Hi everyone today we’re getting ready for summer with these delicious recipes!

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SLOW COOKER: https://amzn.to/4cCF3nu
NINJA GRILL: https://amzn.to/3XE4Ffy
OUTDOOR ELECTRIC GRILL: https://amzn.to/4eEr02x


Homemade Slow Cooker Vegan Baked Beans

2 cans (16 ounces) navy beans, drained and rinsed
1/5 (40g) Vidalia onion, finely chopped
1/3 cup (75g) organic brown sugar
1/4 cup (60ml) grade A maple syrup
1 tablespoon (15ml) apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons (51g) ketchup
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons liquid smoke
1/2 cup (120ml) water


Easy Vegan Coleslaw (No Mayo)

12 ounces (340g) cabbage slaw
1/2 cup (125g) hummus
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons (45ml) water


How to Grill Corn Without Husk

6 ears corn, shucked
1 tablespoon oil
Flaky sea salt, for garnish


How to Make Vegan Hot Dogs

3 ounces (85g) firm tofu
1 ounce (28g) carrots, cooked
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke
2 tablespoons water
2/3 cup (80g) vital wheat gluten


Easy Homemade Lemonade Recipe

4 lemons, juiced (about 1 cup [240ml])
1/2 cup (100g) organic sugar, plus more for rim
4 cups (960ml) water
Ice, to preference
Mint, optional garnish

