[Music] list listen number one producer number one DJ number oneor see [Music] are we on there we on the I should have known that hey y’all welcome to cooking and Hood Chef ly I’m back today y’all I miss y’all so today we’re going to make I told you we going to focus on breakfast so we’re going to make us a breakfast casserole with potatoes meat cheese bread vegges oh it’s going to be so good and we’re going to make banana nut bread with caramel drizzle over the top so let’s get started and you know we going to stop dessert so get my April so how y’all doing out there I thank y’all for y beautiful comments that y’all was giv me it touches my heart to see him and to know that I’m a blessing to people like y’all are a blessing to me and to my wonderful lady gley how you doing girl I hope you feeling better you know I’m going to give a shout out to you every time I film so let’s get started with with this banana nut bread y’all so when you finish your break your your saber Castle then you can finish it with a slice of hot banana nut bread sweet good delicious all right so on this boow we going to take two large overripe bananas I know I made banana bread before but it wasn’t banana nut bread and it wasn’t drizzled in Caramel so this is a different one H all right I know y’all want to know y’all probably ask the question who is Chef Lely where she come from what she about so me and my cameraman was talking about maybe one day doing a live session and talking a little more about me so you going to take a for let me discard this right here and then watch my hand come on sweet PE all right so I’m going to sit down and I promise I’m going to tell y’all and promise to let y’all know who Chef Le is now I hope y’all be ready to to handle this story cuz uh I can write a book and believe me it’ll be a number one seller okay so the two lar now we going to mesh them up up with a fork in the bottom of the bowl they got to be oppr right so they could be sweet you can’t use a fresh banana I’m sorry for one you won’t be able to MH it like this with a fork cuz it’ll be too hard and for two it wouldn’t be sweet so when it get like this that’s all that sugar that brown stuff you see blacks the sugar this the sweetest banana you can eat it make you go a sugar tyght oh my bad y’all know I get carried away some time so when we Mash that banana up good oh I got to preheat my OV this thing over here there okay back to the so I have everything pre-measured on the counter y’all we’re going to use walnuts today all right that’s good to mesh so now we’re going to add one cup of white sugar one cup of firmly packed Brown dark brown sugar and two eggs two eggs that didn’t want to come out come on room temperature remember everything is better room temperature so I took my eggs out this morning and I took my buttermilk out I get room temperature everything works better with this room temperature all right let me get my [Music] whis going combine all that together now next we’re going to add a teaspoon of vanilla one teaspoon a little extra won’t hurt nothing like good vanilla we’re going to add 6 tbsp of melted butter one two three I might be have right on the head four five y’all know what be good that was exactly six and then we’re going to add 1/4 cup of Buttermilk mix that in here smell that almost smell like sweet potato P doesn’t it mhm you know I want everything y’all that’s just me all right now in this container we have two cups of allpurpose flour and two teaspoons of bacon soda and salt already mixed up in there and you don’t want to over mix it you just want to mix it enough the way it come together cuz it make your bread tough you mix it in stages try four if you can all right that smells so good don’t Sean M you hear him back there y’all got y’all better listen I done got on him about messing up that expens Seafood Sal oh I ain’t going to let that die why should I all right I’m going to buy you know buy another he he’s going I’m going to buy he’s going to buy cuz I I I want some of that again look at my face oh y’all know if I don’t make no mess it ain’t right M last stage that was fourth stage St is adding the flour y’all remember do not over mix you just want to get it mixed up good to where all right now I got my pan over there that I’m going to use to put it in let me get my nonsticking spray where are you every time I come to this cabinet I do that don’t to y’all okay I’m going to spray this C so it don’t stick well I little qu M just jump off just jump Judy jump okay I’m real rested I don’t go back to work ch go back tomorrow D I was going to say but that was last week when I was off the whole week I had to um Carri on my niece graduation um dinner and it was beautiful and it’s something hello nuts jumping over Bo all right so we put the nuts in the bowl and coat it with flow so that way they won’t sink to the bottom of the bread