What other foods could you happily eat every day for the rest of your life?

by Gobbledegooch


  1. Horror_Vanilla_1930

    I couldn’t eat any one thing for the rest of my life. I could probably live off of Vietnamese food or Thai food or Indian food

  2. NewMathematician623

    Cheese enchiladas. A good pasta marinara or properly made bolognese

  3. Local_Lush

    Pizza. Pasta. Burrito. The three you can make it anyways combo.

  4. Omelettes. I’m basically doing it already.

  5. fries, burritos, sandwiches, fruit, and ofc pizza!

  6. Toefungular

    For me, pasta, for a more general answer, probably eggs if you include dishes where it’s at least a big part of the dish like eggs Benedict or something.

  7. Hungry_Kick_7881

    Bbq, burgers and Greek yogurt w/ honey. I’m currently cooking a pizza and plan to have nice fat dollop of Greek yogurt for dessert.

  8. Naive_Programmer_232

    Fettuccine alfredo




  9. SadLaser

    Tacos, a number of different stir fry dishes, sandwiches, sushi, salads, baked potatoes…

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