It was exhausting, but went well! Sold about 28 pies total (including slices).

by SixPathsOfWin


  1. Fishtoart

    Congrats! Are you thinking of doing it full-time or is this just a occasional gig?

  2. BigEggSalad

    Good looking pies! Hope you continue to do more pop ups. And the prices are good for good pizza…

    How do you think it went for a first outing?

  3. CoffeeVikings

    Congrats hope you explode in popularity

  4. munchmandan87

    Congratulations 🎉. Iv always wanted to do it myself. 28 pies is great work! How long was the duration from opening to close?

  5. Eccentric_man85

    Seems like a lot of work for $600. But as long as you enjoyed it, that’s all that matters.

  6. Dangerous_Pension612

    Hell yea ! Good for you. I’m pissed couldn’t make it.

  7. Nice! Looking to do the same soon! Setup looks great, hope you had fun doing it.

  8. punxsatawneyphil_69

    That’s awesome. That’ll be profitable in no time!

  9. Did the heat outside cause issues with the dough over proofing?

  10. PinkManagarmr

    What are the chances?! Have been following you on Instagram because your pizza looks so good and now I see you on Reddit. How nice. Good job!

  11. PsychologicalMonk6

    Your health department doesn’t require a handwashing station? Did you have to do the prep in a licensed commissary kitchen?

    Congrats on the successful event. Aa you’ve seen its not easy, but it can be personally rewarding. Five years ago I took my passion for ice cream making and started a business that has grown to three locations, a dairy plant (also make butter) and have now won awards for the best ice cream and butter in my country and have also won some international awards too. I haven’t had a moment’s rest during summer since launching but wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.

  12. Realistic_Salt_389

    Looks like a great set-up. Prices are reasonable and the pies look delicious! I hope you gain a cult following which will allow you to keep things small while turning a profit and having some fun.

  13. outfoxingthefoxes

    Wait you are that insane dude who puts his pizzas on the ledge? Great job

  14. petitepedestrian

    I would be so excited to find this at the park. This is so awesome

  15. Zeveroth1

    What was your total cost for all the ingredients? I assume you bought everything in bulk

  16. booyakuhhsha

    How did it go?????? Better than anticipated?

  17. NarcanBob

    Looks great , OP! Congrats on the business.

    How were your sales and reviews?

  18. real_unreal_reality

    28 pies how much did you charge per pie?

  19. Lol how were the dough balls in the heat?

  20. jenyee87

    Congrats! How do you think you made out in profits all in?

  21. OvechknFiresHeScores

    FINALLY a pizza pop up with reasonable prices! I see sooo many posts on here of people selling a 12” pie for $22+ so $20 for a 16” pep fills me full of happy.

  22. tothesource

    looks amazing and a damn good deal. I would kill for a slice of that pep after some good pool time.

    Curious where you are and what the logistics of starting a pop up look like re: permits, health code stuff, etc.

  23. login_required50

    That pie at the end looks incredible! How long have you been doing pop ups?

  24. Partyslayer

    Looks really good. I would buy a couple slices. Love those crusty bubbles! Pizza should have SOME black spots here and there.

  25. thejazzmarauder

    Looks great, hope you balled out

  26. genoherpasyphilaids

    Damn this is a great idea tbh, I’ll be following along to see how this develops

  27. Giraffe_Racer

    I can’t believe you’re price gouging on the Arizona drinks for $1. It clearly says on the can they’re 99 cents.

  28. Iggster98

    Pepperoni slices (or salame piccante as we call it here in italy) is one of the best pizza toppings

  29. leaf_as_parachute

    Congratulations ! Wish you the best !

  30. l_the_Throwaway

    Props on keeping your drinks prices low! This looks awesome, if I stumbled upon this I would absolutely buy a whole pie. And I never buy drinks but I would absolutely buy a drink with it.

  31. samirbinballin

    I would totally be excited to try a slice or two if I were one of the ones to come across this place.

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