Pretty much just what the title says. I thought it turned out pretty ok. Just curious.

by tfunk024


  1. mrmackey_mmmkay

    Looks amazing! Would smash. Props.

  2. EvilZombieToe

    No sauce? Otherwise, by the gods, that is a magnificent cook; rare/mid-rare with the pastry crisp and flakey but maybe a little doughy/undercooked? Or is that just the camera?

  3. flythearc

    They’re perfect, you should feel so accomplished about this

  4. Uhohtallyho

    Can you please share your recipe? My husband would love this.

  5. Teslasssss

    That’s money dude! Gordon Ramsey would be jealous.

  6. Key-Spell9546

    Mini beef wellingtons are awesome. Maybe not with scrambled eggs… but hey, if you wanna wake up at like 4:30AM to start my breakfast I won’t stop you.

  7. Electrical-Image4564

    I think you should make one for me!

  8. Intelligent_Shower43

    You can cook those for me anytime.

  9. sea_foam_blues

    Looks great, the best beef Wellington I’ve ever had by an absolute country mile was a personal sized one I had as an appetizer at Cheeves Brothers in Temple Texas. It was incredible. Yours looks very similar, excellent work.

  10. Justspeakingfacts

    Need a better first photo but looks great from here

  11. Bee_MakingThat_Paper

    Can we get the recipe? My 11 year old son asked me to make him beef Wellington for his choice in family dinner (apparently it’s a YouTube thing) . I’d love to surprise him one day with this. Looks outstanding.

  12. NumberVsAmount

    Every Wellington is a personal sized Wellington if you believe in yourself.

    Also, on an unrelated note, I’m unable to read/hear “Beef Wellington” without my brain going hehehehehe “Queef Smellington”.

  13. LionPride112

    Looks just like the one I had at Ramsays kitchen, so imma say perfectly done!!

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