this Capra sandwich has to be my new favorite sandwich we’re going to start by making some com FEI cherry tomatoes toss some tomatoes in an oven safe dish season them and drizzle them with liquid gold throw them into a 250° oven for 3,600 seconds while that’s cooking let’s make some pesto keep it simple with garlic salt pine nuts and basil drizzle on some more liquid gold and then grate on a whole bunch of palm now let’s assemble grab yourself some high quality bread I don’t want to see none of that Wonderbread crap slice it down the middle lay down a generous amount of pesto followed by some fresh arugula then for the star of our show some delicious creamy Bata follow that up with those slow cooked Tomatoes seasoned with pepper and a splash of bomic then you’re ready to Crown it and dig in I could hear the comments already where’s the protein shut up not every sandwich needs a basic ass chicken breast on it this is great as is


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