As always, I’m in my “hitting my protein goals” era, so we are *FINALLY* back with a full week of eating in my life where I hit 100G+ protein per day! IEating in a protein forward way is great for your muscle growth, hair health, skin glow, nails, energy levels and hormone balance, and I feel like a lot of people struggle with knowing how to actually get to 100G/day, so hopefully this video will give you some inspiration on how to do that!


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✪ TIKTOK @thecarolinalifestyle
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✪YouTube: @innergrowthpodcast
✪Apple Podcasts:


0:00-4:14 Avocado Cottage Cheese Toast
4:14-8:29 Matcha & Yogurt Bowl
8:29-11:48 Mexican Corn Salad with Chicken
11:48-13:16 Lentil Salad & Dessert
13:16-17:00 Apple & PB Dip
17:00-20:27 Cottage Cheese Spinach Wrap
20:27-22:19 Homemade Salmon Poke
22:19-24:51 Coco Mango Chia Pudding
24:51-26:18 Rainbow Nourish Bowl
26:18-27:10 Snack & Pesto Edemame Pasta
27:10-30:53 Caramelized Banana Yogurt
30:53-33:08 Fiber Packed Feta Bowl
33:08-33:56 Black Bean Brownies
33:56-35:15 Strawberry Feta Salad
35:15-36:44 High Protein Scramble
36:44-37:30 Greek Salad
37:30-40:23 Snack & Charcuterie
40:23-41:48 Reminders