not the nuts on the floor we need them down on this no Sean don’t eat the nuts I could okay I’m just playing y’all Y just playing I ain’t nothing but clown that hard y’all have to excuse me so we going to sprinkle just a little bit of flour on these nuts here just a little bit that might be a tablespoon that I put on them in the cabin wash my hands oh no let me coat these first we going to coat them in the flow like that so that way when you cook them they won’t sink to the bottom Co them nuts okay sweet she everything jumping off how that work one day I just had everything was just and it was like you all right I was like yeah I’m okay I’m just chasing food all right that do look kind of good though what that right there that right him it reminds me know that right there reminds me of um like those uh sugar powdered sugar oh candy nuts yeah oh I’m going to make some for them too I’m going to make that as well one day but wait till y’all see the um Father’s Day menu y’all going to love that menu and for y’all fathers that are good to y’all women oh y’all going to love that y’all be good in the meal I’mma cook so we going to pour we going to pour them nuts in there and then we going to gently just fold them around inside of the banana bread mixture it smells so good I can’t wait to taste it cuz it’s going to be covered with caramel all over the top y’all oh that is going to be so good all right just going to fold them in let me get my [Music] Pan the just like that oh I can’t wait for this to come out I’m I’m excited about the sweet part this part right here but the casserole is good too you that’s the best part right there she say I want all that I don’t need nothing how you ain’t got to get all at the bottom I said what yes I do that’s just how I could all that all that I’m going to take a pause for the calls as I all right what did you let me see the bowl real quick oh there you go what he said y’all all right so we going to put this in I put the oven on 375 375° oven for about 20 25 minutes or until you sticking this clear so I’m going to clean up this mess and then I be right y’all in two and two we going to feel new week May week Father Day you on I can always edit stuff out so oh okay we are back so now we going to get on this breakfast casserole y’all and it’s going to be so good so in this bowl I cut five large red potatoes with four cuz here go the fifth one right here we going to then slice it okay the thin slice thin slicing this I’m sorry I would get this straightened like that so this thing going to consist of potatoes cheese meat veggies and for the vegetarians you don’t have to add the meat you just followall the recipe and use veggies let me put the potatoes in the bowl so they won’t turn brown BR on this right there now over here I already cooked the bacon that I’m going to put on the top of it and here is the bacon grease that we’re going to add the potatoes to but what I want to do is set aside a little bit of this uh bacon grease what you call flavored grease for this veggie part that I’m going Cook Out a little bit of that to the side for the vegetable part and for the vegetarians you know use your olive oil babies don’t use the Bacon Fat all right that’s one of the best things you could ever do e in your food so but my vegetarians they can’t do it so to them that to them that’s going to tast like bacon anyway so hey hey it is what it is all right so we got this thing here cooking on here now next thing we’re going to do while that heats up oh this my vegetable scrubber y’all to clean my veggies with just a little old scrubber clean your vegetables with okay now the vegetable part we going to use low sodium can spinach don’t say good to you try it cuz you know I’mma Spruce it up but the take the can Tes off the secret is to run it rinse it with hot water and we’re going to take that [Music] can you don’t have to always use fres you’re going to use what’s on hand this is what I had and and we going to make it do the same thing do with fray trust me you know I ain’t going to never tell you nothing that ain’t true and the can of mushroom we don’t want the juice T nothing we’re going to rinse all both of them off together cuz they’re going to be cooked together garbage let me wash my hands right quick right hot water you going rinse that can taste off with the hot water and we might not use all this so that’s quite a lot there that can for Spanish the shrink some little can you imagine how many bags they put in that can CU you know how it shrank down all right now while that is straining we’re going to take the water off the potatoes you can use any kind of potatoes you want I just had red potatoes on hand you can use you gold you can use rusted whatever you got and we’re going oh it’s smoking over here y’all we going to add it to this i p coming through now right here I have one I had one large