It's pizza of some sort I guess, but not really typical …perhaps there is a name for something like this sort of dish?

Pizzadough that is only flytten out enough to fit a cheeze (preferably a buratta), with pesto spread under it and a bruchetta mix and parmesan added on top after it's baked and ready to serve…

by Abbreviations_Royal


  1. Relative_Trick_1180

    It’s a prolapzza . Always tasty but a pain in the ass to make

  2. Interesting_Ad_4765

    Pizzarella should do the trick

  3. fifisdead

    I can’t see that and think anything other than “it’s time to deliver a pizza ball”

  4. PatrickKn12

    Oh, so we’re just inventing new types of food that could be common place globally in 40 years now?

  5. DanManahattan

    The Napoli Abscess? (Looks delicious Jokes aside)

  6. CorsoMom3367

    Amazing is what you should call it!

  7. Hefty-Profession-567

    Not sure if there’s any specific differences in crust, but this looks a lot like Georgian Kachapuri

  8. AngrySteelyDanFan

    I sell something similar and call it a pizza cupcake

  9. Hungry_Kick_7881

    There’s a middle eastern dish similar to this (excuse my ignorance of the exact place) where they use thyme, olive oil and pistachio and adding burrata would be so good.

  10. Hungry_Kick_7881

    I tossed the picture into Claude and it came up with Pesto Paradiso. Which would be great if this was a pesto forward dish rather than a burrata forward

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