This is not for my wife’s boyfriend believe it or not.

by Necessary_Basis_7414


  1. FuckerHead9

    Went out and left you home to watch the kids didn’t they

  2. Samantha_I_Am418

    It’s for your wife’s husband

  3. Carbon_Based_Copy

    Why? What did he do wrong? That steak is perf.

  4. richardgiver

    Your wife’s boyfriend will be eating the tuna steak shortly

  5. Son_of_Sophroniscus

    Your *wife’s*…. boyfriend?

  6. tiskrisktisk

    I don’t get all the wife’s boyfriend jokes. It’s sort of cringy.

  7. Worcestercestershire

    For your wife’s ex-boyfriend.

  8. aligatormilk

    The cutting board gave me an orgasm. It’s gorgeous.

  9. Infamous_Newspaper10

    Would this be considered medium or medium rare?

  10. Thick_Hamster3002

    what the hell did you do to that steak?!

  11. Final_Penalty_741

    Shiiiit.. I’ll be YOUR boyfriend for that! That looks incredible! Good job putting it on a beautiful cutting board too. Makes me moist..

  12. CuriousSelf4830

    I need to leave this sub because I keep getting so hungry every time I see a steak.

  13. Fun_Blackberry7059

    Damn I wish it was.

    -Some wife’s boyfriend

  14. How old is that fruit? That one poor apple has evolved so much it has an ass crack thanks to the rim of that bowl…your wife’s husbands steak looks pretty good though…he’s gonna need to replace some protein.

  15. truthtakest1me

    Honestly who cares about the steak, I want a link to that cutting board! 😍😍

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