[Music] [Music] baby hello you guys and welcome back to my channel if you’re new around here my name is Carolina I’m so excited you’re watching today because we’re going to be going through what I eaten a week high protein Edition I know how obsessed you guys are with these videos that I’ve made before it’s been a while since I’ve taking you guys through a full week of eating because I’ve been traveling a lot this year I was moving I had visitors just so much going on and I feel like this is the first week in a while that I plan on having so much time to just cook amazing healthy recipes and give you guys a ton of inspiration so I’m excited and I hope you’re excited too with all the recipes that I make the goal is to make them easy and delicious but also balanced with a good source of protein some Fiber packed carbs and also some healthy fats so you can have sustained energy so you can build up your muscles and just feel satiated after your meals so that you’re not constantly hungry or constantly distracted because you’re not properly fueled for your day ahead as always with all the recipes that I make there will be a free pdf in the description with a grocery list and a recipe guide so that you can download that if you want and recreate anything that looks good to you so yes that’s what we’re going to be doing on today’s video and I also wanted to take a moment and just express my gratitude for you guys because I hit 50k this past weekend and I’m just so grateful that I’ve been able to create such a beautiful Community this last year and a half it’s truly been such a joy and we’re only getting started baby there’s so much more to come and I’m always open to hearing from you guys on what you’re enjoying on what you want more of on any ideas you guys have for videos you want me to make so please drop them in the comments if there is anything you would like to see but yeah I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you and I’m so excited for everything that is still to come so what a beautiful way to start this video off [Music] today it’s Monday morning I woke up a little bit ago and did my skin care made my bed got changed all of those things and then I did a little bit of work because I wanted to get a real and a Tik Tok up so I did that now I’m going to make a protein packed breakfast I made this twice already in the last few days and it’s so easy and just delicious so I’m very excited let’s go make it this is my new favorite gluten-free bread it’s the SD sandwich bread from the gluten-free [Music] bakery all right you guys we have our breakfast ready to go I’ve been obsessed with this this combination recently I’ve kind of re found my love for cottage cheese and it’s just such an easy way to get protein I love it and I like topping one with honey and everything with a bagel and the other one with micro greens and everything with a bagel so kind of like a sweet Savory option and you can really top it up with whatever you want like you can put balsamic you can put tomato and it’s just so easy I already took oh my God I already took one bite that was freaking phenomenal I have an hour until my coaching call for the day so I’m going to clean up the kitchen F some laundry and then I’m going to go on a little walk just like 30 minutes get outside for a bit come back do my call and then I also have to go grocery shopping I want to go to the gym I need to organize myself ride everything out so that’s the plan for now let’s maximize the next hour before my call get the day going [Music] [Music] [Music] this this wow okay matcha is ready first sip Perfection oh yeah time for my coaching call hello hello it’s 12:30 now I had my coaching call we finished about an hour and a half ago and it was such a good call one of my clients came up on the 3month mark of working together and we were just kind of recapping all of her growth and it just feels so good to see my clients just like connect more deeply with themselves and find more self-compassion and the go of perfectionism so I’m feeling very happy about that and then I kind of got pulled into a call with my mom talking about wedding things and I’ve been doing that for the last like hour and I don’t have any groceries at home to make lunch so what I think I’m going to do today is I’m actually going to have like a snack right now cuz I do have things to make a snack and then I’m going to have kind of like a later lunch and then that will give me time to go grocery shopping get everything that I need plan out some things I have to get done and I think I’ll feel a little bit more settled than like trying to go to the grocery store right now being extremely hungry almost hangry so I’m just going to nourish my body and I think this is definitely the best plan I bought my favorite granola from matcha an e/ cup of [Applause] granola here we have our banana matcha yogurt Bowl nice little snack I have an exciting update I finally got a ninja creamy which I’ve been wanting to get for so long and this specific Appliance can be used to make homemade ice cream and I’ve seen a lot of people on Tik Tok make really high protein ice cream so I’m going to attempt to make it today and test out the creamy but you have to leave the like mix of ingredients sitting in the freezer for quite some time before you can make it in the creamy so I’m going to mix them together now it’s around noon and I’ll make it as a post dinner dessert this is what the ninja creamy looks like put your ingredients in this cup and then you put that cup in here and then you can blend it up and they have tools for ice cream Light Ice Cream gelato smoothie Bowl milkshake and sorbet this bottle has 26 g of protein going to do one scoop of chocolate isolate [Music] protein [Music] la la la la la [Music] back from the grocery store so let me show you guys everything that I picked up kind of a massive haul okay here’s a quick overview picked up these pasture eggs it’s my favorite brand and some egg whites some turkey bacon sliced turkey chicken breast tenders two packs of it and then I also got some ground turkey four kind of like fruits and veggies that is usually the majority of everything that I get but we have lemons and limes tomatoes and apple a red onion a shallot and a yellow onion a regular potato and a sweet potato a orange pepper you have a cucumber carrots also ignore all the plastic cherry tomato and some diced tomatoes blackberries and then I also picked up a lot of herbs today so I have Dill lantro green onion some basil organic arugula and organic spinach kale and some broccoli and then for dairy I have parmesan Rano and picino Philadelphia cream cheese good culture cottage cheese and Fage or F 0% yogurt I picked