onion I used half of it and one small celery that I CAU up in top right here here we going to add potato y there I knew you going to taste something onion L right there love it and we’re going to add some garlic one garlic to that I my Bo C this then chop it up all right this thing over here really cooking so now we’re going to see that I have some smoke caprika here light pepper maybe a teaspoon y’all know I I pre-measure everything and y’all know me just don’t be mad season salt celery sauce and we put all that in that good old bacon bacon glue so this is a CH chil M what is that chil M chili M chili M mhm oh so we going to use some of this y’all it’s something new in my car to kind of Z up the flavor a little bit all right and some salt proba half T of salt y’all all this up get some seon on them they smell so good I like good and we going to cook all this and stav everything it’s going to be in one pot so we don’t have no big old Min clean up and we want to cook these kind of halfway done because it’s also going in the oven okay all right we going to get this chopped garlic that we chopped up over here while these potatoes cook I’m going to tell y’all what else goes with this breakfast caps water on Ste to it then we’re going to cover and let that cook for a minute while I bring out the other goodie goodies forther okay so [Music] now this part this I me my dish and get my meat we have pork sausage regular AAR I love AAR those are the best sausage in the world hey Asar people keep making that good sausage and then we have some cute so it’s going to be layered it’s going to be potatoes cheese ground sauce potato cheese he vegetable cheese potatoes P toil oh wa and then we’re going to top it off with the croissants we going to add eggs so you got everything you need all in that one thingy there so what did I come in the refrigerator for oh well I guess you come back to all right so we’re going to cook the side [ __ ] first so we’re going to take a two and two and I’ll be right back with y’all in just one minute all right so now we have our ground pork here that we’re going to put in the pot and we’re going to cook it first I did say it was going to be a one Potter I lied my bad people I forgot I need both P for the uh my head now while our pork is cooking we’re going to check on our bread here oh look at that banana bre it smells so good y’all [Music] oh about done oh yeah it’s done I bet I bet I bet let’s [Music] see yep clean oh it’s done y’all how about that so we going to take this out with the big ho in the Middle look at that I just did okay that’s hot ouch shoot a little and we going to keep the oven on because we have put got C now that bread y’all so while I hot I’m going to sprad a little Mar that going to get filled with some good stuff MH is we going to flip this out y’all there that caramel all over the top of that oh my goodness oh my God I wish y was taste it damn damn all right let’s get to focus off this bread here and get back to my meat okay now that large onion that I had I used half in the potatoes now this other half is going to go in this pork right quick we going to give it a quick chop it’s a real quick Ro I ain’t over Bo oh nice what I was going to go I don’t know where the I going but I going to get out of here cuz I didn’t know what that was okay going to add that to the pork sausage over here then we’re going to season it off a little bit with a little like pepper I mean a little salt and a little pepper that’s all we going to put on this your pepper we going break it down just like you would ground beef put the onion in it a little bit y’ let that cook let me um find my top oo this sh on potatoes good looking good smelling good nice and pretty going take these long to get soft anyway and I like them rusted potatoes mhm add a little more water add lid back on and let it cook for another three we going to make it cook for another two 3 to 5 minutes y’all then we going to take it it spread put it in this pan to get some surface area so it can cool off real good okay so while we doing this we’re going to come back over here and these are the cheeses we’re going to use today we’re going to use extra shop cheddar and excuse me mon chat cuz I’m such a lady here so this is going to be lay up with cheese and meat potatoes and veggies and bacon and chai oh this going to be so good all right so we’re going to cut wipe this off onion on it thees this CH D come on then as you can get it or you can you you can Cube it if you want to but I don’t want to cube it I want to slice it we going to do at least a little more than half of this block this block cheese a little more half than that and that one know one thing it’s a good breakfast y’all never forget this breakfast y’all wait till the next week the next breakfast on make next video yall going to love that one is they Sean yeah aren’t they Sean y