NY Style Pizza…. I’m sure it won’t be NY Style enough for people

by michaelcola


  1. hannibalsmommy

    This is literal perfection. I could eat like 3 of them right now. Thanks for sharing 🍕

  2. DM_me_ur_tacos

    Looks like a NY Neapolitan hybrid.

    And delicious AF

  3. free_based_potato

    As a former New Yorker, I can confirm traditional NY pies are served perpendicular to the table. You nailed it.

  4. BrokieTrader

    Do you make your crust cracker style or chewy?

  5. sanquility

    As a nyc devotee you fucking killed it.

  6. DontTouchMyStuffPls

    Some pizza does not need a label attached. Take out the NY style and it’s prob really good and not shat upon by the voting public

  7. Deep_Tangelo_5032

    Dough recipe please and was it cooked in oven ? What brand of cheese used? BTW, beautiful pie

  8. Wonderful-Branch-952

    I don’t care what it’s called. I’d eat it

  9. Jacsmom

    That’s the best looking pizza I’ve seen in a long time!

  10. NY style or not, it looks good, and I am sure it tasted good. That is all that really matters.

  11. FridgesArePeopleToo

    Looks way better than a typical NY style

  12. travlbum

    you can cut back on the leoparding by reducing oven temp and increasing cook time

  13. craigerino75

    Looks like OP style to me…you do you. Looks awesome.

  14. Cali_white_male

    what hydration % was this ? if i had to guess closer to 70% than 60%

  15. Hephaistos_Invictus

    I don’t know what a NY Style pizza is.

    What I DO know, however, is that it’s one good looking pizza 🤤

  16. te__bailey

    Looks great, what’s your dough recipe and process?

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