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My Recipe Website:

Shop My Kitchen:

My Bread Machine:

Sourdough Sandwich Loaf:
Red Pickled Onions:
Poor Man Meals:
Cold Tomato Sauce:
Sourdough Breadcrumbs:
Crispy Chicken:

Its Blume Latte Mixes (code SARAHTHERESE15 saves you 15%):

My Favorite Sourdough Recipes (bagels, loaf, etc):

Sauerkraut, Jam, Pickles Canning Video:

FTC Disclaimer:
-The opinions expressed in this video are my own.
-This video is sponsored by LMNT.
-I may earn affiliate commission from any links related to this video and its description page.

I feel like everyone is just wanting to be more conscious about where they’re spending their money and the first place we look is really the food and what we’re eating so for today’s video I thought Not only would I save myself and my family some money this week but maybe help you guys out as well this is an entire week of poor man meals specifically for dinner that I made my family of seven when in doubt pasta’s out I’m a huge pasta person and I feel like it’s not just cuz I like pasta I like the sauce that goes on the pasta I featured this in one of my previous poor man Meal videos and I can link that one down below it’s a cold tomato sauce that I’m going to put over pasta with some protein so this cold tomato sauce a lot of people are like M you said cold I’m turned off don’t be because it is the most delicious sauce in the world that you will put on your pasta it is extremely affordable it cost me less than $2 to make a batch of the sauce alone and it is easy to whip up you whip it up in the morning you let it sit on the counter the flavor develops and when you’re ready you can start boiling your pasta the written recipe for my cold tomato sauce is on my website and that’ll be linked down below my husband likes having protein with every single meal so protein for today was wild halit I think a lot of people hear hbit and they go oh so expensive no not really I’ve been able to find beautiful not farmed wild hbet at multiple stores for a really good price PR these ones came to about $10 the whole pack that I got was $30 but I split it into three different portions and froze the rest I’m cooking those in a mixture of butter and lard seasoning them and then I have my cute little basil plant that just keeps growing and is amazing I’m going to chop up that basil as well as some green onion and I think I even threw a little bit of parsley in there halet is great because it Cooks really fast I actually overcooked it this time because it was just it was just flying by and going super fast the pasta I’m using is an organic Durham wheat pasta it’s already quite high in protein I would say um it’s delicious and I find it to be really affordable if you are curious how much this meal cost us it cost us about $20 to feed all of us that’s the pasta the sauce any extras we also put some uh parmesan and herbs on top this is really simple and quick to make it’s delicious and we had two servings of leftovers for lunch the next day which Hallelujah we love [Music] leftovers thank you to element for sponsoring this portion of today’s video if you haven’t heard your body needs electrolytes to function normally and that is exactly what element is it’s an extremely tasty electrolyte drink drink mix there’s a huge variety of flavors they have something for you if you like something uh cold or if you like to drink something hot and the best part is is that element is full of everything you need and nothing you don’t no junk no sugar no coloring no artificial ingredients no fillers no gluten just lots of salt element was created using a science-backed electrolyte ratio which is 1,000 Mig of sodium 200 Mig of potassium and 60 Mig of magnesium when your body is low on electrolytes it’s going to tell you and it’s going to tell you in the form of muscle cramps headaches and what I notic the most is fatigue and just feeling kind of groggy and sleepy element makes it really easy for you to get your electrolytes in every single day sometimes I start my morning with this sometimes I get just kind of like a lull at about 2 p.m. and that’s when I like to have my element they come in single surf packets they’re easy for on the go and also just great to store in the house this is watermelon salt which is absolutely fantastic especially for summertime there are hundreds of functions in the body that need electrolytes in order to work well your hydration balance your nutrient absorption even regulating hormones and nerve impulses and the coolest thing is that you can be an average mama like me if you are needing to replace the electrolytes that your body is losing on a daily basis you can have element you don’t have to be an athle a Navy SEAL an Olympian you just be an average Joe mom like myself and use element to easily get your electrolytes in every single day right now element is offering my viewers a free sample pack with any order this is a great and easy way to try variety of flavors or if you’re feeling kind of generous you can always share them with your friends you can get yours at drink LM Sarat teres I have of course made it easy for you it is linked down below and please know the deal is only available through that link it’s drink LM surgeries the look on my face right here