
My friend and I purchased (carried out) a slice of this ~famous~ chocolate cake from a bakery and we think it’s a messed up batch, but we don’t know enough about baking to be sure it’s wrong or how to describe it to the bakery. The cake is very rubbery and tastes like an omelette.

Can you please help us 1) confirm these photos are indicative of a not-so-good bake and 2) how to describe the issue (“channeled air pockets”?) to the bakery?

Your expertise is much appreciated!!

by mrwbh98


  1. Vast-Analysis-4503

    Looks a little strange to me… I would complain

  2. MargotLannington

    It doesn’t look right at all. I think “rubbery and tastes like an omelette” is sufficient for describing it. Send the pictures too.

  3. Silvawuff

    Those holes are called “tunneling,” which is a hallmark of over-mixing the batter.

  4. Much_Difference

    It indeed looks like jacked up. It also looks like it was previously frozen with way too much air/cold exposure. Did you see them slice the cake or did they hand you a slice that was already cut?

  5. nomadbutterfly

    Does it have any sweetness? It kinda looks like they forgot to add sugar

  6. StaticCloud

    That’s the strangest cake texture I’ve ever seen

  7. Mal_Rah

    That is definitely not right. So much tunnelling, and the rubbery texture implies they way over mixed it. Hopefully this was just a bad batch.

  8. nikkieisbpmntht

    Ant farm ass cake I would returning that as well. I think they maybe have over mixed like another commenter said. I also have a suspicion they used real chocolate in that batter but it got too cold before they added it, or the eggs were out of the fridge

  9. MalaMoravanka

    This has a texture reminiscent of Vietnamese tapioca cake, chewy texture & lots of tunneling is typical for it. Idk why anyone would want that in a frosted chocolate cake though! So odd.

  10. Wrong-Junket5973

    Yeah.. the sponge on that is absolute trash. I’m so sorry lol.

  11. becominggrouchy

    I thought it was well done steak!

  12. googlyevileye

    Kinda thought it was the ribbing of a mushroom at first glance.

  13. RubyDax

    It looks like a blood clot, all fibrous and coagulated.

  14. selkiesart

    Looks like a chocolate version of the vietnamnese honeycomb cake

  15. chronic_pain_sucks

    I never thought I’d see the day when a slice of chocolate cake was *unappetizing* but here we are.

  16. six6six4kids

    that’s totally not correct, i’ve never seen a cake look like that. please contact the bakery

  17. LegalFan2741

    This cake looks like a mix of basalt and obsidian. And this is not a compliment.

  18. silver_display

    I thought that was smoked brisket

  19. DJMagicHandz

    That cake has zero crumb. I’m pretty impressed tbh.

  20. obsessivelygrateful

    I’ve never seen a rubber cake and I wish I had never seen it.


  21. Bunnyprincess75

    I thought the first picture was steak…..

  22. No_Remove_4667

    That’s a messed up texture for a cake yikes

  23. CerealUnaliver

    I legit thought OP was holding a mushroom cap

  24. from the first picture I thought this was some smoked meat. My guess was brisket.

  25. Villanellexbian

    that first picture looks almost like beef jerky wtf. that’s CAKE? yea, absolutely complain about this.

  26. kaykakez727

    It literally scared me lol like I had to click the link to the good picture to stabilize my attraction to chocolate cake. Sorry Op

  27. anuspizza

    I thought this was a well done steak for a moment, that’s pretty awful.

  28. thepretzel24

    Rubbery and omelette means it isn’t right at all, go get that refund

  29. getawaystix

    This looks like something that would be served at a birthday party thrown by an alien family that’s desperately trying to blend in with the humans.

  30. panderson24

    At first glance I thought this was a piece of overcooked meat… Now that I know what it actually is, it still looks like overcooked meat.

  31. struedlesmokes

    Overmixed to hell, that is called tunneling. Also looks overbaked as well lending to the strange texture. I would complain and hope they make you a small cake as an apology. If I served one of my guest a cake like that, there would be actual hell to pay.

  32. Lord-Smalldemort

    This is freaking me out. It looks like a cross-section of a mitochondria in a cellular biology textbook!

  33. Redsparkling

    That doesn’t look right. I’d email them and let them know in a really nice way. And describe it the way you did here and include pictures. Really that cake shouldn’t be being sold and somehow no one noticed that it didn’t come out right. They’ll probably give you another slice of correctly baked cake.

  34. pomeranianmama18

    I honestly thought you were holding a piece of meat at first in the first pic 😅

  35. Cyan_UwU

    I thought that first picture was a really burnt steak, my ass would NOT eat that cake

  36. Thin-Disaster4170

    Too many eggs no crumb to speak of

  37. These-Performer-8795

    That was overmixed past overmixed.

  38. undergroundnoises

    It’s like they doubled the eggs.

  39. gbirddood

    Are you sure this isn’t solidified magma

  40. SheSoldTheWorld

    I was like “Yummy dry beef 😋”

    What the hell 😭😭😭

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