okay but for Father’s Day y’all going to love that menu really y really are so I’m say it get y’all fathers out there that got y’all better have y’all better be good if y’all want to have delicious meal oh to one of my fans that wanted to know zoom in on that air fryer Sean for them so they want to know what kind it was let me wipe it off so they can see it they see it can you see it professional cities okay and my shout out to Janice how you doing Janice girl I wish you was here with me so you eat some of this good food and have a glass of nice wine with you girl oh and to my other fan you know who you are and you know what it be so I’m going to get a shout out to you my fan from the store I’m inviting you to follow their dinner June the 20th and dinner will be served at 6 and I would like for you to be here so if you watch this cooking video you know where to be one 2 N that’s all I need to say cuz you know the rest all right cut up some this white cheese here but one day I’m going to sit down I’m going let y’all know who Chef Le is and I’m telling y’all y’all going to be y going to be like whoa wow really yeah because I’ve seen things in life and been places in life and did things in life that I shouldn’t have seen young cuz my daddy was a pimp in the 70s when black people first got high and free yeah and my mama was actually going to Stanton High School in the ninth grade when she married my father so and that’s a story that I could tell y’all and I think y’all will enjoy that whole story line okay look that cheese over there we need some more we’ll cut some more let’s go back over and check on our meat look that I sh bucket that’s hot and I Dro a fork now now SAS done we have our bacon over here that goes on the top we cooked that first cuz we needed the good stuff to cook the potatoes in okay and the three 5 minutes up for the potatoes what I’m going to do is we’re going to get this pan here we going to pour potatoes in here for surface area so it can cool off a little for me to handle when we go to lay out all right limited room [Music] give me some room over here I need some room I need some room we going to take our potato out this [Music] pan we going to put them on this pan so they can get F hand there all the goodness out the bottom all the bit we want all that y’all okay y’all in this pan right here you remember the spinach and the mushroom that we rinsed ear that was in the can I took it with reserved bacon grease a little olive oil and some butter chopped up one4 of that onion that was left from the large onion and one clove of garlic and I cooked it cooked it off and it’s p so now we’re going to put it to the Bowl cuz we need pan cuz we’re going to make something like a cream spinach y’all okay so we’re going to get rid of this we going to make the sauce that that it’s going to go back in and it’s going to be so good here all right we going to add some butter to the hot pan that’s probably 2 tesp with my that’s not butter I’m sorry marar you going to get out [Music] with so y’all know I always told y’all it’s 1 tesp of flour with one cup of milk so where is my measuring color I got glasses on the P what’s up with that y’all go one which one that one right there no that’s my coffee that’s my coffee C that’s the measurement for my ground espresso coffee y’all okay okay [Music] all right that butter that Mark is about melted so now we’re going to take a little tablespoon of flour and add to that turn it down cuz I don’t want it to turn brown I’m not making gravy you want to keep it white and good one tbsp two okay all right that around need put more water in there see I thought I had it measured right but I did I got glasses on and still can’t see SPO right oh damn don’t worry about it I mean d sorry ather to that there we go now it’s Lo and it was all tight there for a minute now we want to cook this off until the Ross Taste of the dough olive oil in there [Music] tablespoon there we now we want to cook this off where it don’t smell like Dough because right now if I was to take this and put my milk and everything in it when you taste that it would taste like straight dough you be like oh a teaspoon of salt got to season every lay I told you that P pin to of [Music] pepper we going to cook this off the low you don’t want to turn dark because we’re not making gravy like I said [Music] so that mean we need two cups of [Music] liquid still smell kind of doughy [Music] [Music] we let that cook I’m going to come over here and get everything we need to go in there so we’re going to need 2 cups of milk we’re going to use 1/2 cup of sour cream we’re going to use 2 oz of cream cheese we’re going to use paresan cheese we’re going to use A4 cup of cream fresh and then we’re going to use a roasted garlic sauce so instead of me roasting garlic this time I had this on hand yeah this stuff is so good y’all y’all would