So I found this pork tenderloin buried in the Ol’ deep freeze. I’ve never had a power outage and the freezer has been operating perfectly fine the entire time.

by Charming_Ambition_27


  1. asdf-7644

    I would, but typically moreso with meats that you can cook longer and slower. Ribs or pork shoulder or brisket that old would be ok for me. A steak maybe not 

  2. MattDaaaaaaaaamon

    If you froze it before that date and never had a power outage, sure, why not?

  3. graphophonic

    Meat doesn’t go bad while it’s frozen. As long as it’s been completely frozen the whole time (and was frozen before the date indicated) it’s safe to eat, but it’s probably not going to be that good. I’d eat it if I was hungry, and there was nothing else in the fridge, and the grocery store was closed. But for the loss of $7 it wouldn’t be my first choice for dinner tonight.

  4. Acrobatic_Band_6306

    Absolutely. It looks like a cryopac so even better. It will be fine. If it is not, your nose will tell you.

  5. Sufficient_Report319

    Frozen beef doesn’t expire. The quality of it may deteriorate, but as long as it’s stayed frozen it’ll be good

  6. maddler

    Sure! You can cook it no prob!

    Just make sure you’ve got your will ready and everything sorted.

  7. SomerAllYear

    Oooo that’s going to taste like nasty freezer burn.

  8. Cor2600

    Personally, I wouldn’t feed that to anyone. It’s probably fine if you froze it, but I’m a fan of fresh.

  9. zomsucks

    Just accept your 7 dollar loss and go buy fresh.

  10. BitcoinRigNoob

    600 day old. You could probably sell that to Salt Bae.

  11. Mdkynyc

    My father in law’s chest freezer would like a word

  12. Fun_Hornet_9129

    Does it look freezer burned?

    If yes, toss it. If no give it a try

  13. OlGusnCuss

    Hell yeah. Wouldn’t think twice as long as there no/little freezer burn.

  14. QueenOfPurple

    What is it and how do you plan to cook? The texture likely would not be great If it was a steak thrown on the grill, but if it’s ground beef chili roast in crockpot it’s fine. This assumes it was frozen before that date and has remained frozen the entire time.

  15. egbert71

    Was it in the freezer, were their no power outages? Froze ir as soon aa you got it home? Then hecks yeah….once it defrosts get to cooking it, if it doesnt look burnt

  16. Fun-Summer1056

    My buddy had same question about some old meat too. It was frozen untouched like yours. So he cooked it and ate it and then his ass exploded while driving down the highway on his chopper. I never laughed so hard but I felt so bad. Just let that be warning.

  17. CCDocbar17

    Yes!! Is it freezer burnt? If not bad. Thaw, smell, BBQ and enjoy. I raise beef cattle. Just finished a 2 year half beef. You’re all good.

  18. mcapozzi

    I would cook it, but perhaps serve it to my ex.

  19. emelem66

    If it was just thrown in the freezer in the package it came in, it is likely freezer burnt. It might be edible, but it might not taste good.

  20. steve91945

    Please try and tell us what you think.

  21. External_Mechanic_59

    Yeah , I’m taking the 7$ loss .

  22. PoopGrenade7

    You should try and get that money-back guarantee

  23. Professional_Most493

    Defrost and decide. Listeria is a possibility

  24. Goose_IPA_1990

    You rollin smoke on this one yet cowboy. I would be.

  25. ToyotaFanboy526

    If it was frozen before that date, and remained frozen until now, it might not taste the best (freezer burnt), but it will be safe to eat

  26. MaxFury80

    If it was thawed out totally……this is how I live. I buy stuff on sale and freeze it for later with a vacuum sealer.

  27. ForbidInjustice

    100% hell yeah. I ate a flank a couple weeks ago that I got in JUN 2022. It had been in the deep freezer in a Ziploc freezer bag ever since. No freezer burn, no noticeable quality loss. I was surprised.

  28. Vikkunen

    I grilled some COVID-era Sam’s Club chicken breasts a couple of weeks ago. If it’s been in the chest freezer the whole time and hasn’t defrosted, you’ll be fine.

  29. Gnosis369

    If you have a halfway decent freezer it’s fine, I have eaten meat that is 5 or 6 years old…

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