#teriyaki #chicken #quesadilla

let’s make teriyaki chicken quesadillas we’ll start by breaking down a whole chicken then lather the breasts with kikoman teriyaki marinade and sauce the blend of soy sauce wine sugar and spices toss these on a grill pan until they get a nice Char this teriyaki sauce is perfect for grilling then chop them up into nice small bits and it’s time to assemble cheese chicken onions and peppers Sriracha more cheese and our top tortilla cook carefully until it becomes golden brown and crispy and this sauce is insane Umami Tangy I need more


  1. Nick we love you when you cook not going 24/7 to Japan and/or eating Japanese snack, this is real nick guys.

  2. Nick I am very sorry, but after linja passing away your videos are not the same anymore I am really sorry about that. RIP ninja fly high.

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