up a few beans today so two packs of garbanzo beans one kolini bean and one black bean and then I got some avocados quick cooking superfood rice which I’m excited about and that is the haul for today [Music] 1/3 cup of washed cilantro 1/4 cup of green onion 1/3 cup of shallots 1/4 cup of cheese a tablesp of tahen mix it up my lunch is ready I made this corn summer salad and then I also meal prepped some chicken so yummy have that ready to go and save three chicken breast tenders that I’m going to have with my meal now for 30 g of protein and we’re ready I’ve been wanting to make this recipe for a while now it’s just been a craving that I’ve been having and I’m so happy about how it turned out super refreshing I feel like it would be way better with ktia cheese but I couldn’t find that at the grocery store so I just used peino but it kind of turned out a little bit salty you can also use speta I feel like that would be really good but yeah I’m just having the salad with a little bit of chicken and it’s so good so nice when you like try a new recipe and also just make something that you’ve been wanting to try for a while like I have this kind of cheesy corn when I’m out to eat but I had never made it at home in this way so so excited I’m feeling so creative in the kitchen these days and I honestly feel like a lot of it is because I ended up going gluten-free recently so it’s gotten me in this kind of inspired creative Vibe with cooking cheers I’m going to enjoy my lunch now and I’m going to go and tan on the roof and added some reels on my phone while I’m there and then I think later on I’ll go to the gym [Music] [Music] [Music] go back from the gym I’m feeling so freaking good I did a strength class that was 45 minutes long and then afterwards I did this little AB circuit that I’ve been doing after my classes which is very simple it’s just crunches leg lifts Russian twists and then a plank and I do 25 reps of each movement three times around and I just did like 10 minutes of the stair Master which is why I’m so sweaty felt amazing so now I’m going to take a little shower properly unwind for the night and cook dinner [Music] I took my nice little shower washed my hair I’m feeling so clean feeling very relaxed and the sunset right now is beautiful and for dinner I was craving something a little bit on the pressure side I have the ninja creamy mix in the freezer so so I also wanted to make sure I had something that would leave a little bit of room for dessert so I whipped up a very quick salad we got some plant-based protein lots of fiber healthy fast from the avocado protein from the chicken m very fresh I’m going to enjoy this hang out with PID a little bit say Hi and then in a little bit we’re also going to watch the newest episode of House of dragon which I’m very excited about and then I’ll make ice cream [Music] here is the final product of our ninja creamy ice cream it turned out so good definitely need to figure out how to make it look a little more aesthetic but it tastes like ice cream so delicious and I’m currently few days away from my period so I’m very happy [Music] good morning you guys Happy Tuesday something very unusual happened today and I woke up at 5:55 a.m. like I’m not sure what’s going on but I do love waking up early so I’m not complaining I’m pretty sure the reason it happened is because there’s no blackout Shades in our room and the sun is rising super early for the summer so I was just kind of twisting and turning in bed and I was like I might as well just get up that’s what I did and here we are I’m going to make breakfast and then go on a little walk get my day started do some work and just like use the momentum of waking up early let’s let’s get the day [Music] started breakfast is served such an easy and healthy recipe I’ve been wanting to try this for so long I just did a little greek yogurt peanut butter mix and then I cut up some apples and I can kind of like dip the apples mhm I love a little dip situation [Music] n [Music] I’m back from my walk I made myself a matcha it’s only 8:45 the day is just beginning I’m very grateful that I made the most of my morning I have a call with my manager at 10:00 and then coaching call at 10:30 and then have a workout class at 12:00 and so in the next hour or so I’m just going to plan out this week’s podcast episode that I want to record I’ll probably get to it in the afternoon so that’s the plan let’s get to work and let’s have a great day [Music] hello I’m good how are [Music] you okay just finished my first call for the day I have my second one which is a coaching call in 5 minutes and then 30 minutes after that call ends I’m going into a workout so thinking of my future self now is definitely a good time to have a snack that’s what I’m going to do and I’m going to have a little perfect bar I’ve been obsessed with perfect bar recently and I are just hooked they’re so freaking good they’re pretty protein pack so I’m going to have that that’ll hold me over for sure until after I get back from the gym and it’s going to be yummy so let’s go pick the flavor for today I love the chocolate hazelnut flavor and I also love the peanut butter they also have a chocolate peanut butter I’m going to go for this I’m feeling called to the chocolate hazelnut crisp because it tastes like Nutella 12 g of protein has a lot of superfoods and it just like hits the spot every time [Music] I had such a good workout class once again and for lunch I’m going to make something that I actually made for breakfast like a couple weeks ago posted it on Tik Tok and Instagram it went completely viral so I’m really excited to remake it and it’s pretty easy to make it has 50 g of protein and everyone’s going crazy over this recipe so I’m going to try it again I’m going to show you guys on YouTube how to do it so let’s get into [Music] it salt black pepper oregano we’re also going to do a little bit of basil [Music] leaves so make sure the parchment paper doesn’t move around add a little bit of olive oil to the tree First Co it a little bit parion paper going to add a little bit more olive oil to this going to take our mix and we’re going to pour it in [Music] there I am preheating my oven to 350 the oven is almost done preheating I’m going to pop it in there and put a timer for 40 minutes and I have a call at 1:15 which is in 2 minutes and the call goes on until 2:00 so it’ll be the perfect timing until the wrap is done and then I can add my toppings and eat and enjoy and it’s just going to be so good and I’m so excited because the first time that I made this it was already amazing so I’m excited to have it again honestly my timing was perfect [Music] it’s been 15 minutes since my call