what’s up got some steak water for the mac and cheese and I’m think I’m doing some rice with the steak on yeah got some cheese to put with the steak and I’m going to go get the bell peppers and onions baby but dump them on in there [Music] come on wait a minute I’ll be right back there you go this should be getting warm cuz I got it on over there okay what you doing boy okay yeah steak bell peppers and onions that’s good to me let’s put some uh if I can get it open Okay pink salt I like pink salt put some piz salt in there too get up there let’s see if I can get this U garlic garlic powder off by myself uhhuh I’m using my mouth yeah should be good enough for that see if I can get back the lid back on y boy can you say I’m just kidding what are you watching I don’t know what that is he’s watching some kind of thing cheese cheese Kobe cheese I bought this I bought I bought that stuff about 3 days ago and I haven’t opened it yet tonight I’m going to open it do I have any do do I have any taco shells or fajitas shells oh it be helping if I turn it on to about five let it cook a little bit something kind of thing do I want them to do this Spanish rice with it or not I have other I have other rice up here but I got this rice which I probably have to boil mesin rice maybe I should do the mekin rice let me see how you cook this something water water water vegetable oil cool I might do this mexan rice other than this uh Spanish style Spanish style or mekin bejitas is mekin Spanish style n I ain’t doing this finish though I do this the Michigan style where it’s some macaroni and cheese for a for a little for a little boy in there we got on yeah screw ah guess what I found guess what I found what yes sneak hey sneakies is that a sneaker what is that that’s a resear you CD you’re racist it’s AAC I’m not racist I like black people I like I like all sorts of people I like you like my m your mama’s cool she’s not she she’s a nice woman she’s a good Mama she’s nice and yeah cooking cooking cooking I know what y’all thinking it’s 2:30 it’s 2:34 in the afternoon and you’re cooking I haven’t ate lunch yet and I’m hungry well haven’t ate nothing yet and I’m hungry oh he woke me up at 6:00 this morning and uh I woke up we played some games and everything and yeah I just haven’t ate yet I haven’t been hungry now my stomach’s growling and he said he he he said he was hungry and he wanted some macaroni and cheese and I said okay I don’t want macaroni and cheese so I’m so I got the beita stuff going and see like it’s taking forever to get this water to Boiling on this eye right here maybe I should move it over to this eye and put on eight turn this off well look at that eye thate is small that’s a big p that’s a big pandel yeah I’m going to be cooking well subscribe and hit that subscribe button and if you want to I don’t know

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