love this stuff try it helmet can’t go wrong they got all different flavors I like it barbecue kind the lime and cilantro kind from the [Music] tacos right I already added my two cups of milk to my flour in the pan [Music] so now we’re going to add 2 oz of cream cheese you know it’s got a measurement on the side there we going add cream cheese damn I mean d i mean d no not on my dress I don’t think I got on dress yes it did oh no yes it did show it did it did cream cheese in there then we’re going to add 2 tbsp of cream fresh one remember y’all get the cream fresh off the Mexican Island the store or the whatever they call that the creem fresh yeah and then we’re going to do 2 tbsp of sour cream we making like a cream finish in other words people my version of cream span you know my mind be different okay now we’re going to add this about half a cup couple parmesan cheese then we going to let all that come together oh look at at let all that come together that’s that butter on top y’all see that butter see how think that’s get yeah [Music] baby so now we’re going to taste and see what we need on salt you know come on this as own salt salt in it already if I can find a spoon I need some more room y’all try to get another house yeah that part Perfection Perfection Perfection Perfection okay so we going to add just a little salt that’s about a four of a teaspoon and a little more pepper remember I told you I season every layer to this all right nice big that’s what we looking for [Music] right and we going to add our spinach and mushroom mixture in we going to stir that around get rid of this look at that cheese you see that seen that oh that uhhuh uhhuh if y’all don’t like Spanish something is definitely wrong I turn anybody who say they don’t like it something to a lover of it trust me I can eat it raw just like Papa what you say do your muscle do your arm and feet like papey no no you get to kick Bruno butt like papy and do olive oil holla Pap I’m sorry oh goodness that looks so good mix all that in we spinach St you need Arch chokes and all of that stuff put in it yeah actually have put that you could use this for space good so I’m going to rinse off a spoon and let my cameraman taste this and then I’m going to clean up and when I come back we’re going to build this up wait a minute before we go out there let him taste it I want him to hear hear what he say and I know we on our way let’s see hot hot hot oh yeah oh yeah oh dang did y’all hear that okay y’all we going I’mma clean up and then when we come back we going to build this breakfast C Ro see y’all back in two and two can’t never have too much roast g m this stuff so good it’s so good on steak oh my God we on there uh I’mma shoot [Laughter] you okay y’all the roasted garlic I told y’all we going to put like a tablespoon in there that’s a good tablespoon we going to mix it around and that cream spinach [Music] there this that it’s that it’s that Sean y’ back that’s s okay now we’re going to build this cassero I’mma bring everything thank you over here and the cheese the F cheeses yeah the cheeses one orange and one white M cheese we going to bring everything y’all we need some more room around here over here excuse it y’all just just bear with me H just bear with me okay now what we going to do first we going to take some me some potatoes wait let me spray that let me spray that first we want we we want everything to come out easy we go all right but D that do not like being it does not it do all right we going to take some of our potatoes going lay it in the [Music] bottom my sist people it’s something about this Florida weather they will do it to you mhm you going lay us some cheese in the I mean some potatoes in the bottle I’m going to put the cheese on it already y’all put some potatoes in there one more and that’ll be good okay we have potatoes then we’re going to put cheese cheese cheese glorious cheese yes white cheese orange cheese all the cheese okay then we’re going to add meat so I’m going to put the pork on the bottom this pork be safe for breakfast gr me some eggs M all right wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait got to get the CH out let me get my CH out y’all I’m coming [Music] you speak of a CH a few can’t wait to take my B drill okay now we going to do another layer potatoes oh shoot like that this smells good look good yeah yeah baby delicious potatoes old crappy yeah you can look at it like that but a breakfast or G yeah okay then we’re going to add Bas then we going to put some cheese on it cheese one more piece of white cheese right there all right now we going to put some potatoes do I want to I’m going to put this I’m going to put the veggies in the middle mhm that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to put a layer of this on top of that good oh this going to be so good yall love this I already know