finished and Lunch is ready I will say that I left it on for 5 minutes too long the timer had started going off but then I still had 5 minutes left in the call and I wasn’t able to like fully take it out so it did burn in the corners a little bit I would recommend checking on the wrap at like 35 minutes and seeing how it is and if it’s already pretty much done take it out before it burns cuz then it’ll make it slightly easier for you to fold it I had to cut off the like bottom piece that was too crunchy we have turkey bacon avocado arugula tomato and then the wrap total of this lunch is 50 g of protein freaking amazing we love it gorgeous first bite M all my gluten-free people out there as well such a good gluten-free wrap alternative and then you take something that typically has gluten and make it have protein instead amazing you could also add like sliced turkey you could add more egg you can literally add whatever you want and make it kind of like a sweet wrap if you want put like banana and peanut butter I feel like that would be really good M I was also getting a lot of questions on Tik Tok and Instagram about the actual taste I don’t think it tastes eggy that much and I don’t think it tastes that cheesy either the cottage cheese texture is literally gone if anything I taste salt cuz I might have put on too much but I think for me the taste is way more about the things that I put inside than the actual wrap I’m trying to pay attention yeah I don’t think it tastes eggy maybe some people are just way more sensitive to the taste of eggs I don’t know [Music] hello Rona I can’t shake the simplest feeling beyond the ghost we stand on the opposite Shore hello Ron I reach through mysterious seeings my holy hope I look for the things I don’t know [Music] [Music] okay here we have our beautiful dinner I did some wild rice crispy salmon mam cilantro mango cabbage and then a little bit of avocado on top everything with the bagel and also a dash of coconut aminos and then for PID we did the wild rice the salmon at Mame avocado cuz he doesn’t like cabbage or mango on his or cilantro not to toot my own horn but I think I slay this it feels so good to just make yummy healthy recipes try new things try new combinations and just have fun make it delicious like this is fully like restaurant quality taste tast cheers M I love the addition of the mango for like a little extra sweetness and this rice is so good as well mhm good very [Music] good good morning it’s Wednesday it’s about 8:15 a.m. just woke up and did my gacha and got changed into this very cute set from Ary I am so excited about it I just got it and and I am going to have breakfast now and then do a little bit of self-care in the morning I think I’m going to try to go on a walk and then I have to edit my podcast that needs to go up tomorrow we’ll see if I can fit in a workout today is also juneth so Pedro and some of my friends have worked off today one of my friends is coming over we’re probably going to all hang out in the rooftop and we’re also just having fantastic weather these days in New York which just lifts up everyone’s mood and I feel like a completely better version of myself I’m also already very tan which I’m very happy about so yeah let’s get the day going and let’s go make breakfast Today’s Breakfast is going to be a coconut chia pudding and me prepped this last night I wanted to use up the mango that I cut up yesterday because it’s so ripe and perfect I was like I need to make sure I used this up at breakfast so I thought about it and I was like what would go really well with mango and I was like chia pudding so I decided to make a slightly higher protein version of chia pudding I did 34 cup of Greek yogurt 4 to 5 tbsp of coconut cream Cream 3 tbsp of chia seeds added 1 tbsp of maple syrup and then mixed it all up and I left it in the fridge overnight so now it’s time to makeer bowl and [Music] enjoy guys I’m so happy this turned out amazing it tastes so good the combination of mango especially very ripe mango when it’s like sweet and delicious with coconut I’m enjoying myself so much also this has so much fiber I’m so happy amazing you like your pudding you like mango you need to try this recipe I was also wondering if adding Greek yogurt was going to cause the pudding to be a weird consistency or too thick honestly it’s perfect though it’s like not very different from regular Cher pudding with just [Music] milk so let’s make some let’s Mi some MOA hey cheers yum yummy you like it mhm [Music] [Music] n ahahahahahahahahah [Music] lunch is served I made some nourish bowls for me for Pedro and for ma who’s hanging out with us it looks so good it’s approved B nutritious also having the chicken already ready in the fridge was such a Time saer M I love the avocado mixed into it [Music] good morning happy Thursday it’s another one of those days where my body woke me up at 6:00 a.m. so we’re making making the most of it once more I had such a lovely day with my friend MAF and Pedro yesterday we Ted on the roof had an apparal Spritz had dinner together and just kind of relaxed a lot and tanned a lot it’s going to be a busy day but I am feeling awesome going into it and it’s again just beautiful so let’s make breakfast and let’s get the day going [Music] for breakfast today I made a caramelized banana yogurt bowl with a little bit of peanut butter and cinnamon and I added some hemp hearts VRA protein M wow that’s perfect you could also throw in a little granola M that’s [Music] amazing as you guys know I woke up so earlier so I made the most of my morning and I’m feeling so good I basically finished editing the video version of my podcast uploaded that to YouTube and then I edited a real and the Tik Tok posted those two things answered comments did all these things and then now I grabbed myself a little RIT and I’m on a walk in the park I am trying not to run because I’m a few days away from my period and I really don’t want to have cramps and that sometimes happens when I run it’s just so nice to walk so I’m getting those steps in so it’s a very productive Thursday today’s actually the first day of summer as well and it’s a summer solstice which means that it’s the longest day of the year it’s also the full moon in Capricorn so I’m just feeling really good energy today and I’m making the most of it there’s something so awesome about getting the bulk of my work done before 9:00 a.m. and the productive feeling that it gives me so really basking in it I’m back from my walk it was so nice I am actually just feeling so rejuvenated and I have a workout class in like 45 minutes so I’m going to have a protein bar right now going to do a little bit of YouTube editing go to my class