Waitress said because this is lamb, it’s always gonna be a little pink. Buuuut it looks and feels like raw ground meat. Is this what a normal lamb burger looks like?

by Hookandcook69


  1. RamblinGooner24

    Looks like it waved at the pan on its way by

  2. Beatle_Bailey44

    No that looks raw still. Would not eat but I know people who eat burgers bleu

  3. emelem66

    Looks like they just put a raw patty on a bun.

  4. MacWalden

    ….servers, don’t argue just go back and remake the food

  5. DingoSpecialist6584

    Um yeah that ain’t right. Take it from an Aussie who loves and mainly eats lamb that’s shithouse.

  6. abnormalandfunny

    Tell her to eat it then… Yeah, that’s borderline cannibal style, and I’ll eat meat on the rarer side, but that’s still grazing right there.

  7. MrFerret888

    She’s right. Any parasites in there are safe

  8. wgraf504

    It’s probably safe, but it’s very rare. If you want it cooked more, the server shouldn’t argue with you.

  9. douche-factor

    Lamb can be prepared the same as beef. Reddit kids are dumb af.

  10. showmethenoods

    It’s probably safe, but I’m not taking the waitress’s word for it. Send it back

  11. JoeMillersHat

    I don’t think that word means what she thinks it means.

  12. ADrenalinnjunky

    That bun looks dry as hell, and those onions are thicc

  13. TxGuy4fun123

    This shit reminds me of The Cowboy Way … just knock it’s horns off , wipe it’s nasty ass , and chunk it right here on this plate 😂 that’s looks like you could roll it back up make a patty and re cook.

  14. Briansunite

    Lamb is usually more rare but idk pic isn’t that great

  15. LazyOldCat

    Lamb burger? That’s how I’d order mine and I’d tip $10 for actually getting it that way. Hope it was awesome! The ungrilled bun is disappointing tho.

  16. captmorg82

    It’s a cannibal sandwich…..sandwich….with lamb

  17. Perpetual_Nuisance

    1. That’s raw.
    2. Cooking burgers raw or medium or whatever doesn’t make sense (if you understand the purpose of eating meat to a degree of rawness and what grounding meat does).
    3. Did you order it bloody raw?

  18. Family-Faith-Freedom

    I’d walk right out and go to Jack in the box. All they’ll do is put it in the microwave.

  19. ilostmygps

    OP hasn’t responded because they ded

  20. TheInternetIsTrue

    I wouldn’t eat it. I think lamb is supposed to hit 145F and that definitely didn’t hit 145F…Maybe 110 😂

  21. gstshane

    Unless sous vide right, helllllllllll no

  22. Str0ntiumD0ggo

    Unless you’ve freshly ground your own beef/lamb steak, all ground meat products should be cooked through thoroughly. No exception.

    If I’m eating at a restraunt that grinds the steak fresh for your burger, they will still treat it as a steak and ask you how you want your burger cooked. If they haven’t asked you this and your food turns up pink or worse, then they just don’t have a clue what they are doing, and it must be returned to the kitchen.

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