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it’s officially summertime my favorite time of year because I just love all the fruits the veggies all the food that we get to eat and I am so excited to share five amazing summer recipes with you all we’re going to be making a main dish some sides a fun little drink and everything’s going to be delicious and I can’t wait so let’s do it we’re starting off with a summer staple in my mind at least which are baked beans I think that every barbecue needs baked beans there’s just no way around it and I grew up eating baked beans in a can which are delicious I will always love B beans in the can but it’s actually really easy to make them yourself and it’s like minimal ingredients and we’re making them in a slow cooker instead of actually baking them to not like heat up the whole house you know cuz it’s summer it’s hot so they come out really really good in the slow cooker they’re absolutely delicious and they’re easy to make so let’s do it the first thing we’re going to do is start by finally finely finely chopping these onions almost really dicing them we want it to be really really small so they melt up and just become almost nothing in the slow cooker I’m using the vidalia onion but you could use any sort of sweet onion that you like you could also just throw these in the food processor if you don’t feel like chopping by hand so then into the slow cooker we’re going to add our navy beans these are the base of our baked beans we’re going to add in all that beautiful onion then we’re going to add in liquid smoke this will just add that nice smokiness I’m using a hickory one then we’re going to add in organic brown sugar we have garlic powder then we’re going to add in salt we’re doing ketchup or you could use use tomato sauce if you want and then we got some apple cider vinegar to add some acidity in there and maple syrup and the maple syrup and the organic brown sugar create two different kinds of sweetnesses and flavors within so I do like using both mix this up until everybody gets well acquainted in the slow cooker and then we’re going to add in some water just to help make a little bit of sauciness in there and that’s it if you want instructions for how to bake these or cook them on the stove be sure to check out the blog post otherwise you’re going to cook them on high for 2 and 1/2 hours to 3 hours or on low for between 5 to 8 hours depending on your slow cooker and that should be it there should be nice and Saucy and delicious baked beans are pretty simple and I don’t think they need much in terms of garnish I just did some flaky sea salt and a little sprig of rosemary to give it something and just taste it make sure you like the flavors and these are so good so delicious with everything we’re making in this video and they’re G just delicious so that’s how you make vegan baked beans in a slow cooker these smell so good like the house just smells like summer and barbecue and they are Saucy and yummy and they’re really good so let’s do a little taste test honestly I think those are some of the best baked beans I’ve ever had they are Smoky they’re sweet they’re Tangy they’re salty they’re everything they’re really really good and they’re so delicious and my boyfriend who loves baked beans also really enjoyed these so really easy to make really delicious and we’ve got more recipes to make so let’s move on to the next one for our next recipe we’re going to be making a another summer staple klaa and here’s the thing I’m not a klaw girly because I don’t like Mayo but this klaw this vegan klaa is creamy and delicious and we’re not using any vegan Mayo here we actually use hummus to make it really creamy and yummy and it’s the perfect side dish to go with the rest of our meal again very easy to make so let’s do it my camera didn’t agree with me and didn’t record this beginning part but all I did was just add in apple cider vinegar maple syrup salt pepper into this bowl then we’re going to add in hummus and water and we’re going to mix this up to just make our little Co law dressing very simple and if you wanted to use vegan Mayo here use vegan Mayo but I like the hummus and it’s really fun you could play around with the different flavors so you can see the consistency here is very liquidy that’s kind of what we want then I am using just a v SLO mix that I got from the store I like it cuz it has all the colors and we got some carrots in there if you would like to chop everything up by yourself you can you can just get ahead of red cabbage and green cabbage but I like the bag mix it does make it a lot easier I’m just slowly adding this dressing on tossing slowly adding the dressing tossing and that’s really it I’m going to taste this and just make sure I like the flavor I felt it needed a little more salt so I added some extra salt again go crazy with your seasonings here it’s to your preference let this just chill in the fridge for at least a half hour everything will start to wilt and break down this is one of those dishes the longer it sits the better before serving just so that cabbage really gets nice and soft and that’s it I just added it to a nice plate and I added a little extra black pepper on top just to create some contrast and put it with a pretty serving spoon and that’s really all you have to do I think klaw is a great side dish because it just adds in those nice veggies and it’s refreshing and it’s delicious that’s how you make our KLA and of course if you would like to cut up all your own cabbage you can but I actually really like just using the store bought bag because you get a variety in there with the red cabbage the green cabbage the carrots and then makes it like way less work so there we go let’s do a taste test you can see it’s nice and creamy and they get wilted the longer you let this sit the softer all the veggies will get in there I really like the hummus here because I just like I said I’m not a vegan Mayo person really like I don’t like very much of it the hummus adds that creaminess the tanginess saltiness it adds a nice flavor and I think it compliments the Cabbage really well if you want to use vegan may you can you know if you like it that’s totally up to you but I highly suggest you try it this way cuz it is very yummy so this one is so easy