and then later on today we’ll make lunch together going have one of my favorite flavors the peanut butter one which has 17 G protein [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bo this dip from Cedars literally today and it’s their new feta dip this is the Garlic contrive so I’m going to add like a tablespoon of it to this as [Music] well Lunch is ready this was actually very quick I tried to make it kind of like a fiber packed protein bowl so we have around believe it’s like 34 or 35 g of protein in here between the feta the feta dip turkey bacon the black beans and the chick beans and I added a little bit of Lem to just like give it consistency it’s really good very crunchy you could also add in avocado a red onion corn cucumber whatever you want really delicious I’m going to eat while I do a little bit more work then I have a call with my assistant in 15 minutes where we’re going to touch base on everything for your growth and for the next week of content so that’s what I’m up to and I’m just going to try to kind of like edit a bunch this afternoon it’s 4:45 I just had a virtual co-working session with my assistant for the last 2 hours basically and we got so much content done for the inner growth socials I’m very excited about that and if you guys don’t know inner growth is basically my second YouTube channel it’s my brand it’s my podcast and it’s all about helping you strengthen your connection with yourself so that you can glow from the inside out so definitely check out our YouTube and our Instagram and Tik Tok if you want to be in the loop of more things inner growth related and I am now going to just quickly clean up my kitchen from lunch because I didn’t get a chance to do that before and since I have leftover beans I’m just going to make some black bean brownies and they’re going to be so delicious I made them I think it was 2 weeks ago and I always love having a little sweet treat on hand so they’re just too easy not to make [Music] [Music] we just tked through Brooklyn because we had left three art pieces to get framed and we went to pick them up I’m sweaty it’s so hot outside we just got back home and P was trying out the brownies okay what do you think wow wow wow you like themm yummy very good [Music] for dinner tonight I made a strawberry feta Sal salid so excited because I love this combination I made it last week I think it was and and it’s so good I will say though that the original recipe uses mint and I didn’t have mint so that’s definitely missing and also the dressing I had made originally had balsamic glaze in it but it’s okay it’s still beautiful and I added pecans today instead of cashews M I just love strawberry and salad tastes amazing to me and it’s just like so summery I love this kind of vibe in the summer adding fruit to your salad and like making these different kind of mixes of flavors just so delicious so going to enjoy dinner with Pedro [Music] [Applause] [Music] vitamins and history books psychology and a different way to live at it all cuz my perspective is broken if suffering away to earn your good morning and happy Friday we made it to the end of the week it’s been honestly the most lovely week so I’m very grateful and I have a pretty chill day in terms of calls I just have one call at 10:30 it’s 8:00 a.m. now I just had breakfast and I’m going to go to a coffee shop to do some work there I have to just edit a lot for YouTube today so that’s what I’m going to focus on I’m going to go to the coffee shop work until 10:00 10:15 come back home for the call try to get as much editing done as I Poss can so that’s the goal for today let’s get it going day is already off to a good start because breakfast was phenomenal so I’m already happy [Music] that’s sure I yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] pider and I are hosting a little wine and cheese night at our apartment tonight with some friends so I just walked to this really cute gluten-free bakery here in Brooklyn to pick up some chabata and some sourdough and a scone and I’m so excited because this Bakery is just so good and I am dripping in sweat now because it’s so hot outside it’s 34° C which I don’t even know how much that is in Fahrenheit but it’s very hot so I need to pour myself a nice cold beverage and hydrate cheers [Music] okay quick update you guys it is now around 7:38 p.m. and PID and I are having some friends over for shery boards and wine kind of like a lowkey housewarming we wanted to have like an official housewarming party and we will but this is kind of like The Unofficial version and I just got this new shirt in from Ary and I’m freaking obsessed it looks so cute this is also my first time wearing these new jeans that I got which are Barrel jeans so they’re kind of like large on me which I love so I’m feeling really cute and I kind of felt like I was in a slump this afternoon so I just took some time to like shower wash my hair dry my hair do some Glam and I feel so much better now like I feel like a brand new person so if you are feeling like you’re in a slum coll on your phone R in bed do whatever you need to do and then just take a shower shave your body wash your hair do a hair serum do your makeup just like take care of yourself and get ready even if you have nothing to get ready for just do it and see how you feel and I promise you you’re going to feel better I definitely do so p and I are going to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for the shakery board and then we’re going to start setting up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you guys that is it for today’s video I hope you enjoyed following along this week of eating in my life and I just hope that it gave you a ton of different ideas on how to nourish yourself how to eat more protein and how to make yummy healthy recipes that don’t take too much time or that just feel exciting to make so that healthy eating is more fun and enjoyable for you so if you guys want to recreate any of the recipes that I did in this video there will be a free pdf guide in the description with the recipe list and a grocery list that you can download and use if you want to and I’ll also try to link all of the outfits and products that I used in the description as well in case you guys want to check any of them out and as I said in the beginning of the video thank you all for 50k subscribers I am so grateful for each and every one of you and if you’re not yet subscribed join the YouTube family it would mean the world to me and with all of that said I hope you have an amazing rest of your day I love you so much and I’ll see you soon something around here feels H don’t look down just cry need to have a p fall I right behind