is my child dumping cereal all over the floor which you can see in a later clip um but what I’m doing tonight is Burger night we enjoy Burgers they are extremely affordable when me and my husband were first married Burgers was a meal that we really really leaned on because it was so cheap to feed us and it was a crowd pleaser I also know that it is cheaper to make your own bread and that’s what I do all of our bread that we have is homemade my sourdough discard burger bun recipe is linked Below in my website this is one of my favorites and one of y’all favorites too it cost me $2 and something I have it actually written down uh to make these buns usually I make about eight buns but I’m going to make them a little bit smaller this time and we’ll have smaller Burgers I also find it works well for the little kids and it’s easier for them to maybe have a whole burger and not feel like their little belly is going to explode so I’m going to shape these let them rise and then in a little bit I can tackle my meat make making all our own bread at home is amazing it has saved us hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of dollars and I would almost say probably thousands at this point I’ve been making our own bread for we’re getting to about 2 years now and I can’t believe how much money we save and then also on top of that it’s so much better for you so the equivalent of buying the breads say a a thing of burger buns look local sour dough uh if I was to buy that it would cost me about $12 but to make it again just over $2 so I’m saving a lot of money there it’s really good for us and it is something I really really enjoy for my meat I am mixing together lean ground beef some egg I add in olive oil sea salt parsley garlic powder and then uh did I say sea salt yes you did I give it a good mix and then I’m going to put it all onto a pan you can do this in so many different ways you can make actual burger patty rounds you can make Flats like this I’m going to make a flat I’m going to hollow out the center because I find it Cooks better I’m going to season it again on top and then I’m just going to bake these until they are brown I had two trays of that and I find that making it like this into this kind of almost like um rectangular shape is really simple because it’s easy to put together it’s easy to top the cheese and everything stays in place and then you just need to take your spatula break it apart to the size that you want and you’re ready to go it is also delicious it’s really great if you don’t want to do the barbecue and maybe you just want to throw something in the oven for about $15 this meal fed us well and gave us all leftovers for lunch the next day moving on I’m still a kid at heart and I really like having my chicken breaded with crumbs and fried I just enjoy it I’m probably that kid that grew up on chicken nuggets is just absolutely delicious I have a ton of my sourdough breadcrumbs already made and prepped but I thought oh I might want some more so I did go ahead and toast some extra bread I had lying around chopped it up and now I have some more breadcrumbs to work with if you want to have your own sourdough bread crumbs at home I can link that recipe down below as well to my breadcrumbs I’m adding things like parsley sea salt garlic powder I’m also getting my rice cooking I rinsed it fully I believe I’m using a sushi rice here and I added in a can of coconut milk and the rest water I am going to bread some chicken here it is just our favorite way to have chicken not even recently but just in general I use sourdough discard in my egg mixture again I can link that recipe down below how I bred my chicken it’s delicious it adds an amazing tanginess to the chicken itself so I have some chicken breasts I flatten them down I’m going to put them in the egg sourdough discard mixture into my sourdough breadcrumbs and into my cast iron pan that already has some lard and Tallow that is just hanging out in there I think I added in some extra butter or avocado oil too at the time I’m going to fit all those into my pan and then get started with some salad so I really enjoy cabbage and I really enjoy that type of Asian sesame salad I think it’s delicious I also thought if I had any leftover cabbage which I did I could do a small batch of sauerkraut that I can um put aside because we are starting to really get through our sauerkraut but two my bowl I’m doing red cabbage green cabbage I’m going to grate up a few carrots check on my chicken and then grab some roasted sea salted cashews chop those up put them in this is kind of a salad Weare I have a theme but I also have things that I should use up and put in the salad as well so I’m adding in some green onion some Sesame some uh sesame seeds some soya sauce some rice vinegar and I’m going to give this a really good toss I like these kind of salads because unlike things if I was to use spinach or like a Roma um those salads they just don’t last but this salad will last for leftovers in the fridge for a couple days not that it lasted a couple days because it was gone for leftovers the next [Music] day this meal came to $25 and I also thought I would say I do live in Canada so these are all Canadian prices it’s going to be different for where you live but $25 Canadian