Rate the tomahawk. Hands down the best steak I’ve ever had

by Careless_Anywhere_23


  1. FuckerHead9

    You nailed it wall to wall pink 🔥🎉

  2. undarant

    I want to kill whoever made this.

    >!And take those steaks for myself!<

  3. markekt

    What you’ve had is a thick cut ribeye with the long bone left in place for aesthetics that you’ve over payed for. With that said I buy them as well because I love the aesthetics and you did well.

  4. NCRSpartan

    Smash! In an appropriate manner and a highly sexual manner.

  5. Mycotoxicjoy

    Having just had a ribeye 48 hours ago I can say I would destroy that steak so good job

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