  1. These videos are so helpful and such great inspiration!! The recipe and grocery lists are super helpful ❤😊

  2. These are my favorite videos from you! I'm sure I'll be watching this more than once 😂 Thank you for these! ❤

  3. Love your vlogs … so much fun to watch specially these “ what I eat in a day or week “ … you do them best ❤🫶🫶🫶🙌

  4. Obsessed with this content. It inspires me to build colorful and diverse plates and always makes me feel so good. Thank you for promoting true balance and not restriction 🫶🏼

  5. I wish we could be friends. I love watching everything you post and just seeing your energy. You’re amazing thank you!!

  6. Thank you for the effort you put into the recipe guides. They're so useful. I really enjoy the recipes and video.

  7. I'm so glad to see your accounts start to blow up! I've been watching you for about a year already and I enjoy your videos so much. Super underrated! Keep going !

  8. I really love your videos !! <3 You're so realistic and I really enjoy watching your videos 🙂 Specially WIEIAW videos <3

  9. Love these videos!!! I get so much healthy food inspo from you!! Side note…what is your nail polish color? What shape do you do your nails, oval? I get almond shape and I don’t like that they’re more of a triangular shape. I like how yours look.

  10. I like the what i eat in a day and I love the what i eat in a week ❤️
    I'm concerned about the price at the supermarket, so I'd appreciate it if you could list the total🥹🫶

  11. thank you for this video<33 I always feel so much better and inspired after watching your videos❤️

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