and it’s light and refreshing all the recipes can be found in the description box down below I link directly to the blog post and I write out all the ingredients for you guys I also link anything I think you may need so check that out if you’re enjoying this video so far give it a thumbs up and let’s move on to our next recipe for our next recipe we’re going to be making one of my absolute favorites for summer corn I am such a corn lover and specifically grilled corn grilled corn is so easy to make I used to think like when I was younger that it was super hard to do but grilling is very easy and grilled corn is super easy it is three ingredients olive oil sea salt and the corn and it comes out absolutely delicious I love love love the like charred up parts and it’s so easy so let’s do it first we need to shuck our corn so here’s the deal you can either Grill these with all the husks on or off if you grill them with the husks on you’re basically steaming the corn within the husk and you won’t get any grill marks but if you remove the husk and all the corn silk and everything then that’s when you get that beautiful charred look to the corn so it just depends on what you want to do I personally like to get rid of all of it and get those nice grill marks on the corn so I got off most of it but then I always just like to run it under cold water in the sink it really helps me to get off everything that I can’t get especially that corn silk cuz it’s just kind of a pain and then I’m going to Pat these dry and pretty simple so far right very easy grilling corn is so easy and then I’m going to just brush them with a little bit of olive oil and that’s it the olive oil will help the corn to get a nice calization on the outside so I have my little Grill heating up we want it between 350 and 450 and I’m going to pop my corn on there and honestly there’s not much to do you want to cook it for about 5 to 8 minutes per side you’ll start seeing these marks and I think it’s also really important to know where your grill Cooks hotter because there’s definitely always like hot spots so you might have to just rotate the corn move it around and it’ll take about 15 to 20 minutes so just be patient with it and once it’s all done it looks like this I mean you can just cook it to how Brown and kind of you know charred on outside you like nothing too fancy here just a little bit of flaky sea salt because that’s really all it needs it is so delicious and it tastes like candy corn is just the best this time of year okay and that is how we make some really beautiful grilled corn the trick is just to really be patient with it and give it some time but it’s such an easy side dish and it comes out so good so of course we’ll do a taste test by brushing it in the olive oil it adds a little bit of fat in there which is really nice and then I don’t feel the need to put any vegan butter on there because I have the oil and the sea salt already if you want to throw a little vegan butter on there you definitely can it would be delicious and it’s so easy it’s so delicious you could of course make it like Mexican street corn if you wanted like y lotes you could do so many things just with grilled corn it’s amazing you know cut it off put it in salads it’s so good but it’s also just delicious hot off the grill with the rest of all the dishes we’re making but we’ve got more things to cook so let’s do it all right we got all our sides covered so what are we going to have as our main dish of the meal hot dogs oh my goodness I am so excited exed to be sharing these vegan hot dogs with you guys they look so freaking good they are made with tofu and Satan so they’re actually like super high in protein it’s like 18 G or something for one of these hot dogs so it’s really really awesome they’re easy to make they’re delicious and they’re going to pair so well with our sides so let’s make them this is going to be very similar to how we made the vegan pepperoni a few weeks ago so we’re going to start off by adding firm tofu I didn’t press this but I just kind of lightly squeezed it if that makes sense then I have two cooked carrots about an ounce of carrot olive oil Liquid Smoke apple cider vinegar paprika salt garlic powder onion powder and water go into the blender blend this for about 45 seconds until it is very very smooth Blended up and very liquidy it’s a thicker liquid but it should be nice and smooth almost like a salad dressing we’re going to add in that vital wheat gluten and then we’re just going to blend it again one more time it’ll just like basically form it into what will look like a dough it’s not a dough say tan is in bread but that’s what we’re doing here and then I’m going to take it out of the blender we don’t want to over blend this we just want to like start getting it well Incorporated like this if your Satan is sticking you can just sprinkle a little vital V gluten for dusting and it won’t stick anymore so I’m going to knead this for about 3 to 5 minutes until it turns into a very smooth shiny looking ball that is what we want and you want want to be pretty rough with your kneading in this this is what helps create texture within the vegan hot dogs and as you could see when I press in there it just bounces right back that’s what we’re going for I’m going to make four hot dogs from this I felt these were good hot dog sizes so if you want to make more they just might be a little bit smaller so I’m cutting this into fours and then I’m going to roll it out and if you need some help for how long you should roll it you could just take a hot dog bun and kind of keep measuring for size it will will shrink up a little bit so like it does take about a minute to 2 minutes to roll it because the gluten is just so tight so it keeps forming back into a smaller shape so then just like with the pepperoni we’re going to first roll it in parchment paper and I’m taking my time here and I’m rolling it very tight and as you can see the parchment paper is about the same size as the piece of Satan then we’re going to take foil and we’re going to roll it again a little bit longer than the Satan hot dog but not by much roll it up very very tight twist the ends and this is what is going to help shape our vegan hot dogs when we steam it so this is a important part if you want to have