for that last meal I am a huge flatbread person I remember being in college and just buying flatbread from the store and eating it for lunch like I just loved having flatbread and not much has changed I really love a flatbread but I’m a little bit older now and I like putting stuff inside we’re not we’re not just into beige food we eat the rainbow so I have these sourdough flatbreads that I am putting together um if the recipe is live on my website I can put it down below this uses a ton of discard the flavor is phenomenal and there’s so many different things you can do with these I like to use them as really easy pizza crust but this is really kind of one of my favorite ways to do it is to use it as a flat brush bread stuff it with some good stuff and eat it right away so I am making my flatbread letting it sit to the side and I’m going to roast some red peppers I’m going to do this to make my roasted peanut butter hummus that’s also a recipe up on my website I roast my peppers I remove the skin I let them cool a little bit and while they’re cooling I’m just going to divide my dough and reshape it into some balls you don’t have to do this but I find when I do my flat Brads just come out puffier they’re rounder once I roll them out when I kind of pre-shape them otherwise I’m going to get some weird shapes or things that just don’t turn out the way that I want them to and of course Molly just loves dough she’s in a dough phase these past couple months so if I’m doing something with dough she is there with me I’m going to take the Flesh of the red pepper remove any seeds and put it into my blender with chickpea I have apple cider vinegar lemon juice garlic um sea salt and I’m going to blend this up I love using peanut butter instead of the traditional tahini just because the flavor is very fun the kids think it’s hilarious and I always have a ton of peanut butter on hand that I can use at the beginning of this week we got a couple rotisserie chickens which are great and super convenient to pick up and I was able to make bone broth from the car uses and then have so much chicken left over for lunches and then also for a dinner here so I’m frying it in some leftover Bacon fat I’m adding in this Japanese barbecue sauce that I got at Costco I love the ingredients in this thing and I had to buy it because I’ve never seen a barbecue sauce with such clean ingredients so I’m using that to flavor my meat my hummus is going into a bowl and then I chopped up some cucumbers other iies I busted out my red pickled onions which is also on my website these meals are super fun for me and my family you just grab what you want you put it how you want it and then you enjoy this meal came to $15 and it is probably my favorite of the [Music] week I really like any sort of a bowl give me a rice bowl give me a yogurt Bowl whatever I will have it but yes we are doing rice bowls here they’re kind of Greek inspired rice bowls I thought because I had leftover hummus leftover ziki a bunch of stuff I was like this is going to be perfect so I prepped my chicken I skewered it with some onion and now I’m going to ready some Greek potatoes it’s basically just olive oil lemon juice basil oregano garlic sea salt pepper I’m going to mix that together in my my cast iron I have some fresh parsley that I also like chopping into uh this potato dish and then I’m going to add in my potatoes I’ve been really liking these mini potatoes I wash them before I even store them and then I just kind of stick them back into that bag or I can put them into uh a Ziploc bag and it keeps really well and they’re just so convenient to have and easy to cut I’m going to pour about a cup of boiling hot water over top of the potatoes it’s going to help them to steam to soften and I’m going to bake those until they are golden I’m going to rinse my rice always rinse your rice sometimes rinsing my rice can take me 15 times of full-on rinsing until my water runs clear but it makes such a difference with the flavor with the texture I’m using a jasmine rice here and I’m going to make it kind of a lemon butter Rice this meal again was inspired by what I already had so I had a lot of veggies and I feel like when I get to the end of my week I can really see what’s in my fridge and what I should be using up I add a bunch of veggies and these were perfect for my salad so I chopped those up I squeezed lime over the veggies added olive oil sea salt oregano basil a little bit of lemon and white wine vinegar usually I prefer red but I didn’t have red so I was just going to use white I’m going to toss it taste it see what needs some changing and then add some goat feta this is so good I could live off goat feta whipped goat feta like all of that is amazing do you recognize the flatbreads yes you do these were from yesterday I’m going to cut them up into triangles heat them up again and then grab some extra kind of condiments and toppings from the fridge again leftover Z ziki got it I also have some olives and that hummus this meal cost us $25 to make plus it gave us two lunches of leftovers which is a total bonus if you enjoyed today’s video let me know in a comment down below hit the thumbs up button and maybe consider subscribing thank you for coming I’ll see you guys in my next video bye


