The banana split is a classic yet so many people mess it up. They use the wrong ice cream or the wrong toppings. Ugh.
Here’s my rendition of a proper banana split!
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy! Cheers everyone!

so guys the last couple times I’ve ordered a banana split it came out wrong and you know there’s like a recipe to the Banana Split there’s a reason it has what it has the flavors work together so I’m going to show you the proper way well in my eyes anyways how to make a banana split it starts of course with a banana and I’m doing two bananas cuz I’m I’m making a banana split for like five of us just to share for a big dessert so here we go it starts with your bananas and the bananas go down I got a frozen tray there that frozen ice cream plate is going to keep the ice cream nice and cold keep it from melting as I build this thing and I’m going to kind of figure out what to do here bananas go on the bottom and that’s good to go now guys I’m using tillamuk and I’m going to start with the chocolate big old scoop of chocolate goes down now this is the recipe sometimes people don’t use the right ice cream I’m also using the organ strawberry here and then of course you got to have vanilla that’s the one two three punch when it comes to a banana split then you need your toppings strawberry Topp goes on the strawberry ice cream all right and yeah I’m using jam cuz I couldn’t find any actual Sunday toppings but the Jam’s going to work great so then you do pineapple topping that goes on the vanilla okay strawberry on strawberry pineapple on vanilla and of course chocolate on chocolate that’s how the Banana Split goes guys but we are not done cuz you got to have your whipped cream right so the whipped cream little dollop on each little uh ice cream and then you put your cherries I couldn’t even find Marino cherries but I found found these cool like super sweet cherries figured they’d work you finish with chopped nuts guys that’s how you make a banana split right there guys I’m really excited each little ball of ice cream is like its own little sundae so I get in here guys it’s time I’m going to try it out and of course I go straight to the chocolate the banana the nuts I get it all in one bite a little bit of the the strawberry topping it’s amazing and guess what guys I even fixed a little cup for my Gussy so Gus is having his ice cream well it’s just whipped cream but man he enjoyed it what a treat thanks for watching cheers everyone


  1. Funny, I was just having this conversation today about the correct ingredients and technique for a banana split…and please split the bananas like you did. Cutting the bananas into slices ruins it!

  2. This looks great. Doesn’t some variations have wet walnuts? Making this for my son and I this summer.

  3. Missed your content the last week or so. Hoping all is well and you were just enjoying some personal time with friends/family. I'm not a huge ice cream and sweets person but that looks great and I love how adamant you are with this recipe. Most of your recipes have a disclaimer "there are no rules you can use whatever you like" this was a cool deviation. Cheers.

  4. Braums makes the best banana splits

    The do vanilla with hot fudge, strawberry with strawberry topping, and marshmallow sauce on the chocolate.


  5. Watching gus eat it made my day. I remember when my cat "dude" got into my ice cream and when i yelled his name he looked at me all innocent with whip cream all over his nose.

  6. Very nice, worked at BR the 31 flavors as a teen. Cut the banana down the middle after peeling only halfway using the rest of the skin to make it look better . But it all taste the same at the end of the day❤

  7. Tillamook!!! As a native PNWer, you are speaking my language! Looks fantastic!

  8. last time I got a banana split was from denny's when I ditched a high school assembly with a couple friends. I don't think it was made anything like this though.

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