Also, how cooked do you think this is? Medium?

by wareagle4444


  1. BamfFrenzy

    Solid 9. Did you sear the sides or just top and bottom

  2. EvilZombieToe

    I’ll concur with 9/10. The -1 is purely a personal preference with your seasoning. You got a good crust, but using dry herbs on a steak you’re about to toss over a fire doesn’t make any sense. Any flavour will be burned out of it and all you’ll be left with is spots of ash on an otherwise good cut of cow.

  3. __nullptr_t

    Whatever rub you used looks like it has rosemary, maybe thyme, and big chunks of garlic. I don’t like spice mixes like that when grilling at high temps because they turn into burnt bitter chunks. I usually use seasoning salt, pepper, and granulated garlic. There are a few steak rubs that work well for grilling as well, this looks like something I’d put on a whole prime rib roasted in the oven though.

    If you like those flavors on a charred steak, consider making a compound butter and add it just after grilling.

    If I’m being completely honest though sometimes I just want a ribeye with minimal fuss and I do almost exactly what you did. Since you asked for a rating though I’m telling you what I’d do in the aim of perfection.

  4. Direct-Bake-5425

    10/10 with just salt and pepper instead maybe some flaky salt at the end. Don’t need the other stuff like comments said. I was getting worried about this sub less good steaks then good ones.

  5. Fuzzy_Logic_4_Life

    Looks great, but I would be upset if my steak had that much fat in it. This of course is not your fault.

  6. Madeofstardust24

    Ooo yass I’d definitely come over for dinner 😊🥩❤️‍🔥

  7. WorriedGuidance9740

    Looks like a solid 8 to me. I’d eat it for sure.

  8. No_Knowledge2898

    Doneness looks great (med rare). Others mentioned the seasoning burning already. On good steaks I just like S&P but something like a Montreal seasoning is good too.

    That cut had a really nasty line of hard fat through it, that looks like it didn’t render and was probably tough and gristly.

    Really good though, 8/10

  9. maegorthecruel1


    looks good! temp isn’t leather, probably right there at medium. i’d want a better crust to give it a 9. but god damn, i bet it was delicious

  10. Looks good, I can’t give a proper r/ratemysteak score without seeing a raw pic with no seasoning.

    Butttt that is cooked to perfection, cooked 9/10 nice sear!

  11. XShatteredXDreamX

    You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

  12. singleply_tp

    Looks medium-rare to me. Nicely done! I’d give it a 8.5/10 and agree with the other comments on the potential bitterness in the pre-grill seasoning. I’d show up for the cookout though.

  13. Lol_who_me

    9/10 you lost a point for not inviting me over.

  14. reznated

    That’s a beautiful steak brother if it tastes as good as it looks it’s a 10

  15. mjgoldstein88

    My critique is that I find get any! It looks great. SPG before cooking it and the dry herbs on after. Good job.

  16. Old-Tradition9497

    Looks like you left it on the high heat for too long. I’m guessing you were trying to sear. I sear for 30 seconds then move it to indirect heat on the other side of the grill. Cook it to your desired finish and once it’s reached flip and move back to the high heat for 30-60 seconds. I personally like it more medium but that’s just me. Your steak still looks delicious.

  17. toledotigs

    Seasoning is strange, but execution is damn near perfect. Looks delicious! Nice job, chef!

  18. Confident-Party1471

    Just. gorgeous 😍. try the exact same thing using only flaky salt and pepper next time and see what you think.

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