pretty looking vegan hot dogs if you don’t care about how they look you don’t have to spend as much time but obviously I’m trying to entice you guys to make these recipes and make them look good so I spent a you know a few extra minutes just really rolling everything up tightly then we’re going to steam this I’m just going to pop them in my steamer basket and we’re going to steam them for 30 minutes um um just until everything Cooks inside there this is the cooking process of the Satan then I’m going to remove them let them cool in their foils for 20 minutes and then we will unwrap them and you will have these really awesome beautiful looking vegan hot dogs they are so cool so you can eat these now like this they are good it’s almost like the equivalent of a boiled hot dog however I think that they are better when you crisp them a little bit so I just sprayed them with a little spray oil and then pop them on a little electric indoor grill and the reason we’re using this Grill is because I couldn’t find the cord I don’t know where my boyfriend put it for the outdoor grill you’ll just get them nice and crispy to your preference pop them in the hot dog buns you could also crisp them up in a pan too in the stove and that’s it and now you have vegan hot dogs and I just put some ketchup on there but of course you know relish sauerkraut mustard it’s whatever you like but I do just like ketchup I’m a plain girl so that’s how you make our vegan hot dogs I really hope you guys try these one out because I’m really excited for them I do know that they already taste good I’m going to give you guys a taste test and I also want to show you the inside I definitely recommend like grilling them or crisping them up in a pan because it creates really nice texture on the inside I am just going to like eat this on its own without the bread because obviously the bread can impact the flavor so let’s just eat it on its own so it’s got a nice chewy meaty feel to it it’s salty it’s flavorful I think it’s really really good and they’re so fun to make they’re easy to make they’re great for summer so I I hope you guys show this one out we got one more recipe to make so let’s do it so we’ve made all our yummy food and now what are we going to drink we’re going to make some easy delicious homemade lemonade only a few simple ingredients it comes out so good it just looks so refreshing doesn’t it I love it so it’s so easy let’s do it I’m going to give you a few steps to make your lemonade look really fancy so of course we need some beautiful lemons I’m going to zest them I zested all four of them we’re going to save that for later cut them in half and then we’re going to juice all of these lemons so give yourself a little arm and hand workout if you like or if you have like a juicer you could use that and I got one cup of lemon juice from four lemons then I’m going to take those lemons cut them in half and I’m popping them in my pitcher for the lemonade we’re going to take all that lemon juice and then we’re going to combine it with organic sugar and we’re going to cook this on the stove until that Sugar dissolves I just whisked it takes about 5 minutes on a medium heat not very long and you don’t need to let it thicken or anything but you just want that sugar to dissolve if you taste it it should taste like a lemon candy pour that into your pitcher and then you’re going to pour in cold water about 4 cups and then we’re going to add in some ice cubes and that’s it very simple and very delicious we will pop this in the fridge and let it chill for like a half hour and in the meantime I’m going to get ready for my garnish so I’m adding some organic sugar to that lemon zest from earlier and that will be a nice little rim on the outside of the glass going to slice up some lemon and I’m just going to keep them whole but then cut a slit and that way we can just like very gently place it onto the outside of the glass I’m going to use a lemon wedge to wet the rim of the glass we’ll pop it into that lemon sugar that we made and then we can just get ready to pour our little lemonade out add in some ice cubes fill the glass up very beautiful looks just so refreshing in there I added my little piece of lemon and then I also did a piece of mint cuz I think it looks pretty you could do basil I don’t know it just looks so pretty in there I really like it and that’s it and add in some pretty straws and now you have a super refreshing delicious drink to go with all the food now of course I’ll do a little taste test and I just think this looks so pretty with the mint and the sugar rim and those little touches add something special making this more than just like typical lemonade let’s give a sip it’s so refreshing it’s light it’s not overly sweet if you like it sweeter always add in more sugar if you’re just like a very sweet lemonade person I like it like this because it’s like Fruity citrusy lemony and lightly sweeten and it’s so good so those are all our recipes I hope these help you out I am so excited that summer is here as always all the full brout recipes are on the blog links in description box down below check out the description box for links to things I think you may need there’s a lot down there so check it out thank you all so much for watching remember to stay cool stay hydrated I’ll see you soon with more recipes bye


  1. Just found your channel and I love it! Your creativity is amazing and I’m learning so much!💃🏾

  2. I like vegan mayo but id definitely try coleslaw with the hummous dressing 😊 another brilliant video 💚

  3. All these 5 basic vegan essentials look 😋 Francesca. Homemade baked beans are much better than canned store bought ones. Love 🥰 the video and love 💕 Francesca.

  4. Absolutely fantastic! Everything about this was wonderfully helpful. You just demystified several things for me! 😍🥰🙏😘🕊️ TY!

  5. Delightful recipes for the warmer months. Let's be honest, it's like being on the surface of the sun with the Heat Dome phases we have these days, so easy recipes are a must. Love the idea of using hummus for coleslaw; I wouldn't think it would work, but if you say it does, it does 🙂 Will make the lemonade first of all, because it's been years since I had fresh lemonade. Thanks for posting!

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