Greek salad is incredibly simple, quick and easy to prepare. In Greece this known as horiatiki, which translates as village salad. Ingredients in a Greek salad are very simple – tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, olives and feta cheese. Maybe green bell pepper, never lettuce. It’s just what you want on a hot summer’s day.

The written recipe for Greek salad is here:

#keefcooks #teamgastronaut


greetings gastronauts this is Keith Cooks I’m Keith and today it’s summer yay so I’m not going to do a pie or a stew or anything silly like that I’m going to make a proper summer dish I’m going to make Greek salad oh [Music] yeah so guess what in Greece they don’t call it Greek salad they call it horiatiki horti uh which means Village salad and um but the story goes it really isn’t your traditional Village salad that would be just tomato and cucumber but the price of that in cafes was controlled by the government in the olden days before the tourist boom happened in the 60s and70s so Cafe owners and restaurant owners wanted to make more money from their salads obviously they added things like Feta cheese olives green bell peppers Etc um actually not too much Etc so it’s an incredibly simple dish and this could turn out to be my shortest video ever we’ll see anyway if you enjoy it give a like share subscribe Etc and let’s get on with it Greek salad mhm okay I’m not claiming this is a authentic Greek salad but I think it’s pretty close so there’s no lettuce ever in Greece in a Greek salad but I am going to make a kind of vinegrette dressing including red wine which in Greece they wouldn’t do they would just use olive oil and also I’ve got the wrong kind of Olives I was trying really hard to get camata olives which are you know very dark purple almost black and uh went to four places and drew a blank so I’ve got these green I don’t even know what they are but they’ve got Pips in and that stops them collapsing so I’ve got 150 g of not calam mat olives we’ve got 200 g of fetter cheese green bell pepper again this is possibly contentious does it or does it not include a bell pepper but um I’ve got one so I’m using it a cucumber and four nice big juicy Tomatoes a small red onion a clove of garlic a teaspoon of oregano 3 tbspoon of red wine vinegar and 6 tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin olive oil also a teaspoon of Capers feta cheese is um it’s a European protected Geographic indicator it can only make feta cheese and call it that in Greece um so this was made in Greece according to tesos and uh they they do also have feta cheese which is not made in grease and they call that salad cheese and um yeah anyway it’s it’s quite mild it’s very salty so I’m not going to add any salt to anything cuz it won’t need it also the olives are salty all right I’m going to make the dressing first so I want to peel the garlic clove and mincy fire we going add 3 tbspoon of red wine vinegar and six of IU and I know it’s not it’s not Greek but going to get it one 2 3 4 five six and a teaspoon of oregano okay pop the lid on give it a re good Shake now in grease your cheese might might be served as the entire block like that but um here in the UK we’re more used to it being chopped into cubes and crumbled so I’m going to compromise and cut it into small blocks and I’m not exactly going to marinate it but I want them to have you know a coating of olive oil and oregano just to make them look nice and taste nice and set those aside and and chop things up now one thing about cucumbers is they are mostly water so what you want to do and especially this seedy bit down the middle so just cut it in half and use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and then you can cut that into dice CH it in the bowl and the rest of it [Music] slice the bell pepper actually I don’t I don’t want to use all that cuz the flavor of this is um pretty strong so I think I’ll I’ll just use about half of it nice and crunchy though I put the olives in and cut the tomatoes into chunks I was hoping our uh Greenhouse would have produced some delicious ones of our own there’s not much atoning in there right now so even though you know we do have some tomato plants they’re just not doing it whack those in so I’ve got three tomatoes in there I don’t think I’ll add anymore and peel and slice the onion so they’re quite thin slices and then should cut the half Moons into quarter moons and pop them in Chuck the dressing in mix it again get everything Co Ed then we’ll serve it up and add the cheese and the Capers separately almost as like a garnish that’s it Greek salad yay here we go then incredibly simple incredibly tasty and Incredibly summery Greek [Music] salad oh yeah that’ll do and serve it with some nice bread to soak up all juices in the bottom of the bowl fantastic I’m going to take that outside and eat it in the sunshine so thanks for watching and see you next time [Music]


  1. Ey up Keef. Blimey, that Greek salad looks smashing! As a pie enthusiast, I'm usually all about a good meat 'n' tatty pie, but I can see the appeal of a proper fresh salad like this on a warm day. Those tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onions with a bit o' feta cheese sounds like a right treat. Might even give this horiatiki a go meself – but don't worry, I'll still be savin' room for a proper slice o' pie after!

  2. It looks nice and refreshing. I don't take enough time preparing a salad. This looks easy and tasty. Nice one, Keef.

  3. Mmmm, one of my favourites! I love to make that. I'll also add some cooked pasta sometimes and take it to work for an easy lunch. BTW, that basil looks amazing! I hope to see you use some in an upcoming video.

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