  1. I really appreciate this video! I’ve been trying to utilize some more vegetables without buying ready made hummus etc and add some diversity to our diet and these recipes have made me super excited to get cooking next week. Cheers and thanks for being here and sharing despite the flack ❤

  2. I don’t understand why everyone’s in an uproar about the $20 meal. Dude there are ways to find the fish in an affordable way but you have to look around at where you’re shopping and look for markdowns. Also she fed 7 people for TWO meals. Which means $1.43 per plate. In what world is that not a “poor man’s” meal.

    And everyone complaining about not having time to do the bread yourself because you work full time that’s fine then making bread isn’t for you (although more realistically you don’t have time to LEARN to bake bread). She’s a SAHM your lives are different. She’s not shaming you for not being the same as her, you’re doing that to yourself. If you don’t have time to make your bread from scratch, then don’t, find a store where you can get your bread option for free. But expecting a true “poor man’s” meal and then complaining about making bread from scratch is kinda silly. Our great grandparents made their bread when it became too expensive so pick your poison. Time is money and when it comes to the bread either make it yourself or pay for it but don’t complain about both, you don’t get magic bread that just appears on your counter

  3. Poor man suppers? Our poor man suppers are a dollar a person. These dinners are splurge meals at our house. The meals look yummy.

  4. Thank you for this video, I'm always on the hunt for more family-friendly meals and i love seeing how you use up what you have 🙌

  5. Please acknowledge your privilege with using the title “poor man” that’s extremely insensitive to those of us actually experiencing poverty.

  6. Idk why so many people are against buying farmed fish and insist on wild caught only. Wild caught is more likely to cause environmental damage due to unscrupulous fishing practices and is also more likely to contain micro plastic because of pollution. Let’s end this weird stigma against farmed fish!

  7. "The kids think it's hilarious" is a great reason to add peanut butter instead of tahini! Hahahaha! Love this.

  8. Hi Sarah, thank you for this video! I can't wait to try some of these recipes for my family. I've noticed that you're including a lot more dairy/animal based products in your meals and im curious how it has affected your skin (which looks glowy). I remember your older videos when you said dairy triggers acne for you and it's the same for me 😊

  9. Those might be relatively budget friendly meals. It’s a horrible thing to call them poor man meals. This fails to recognise the reality of poor people, who have to cut out meat and fresh veggies on a daily basis to make meals affordable. Unaware of privilege.

  10. I’m cracking up at how many people can get so offended and so mad at the simplest things. Like, you made a $20 meal for a family of seven and people are losing their mind. But you go out and eat, and a family is seven would probably be close to $100. Your videos are amazing and maybe not everyone’s cuppa tea. But, if that’s the case then why are they here? I’m sure it would be easy to go into their homes and sit and watch them and criticize things they did.

  11. Priorities are important. The average person “unable” to afford a $20 meal for 7 (twice!!) are spending that money other ways 🤷‍♀️
    My family was NOT well off growing up and we still ate healthy and had plenty to eat with 6 kids.
    Lots of other areas than food you can really cut expenses if you want to 🙂 eating out, subscriptions, phone bills, little unnecessary purchases. It adds up.

  12. Hi! Electrolyte drink packets like this are wonderful for athletes who are sweating a lot in the summer heat. But for the everyday person, you get enough electrolytes in your food. The average person should aim to consume no more than 2300 mg sodium daily to prevent high blood pressure. Most people get far more than that in their food. I worry that advertising as "ensuring you are adequately hydrated" will lead to poor health outcomes down the road. If you aren't sweating profusely, the only hydration you need is water.

  13. Love the video Sarah !
    When me and my family of 3 go out for dinner it’s a minimum of $40 🙁 so I’m happy to see these meals and I’m going to try them out .❤❤

  14. I love this video. It's so important to eat whole, healthy ingredients and to be a good steward. I believe that you either give it to the grocer or the doctor.

  15. Hmm. I think the issue here is that you live in British Columbia, where I imagine wild-caught seafood can be fairly inexpensive compared to the COL there. However, for more land-locked areas with lower COL, most seafood is considered a luxury, which is why some people might be reacting badly to the "I think people hear halibut and they think, 'Oh, so expensive!' No, not really," comment. 😬It's a bit dismissive and generalizing, and can come across as out of touch.

    I totally get what you were going for with the title, and I think these are still some great meal ideas, but these perhaps would not be considered a "poor man's" meal in most parts of the West. It seems hyper-specific to your area and thus isn't gonna jive with most people's idea of super budget meals.

    EDIT: For context, I live in Texas (which generally has low food costs) and I've never in my life seen wild halibut for less than $20/lb, and I'm a pretty darn savvy shopper. Cheap fish here ($7/lb or less) would be tilapia, rainbow trout, or catfish, but that's because they're all farmed (and that's still considered a hefty price per pound for a protein here). However, I guarantee that I can get grass-fed beef way cheaper than y'all can in BC. Just be careful discussing regional foods in the context of absolutes! What might be available for cheap in your area might not be in others.

  16. This is literally the WORST 'poor man' meal video i've ever watched in my life. GOAT feta cheese!?? Frugal?!?? I am a Christian, but I don't think you should post and use triggering titles and phrases for attention because God wants us to live a quiet and peaceful life. You must know that poor families can't buy and consume half of these things on a daily basis. Although its cheaper than restaurant, yes, (tbh, so is literally anything you make at home, whether thats crab legs or spaghetti) this is extremely unrealistic. If anyone is looking for actual budget meals, check out see mindy mom, farmhouse on boone, 3 rivers homestead, or julia pacheo.

  17. Def a lot cheaper than eating out, though these are very bougie, high quality “poor” mans meals 😅 . But in context of todays day and age and inflation, $20 for a meal for a family of 7 of that quality is cheap. Just one meal at a local Canadian restaurant will easily come up to $20/person.

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