So much good pizza.

In order: Scarr’s is the most “traditional” ny of the bunch but definitely elevate. Fini’s regular cheese was meh but their white slice was amazing. L’industrie is the best in the city but I don’t know if the burrata slice was “better” than the regular slice. Mama’s Too’s house slice was solid but the squares really stand out, my favorite was the Cacio e Pepe square.

L’industrie > Scarr’s > Mama’s Too >>> Fini

by spersichilli


  1. MonumentMan

    take my upvote i live in nyc and i’ve never eaten at one of those places and it sounds like you were just a visitor and hit all of them lol

    (I have two amazing places near me, but they aren’t slice shops)

    Next time I’m down in the west village I’m gonna hit L’industie, and there’s a Mama’s Too near me. But I never am down by Scarr’s. I really want to try L’industrie especially to get toppings ideas for my own pizzas, and I want to try Mama’s to see first-hand how the crust looks on those pan pizzas, again to help me with my own pizza making!

    idk if its fair to say best pizza in the city. maybe best slice shop? lots of insane pizza at many restaurants around here too. but as i have said i’ve never tried any of these places that are getting so much hype on tik tok

  2. RenegadeP3NGUIN

    Take it back! You can never eat way too much pizza!!!

  3. ExcellentTeam7721

    It is the perfect food. The very idea that you can have too much is anathema to me.

  4. Deepsea2121

    Curious what street slices in NYC are costing these days. I remember $1 and then $2 and I’m guessing those days are long gone.

  5. yemKeuchlyFarley

    How you like that burrata slice?

  6. SheepInWolfsAnus

    No you didn’t. You ate exactly enough. Maybe not even as much as you should have.

  7. mainesmatthew01

    We are going to NYC on Friday, specifically gonna be in the Bronx. And recommendations on where to get slices?

  8. nycdiveshack

    I only have one pizza story, it’s what introduced me to pizza/nyc pizza and what also created my love for pizza. In October ‘92 at the age of 5 I moved from India to nyc. In the first month at my then neighbor’s place I watched on vhs for the first time the classic 1991 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My love of nyc and pizza was born watching that movie. I have such a great nostalgic feeling about that moment when I think about it that I become instantly happy. The cheese pizza images from that movie and the love the turtles and Splinter had for pizza became my own. Basically what I’m saying is you can never eat too much pizza.

  9. ja_ja_ja_ja_yaa

    If those were your only 8 slices of pizza, I’d say you didn’t eat enough

  10. SlurpMyBeans

    I’m jealous of you lol I wish I was in NYC right now eating as much pizza as I could 😂

  11. the_business007

    The pizza is the main reason I want to go to New York lol

  12. RockItGuyDC

    Glad you like L’industrie. It’s my favorite.

  13. HandofFate88

    Did you die?


    Then you didn’t eat too much pizza.

  14. i would have done the same! hope you enjoyed your stay.

  15. Top-Associate-5141

    Its nothing called ” to much pizza🍕”

  16. Bulky_Promotion_5742

    Looks great! Never been to NYC,But had some excellent Buffalo pizza!

  17. votequimby420

    if you ate all that in one day it seems perfectly reasonable

  18. ruppert777x

    Only 4 stops? We hit like a dozen in a day and a half! Haha

    Love NYC. Nothing comes close the pizza epicness in that city.

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