chopped we’re going to steam the clams so that they steam open without overcooking the clams and with the red onion about oh four or five cloves of garlic peeled so as soon as that’s cooked just a little tiny bit we’re going to add our clams so we’ll put these in and I have them on Ice very important once you bring these home to keep them icy icy cold without freezing them and they are scrubbed they are clean if they have any vestages of sand you can also soak them in a bucket of Acy water for an hour or two and one cup of dry white wine it can be the leftover wine from last night but it should be a good wine cover let them steam it’s going to take about 8 minutes for these top necks and anywhere between 5 and 6 minutes for little necks or or cherry Stones so now it’s time to start the stuffing this is two cloves of garlic finally minced and a half of a white onion and just two tablespoons of olive oil cook that until it’s translucent and now let’s check the clams it’s been just about 8 minutes oh they are opened now remove the clams to a tray oh look how beautiful that is that is a plump and gorgeous clam now if a clam has not open per chance leave it throw it away discard it now this beautiful liquid um which is full of little bits and pieces strain and you will be using a little bit of that liquid so now the stuffing itself 4 tablespoons of butter this is room temperature butter nice and soft and we want to Stir It Up in the big bowl and add fresh breadcrumbs this is a cup of fresh breadcrumbs and stir this around and almond flour a half a cup of almond flour this is a surprising ingredient but it tastes really good now if you can’t find almond flour you could use BL Ed almonds and grind them up really really fine in the food processor and there are herbs tablespoon of Dill half a teaspoon of dried rosemary and one teaspoon of thyme leaves and look half a cup of finely chopped parsley leaves and add some salt and pepper so now try to remove all the clams from the shells you can use a little clam knife if you you have one take your knife and just release it if there is a little muscle left in the Shell scrape that right out now Reserve eight of these beautiful clams for stuffing that’s 16 halves so now the onion mixture is ready to put into the stuffing stir that in so that’s the base for the stuffing and now we have to chop up the clamp save this juice this is all nectar of the clam so good and now break each clam in half twist if you have to but if there’s a little broken piece of clam like this make sure you discard it you don’t want that so now the shells are ready I’m going to chop the clams and you want a rough chop you don’t want it too fine get them into like half inch pieces is good enough we’re not going to mix this into the stuffing we’re going to put these in the shells and then top with the stuffing mixture this way you’re going to have real pieces of clams so each shell will get at least a whole clam back into it but now chopped some people don’t even take the clam out they just put the topping on the whole clam in the Shell um you can do that but it’s a little harder to eat you are going to love this recipe let’s see one last little bit that one could use it so here you have your 16 clam halves and we’re ready to put the stuffing topping on but it is a little tiny bit dry so you’re going to add maybe four five six tablespoons of the clam steaming liqu liquid just holds it together looks good so use a spoon and best way I think is right over the bowls in case it falls so scrape it like that idea is to cover the clams with the beautiful filling perfect stuffed clam now the oven is preheated to 350° get these right into the oven and bake for oh approximately 25 minutes here they are they look so good and I just happen to find at the fishmonger some beautiful seaweed the clams can be placed right on the seaweed you can serve these with wedges of fresh lemon little cocktail Fork would be great or a little salad fork very nice so there doesn’t that look great once you taste these you’re going to say they’re the best baked stuffed clams you’ve ever tasted and they certainly are one of my all-time favorite appetizers enjoy shrimp oils are very popular in southern cooking and make for a delicious one pot meal shrimp boils are really indigenous to the low country of South Carolina whereas crayfish or crawfish are a Louisiana specialty but we’re going to do a shrimp oil today since that’s the subject of our our uh show and uh we have to make a fragrant kind of broth first some lemons and squeeze in two lemons into 5 quarts of boiling water and just add the peels too want the flavorful flavorful boiling liquid if you can possibly get it oh four cloves of garlic peeled and smashed two medium or large onions peeled and put right into the water and uh just bring it to a simmer so the key to this authentic and delicious shrimp oil is to create a spicy Brew in which to cook the shrimp you can buy some really great combinations of spices and just dump them in here but if you want to make your own here is a good way to start um we’re going to start with a tablespoon of red pepper I’m making a cheesecloth bundle and uh we have a tablespoon of mustard seeds a couple bay leaves crushed they’ll uh they’ll equal about a tablespoon and uh six whole all spice berries 3 tablespoons of coriander seeds and one tablespoon of Dill seed now that’ll give you a nice fragrant mix and if you like you can sort of crush all this a little bit with a big fat rolling pin okay I think that will be a fragrant mix tie this like this to seal in all those spices and then secure it with a piece of twine and drop it into the water so now we’re ready to start cooking 3 lbs of small potatoes little potatoes all those spices and the onions and the lemon will Infuse the water now bring this to a boil reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer for 10 minutes so I am shucking some corn about eight or 10 ears are good and we’re going to put that right into a very fragrant potato boil um they’ve been cooking for 10 minutes take a peak of very nice yum I get as much of the silk off the corn as you can and just break it in half and the corn has to go in now for 5 minutes and I’ll bring that up to a boil again and boil partially covered for 5 minutes I’m melting some butter and just mixing it simply with my favorite hot sauce look at the great color that corn has becoming butter and sugar corn and now add add your shrimp 3 lbs tails on shells on and make sure they get submerged in the broth very important cover again partially and I think our butter is melted yes we’ll make two ramkin of the spicy butter that smells really good so now our shrimp oil is done and I am straining some of this broth through a fine SI and it’s nice to serve that too in ramkin around the shrimp boil itself during the 1920s the dec ative prohibition cocktail appetizers such as shrimp cocktail fruit cocktail uh were extremely popular appetizers were served in cocktail glasses originally meant to hold alcoholic beverages cocktail sauce for shrimp was made with ketchup horseradish lemon juice and a little hot sauce and it became the perfect pairing for shrimp or other fresh seafood and uh I love homemade cocktail sauce uh you can open a jar of horseradish and some ketchup and uh mix your own that way but if you happen to find this is a whole root of horseradish um try making fresh horseradish cocktail sauce and this is what you’ll grate you must peel it before you start to grate it now my mom always sent us outdoors with a box grater and a big hunk of horseradish root to cry in the garden as we graded and cry you do because it is really kind of strong and it is best to grate It Outdoors but on a box grader was a lot harder than on one of these fabulous wood rasp type graders this really works extremely well and just gr like this it makes nice fine uh pieces of horseradish see how quickly it does grate now put the horseradish right into a bowl and just dampen it with white wine vinegar I’m going to need a little bit more horseradish than this and this takes as you can see a little while there perfect so get that into the vinegar and this will’ll just dump right into your ketchup so 3/4 of a cup of ketchup approximately a half a cup of vinegary horseradish and does that smell good really really delicious and you can buy horseradish Roots you don’t have to to grow them lemon juice just half a lemon is fine now you’ll need some salt for those of you who like sugar you might want to add like A4 of a teaspoon of sugar and as much hot sauce as you want and use your favorite h now I think that’s cocktail sauce yummy now spoon that into your pretty little bowl that’s set in ice crushed ice in which are perfectly cooked and peeled and devain shrimp with the tails on are standing fit for any starter for your next party people will adore it


  1. Grilling or campfire cooking is something everyone should know. It's truly a basic necessity.

  2. Wonderful, Hubby and I will watch this later, he was wondering how to do clams, very simple ❤😊

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