it’s going to be good mushroom spinach cream sauce can’t go wrong with it are we on the air we on the air hi y’all welcome back cooking in the hood Chef listen y’all going to be so mad when we was filming Lon this casserole the phone decide to kick it out so I got to sit here and tell y’all step by step on how I did this so before I do that here’s the end result of the breakfast cero we going to put some butter on that R it round and then I’m going to show y tell y’all how I did this since the phone kicked it all out I am so sorry y’all I just told the camera man me and him going to fight by that phone okay going butter that top definitely figure it out okay now what I did was look at me when I’m talking to y’all oh no I took potato remember we did the potatoes I put potatoes at the bottom that’s one cheese mhm the White and the orange together little put some orange and then some white cheese the cheddar cheese rather and then we put the pork sausage first okay then we had another layer of potatoes cheese and then we put the our sausage on there m then we put another layer of potatoes and then we put the vegetable spinach mix on that with cheese and then we had our last layer of potatoes we put cheese and the cubed ham and then we took some croissants butter flavor croissant and put it over the top and baked it that’s all that is butter is butter croissant so you got your cheese your bread your meat oh and four and then I I crack four eggs scrambled it pulled it over the casserole then I put the croissant onp okay so layer potato meat cheese potato meat cheese potatoes veggie cheese potato ham cheese crack four eggs scramble pour over the whole casserole and then add your bread on top and then you bake it till the bread gets done cuz everything precooked only thing we want to do make the bread cook and the cheese and melt but my camera is going to make a note on there for y’all because he did it okay now here’s our banana bread looks good doesn’t it mhm all right dress we going to Dr a caramel across the top of that oo going all off the pan ain’t it yeah that’s that banana nut bread y’all with caramel there we go so now hot okay so now we’re going to cut this casserole and we’re going to take it out we’re going to let the cameraman do his thing so when I pull it out y’all will see what I’m talking about with the layers once I pull it out with the spatula you going cut that like you would a lasagna and then we need a good spatula to go in there and get it [Music] up caram all right let’s get a plate cameraman can do his taste testing for you y’all know the first piece is always the hardest one to get out I don’t think that’s going to be hard to get out at all no not at all I’m listening to it yeah sit in the bottom of the plate all right see oh yes that’s going to look so good look at that oh y’all see that that layer see what I say it’s all the meat the veggies the cheese and the bread the egg all that good stuff all right camera man here you go it’s hot look at that show them that make sure you let them see that see that thing now Oho look at that y’all it’s so pretty y’all going to enjoy that that right there look at that look at that look at it in here look at that all them layers of good stuff boy look at that that oh all right cameraman let’s get a taste well you want me to break it for tee so you can say hold the camera yeah y go you going where you going no it’s R you can’t F anything I’m waiting y’all God that’s good okay there we go goodness all right now let’s cut our banana nut bread here he ready to eat y he let see what this look like oh look at that that look like y for real look at that see the pain the nuts didn’t fall to the bottom see that it’s all through the bread all right cameraman open no that tast like real banana bread right there taste like real banana bread right there let’s see oh my goodness that’s good oh man it’s it’s so nice and moist y’all mm there we go so we have my banana nutr I breakfast cherone so on that note thanks for joining in tuning in looking watching loving so this has been cooking in the hood with Chef ly remember support family cooking with tip the four horns and Le love and also me starring Chef Hood Chef you know what I’m saying so until next time remember food is from God to the heart for the Soul Food the feed Soul until next week y’all love y’all peace [Music] listen one producer number one DJ number oneor see


  1. Mornin Aunty!!! 🫶🏿🫶🏿 it's so good to see you! I really missed your butt and your crazy loud sister! 😜 🫶🏿

  2. Mr Camera Man if you put tissue in one side of your nose it will catch it in then do the other side or get you a hot towel and put over your face because if you keep sniffing it going to become a habit it sounds like you are sniffing power and it doesn't sound good while she's cooking ❤❤

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