Recent home cooked meals in Scotland ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ

by lisa_kyle


  1. DivineGiggleMissy

    Oh wow impressive! you must be a great cook.

  2. Memento_Morrie

    Oh, that’s it. I’m coming over to your house for dinner, man.

  3. Affectionate-Tea-975

    Everything looks fantastic!

  4. Relative_Yesterday70

    Good work. Healthy and tasty.

  5. BedaHouse

    Bravo. The work put in for those meals alone is impressive, not just the finished product.

  6. Penny_No_Boat

    Can you list/describe each dish? They look amazing.

    Also, I too love green onions and put them on nearly everything.

  7. Lysergial

    I thought you guys deep fried everything!

    Looks great!

  8. First 5 pictures peaked my interest for the recipes. Share em if you got em.

    All of them look incredible delicious. You guys eat like king and queens!

  9. sprigandvine

    Do you follow any specific recipes or wing it?

  10. CodCompetitive2016

    They all look incredibly delicious!

  11. Routine-Vehicle2528

    Meals look great! You do any reduced carb meals?

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