Would you let me cook for you?

by lilvanne17


  1. You underestimate just how low that bar is.

    That said, the steak looks fantastic, and I would thoroughly enjoy it.

  2. Food4Thought23

    Absolutely! You cook and I’ll clean.

  3. Johnny_Manson

    Do not take offense. If you cook a steak in a pan your an asshole.

  4. Brave_Salamander1662

    Yes, but leave the cutting and plating to me. Thanks.

  5. Different-West748

    Uneven cook with no sear, sorry probably not.

  6. dissentingopinionz

    No. Why did you cut it like that and not sear it properly?

  7. Thetheoryofeverythng

    That’s like asking to light off my fireworks, buy your own 🤬lol

  8. EveningBasket9528

    Yup! I’d enjoy it. I prefer to cut my steaks one bite at a time though…

  9. danhoyle

    No. Don’t want someone whose gona post every god damn crumbs on internet.

  10. heatrepeat6

    Probably not tbh. Sear isn’t that great and it’s not thoroughly cooked. I’d rather just make my own.
    No shame though just answering the question lol.

  11. docmphd

    The fat has an odd color in my opinion, is it just rendered super well?

  12. kitfoxxxx

    I live in Charlotte. Your flight tickets are in the mail.

  13. kabula_lampur

    Nope. I cook my own steaks, and from the looks of it, do a better job at it as well.

  14. Abject-Government-13

    Looks great, fries look good with cola right off the cutting board just like we do at home.

  15. Present_Operation866

    wall to wall medium.
    yes i would let you cook for me.

  16. FragrantExcitement

    Reluctantly. Really just to be nice to you.

  17. RusticBucket2

    Inside looks good. Not enough sear.

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