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In this video i teach u how to make in a easy steps how to make neapolitan pizza “green” but not made with fake colors i made it with real basil and the pizza dough actually come out nice and green, the full recipe is on video for now but i will add it soon here also. Please share the best pizza channel with friends


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hello guys from my welcome back to my channel I’m so happy so smelly so green today I’m going to show you how to make the green pizza dough yes you understand green so that means it’s a super healthy pizza dough super easy to do it with the basil and spinach let me get it for you and there we go like you can see boom voila the door is growing in the meantime that is growing I’m going to go ahead and show you how everything started I’m going to teach you a toz how to make this beautiful dough green natural color so let’s go ahead smash the like watch until the end and if you’re new welcome from myell make sure to watch Until the End let’s go ahead and let’s start from the beginning from the door let’s go [Music] and here we go it’s time to make the dough everything starts from the pulish so guys I prepared this pulish the day before with 500 mL of water 5 G of yeast 500 G of flour and 5 G of honey and this this is how it looks after 24 hours full of bubbling and looks perfect if you really want to see how to make it I have a video how to make polish for beginners but before making the dough we have to do something let’s grab about half kilos of spinach one plant of Basil of course we go ahead and clean it up really quick which is going to be is about 100 G of Basil now what we’re going to do here we’re going to boil first the water once this boil dumping the basil and the spinach together in the water cook it for about 30 second or so and then right away we go ahead get the spinach and the basil and put it right away in the highy water and keep it there for about until it gets cooled down and then save the water because that’s where we’re going to use to make the dough now that we have the spinach and the basil already ready we’re going to go ahead and use the blender we’re going to use the same water so and this is the water that we are going to scale also for the dough so make sure we use everything use the blender until it’s nice and the whole like one smooth like drink this is how you make a colorful dough now with fake colors we are going real know what I’m saying okay grab the scale because now we’re going to scale all the ingredients that we need to make the dough and then we’re going to make the dough and ready to rock and roll so I’m going to to use in this for this recipe it’s super easy guys to keep in mind this we need 3 kilos of z00 flour the O polish and then we are going to need 2 L of water we have to use the water that we use of course for the spinach and everything and then about 100 G of salt here we go so the secret is how you make the dough and not the rest with so let’s go ahead and let’s dump the whole flour the O polish and then of course I’m going to leave the recipe down in description now F amount of the water look how green it is speed number one 20 minutes and then let’s way that everything gets all in one piece okay make sure you take a seat you take a moment to dedicate it to your dough so now it’s time to go ahead and put the salt let’s go ahead at this point and speed up the D machine at like medium speed high there we go let’s wait a few minutes that the dough gets Incorporated and let’s go in the same time add more water but make sure when you add the water you want to go L by L otherwise it’s going to be super hard to incorporate it the water and automatically you are not going to build the gluten so properly this uh process is going to take about 10 to 15 minutes so the time that we finish all the water and the door is ready check out my Instagram page VTO yoelli because there I have some shorts video lovely so if you don’t follow me there I saw 1.4 million here on YouTube Instagram guys go ahead and subscribe us on Instagram 3 2 1 the door it’s lovely ready let’s check it out yes yes here we go guys so let’s go ahead and let’s put some olive oil in this beautiful counter all over on your hands here we go so now let’s go ahead and let’s put the dough on top of the counter here we go the door it’s lovely ready a quick test of the gluten structure it’s perfect let’s go ahead fast quick let’s make it into one ball nice so now we’re going to wait about 15 minutes and form it into balls okay guys now it’s time to make the balls so a little bit of olive oil in your hands and now let’s go ahead let’s cut the dough piece by piece and keep in mind you want to keep this part on Top all the time so this is how you make the balls so you want you want to put the dough inside do inside inside did you see how green it is then make sure it’s closed if sticky the olive oil in your in your hands this way you don’t damage the gluten structure okay now that we made the balls let’s go ahead let’s grab a container if you don’t have a container get a sheep pen and place it this way in the in the box so make sure they are separate from each other this way they don’t get stuck let’s go ahead and let’s place it all inside the Box okay now it’s time to make the pizza we put the dough inside the flour now couple of times in the flour this dough is super dry so we can work the dough on top of the counter make sure to keep the dough as a circle and now we go ahead and we stretch the pizza couple of times press press press don’t get nervous now because we are cooking in a home oven we have to do a double cook so we just put the base of olive oil here we go let’s get the feel make sure the pizza is nice and big the size of the peel here we go and now let’s go ahead and let’s cook the pizza in the home oven voila the pizza it’s lovely almost ready so let’s go ahead and let’s place on top of the counter now let’s finish up the pizza well I cooked the pizza for about a few minutes or so and this would just the time to get a nice crust so let’s go ahead now and put the Mortadella as the bottom of the pizza put a little bit of olive oil on top of the crust because this way helps the cook to be nice and uh colorful so now I want to cut those Tomatoes This Way okay fill it up the pizza with tomatoes fresh mozzarella now let’s grab those zucchini flour open it up make sure to take off this little thing gear wise is so sour we need about six of them now again let’s put some olive oil on top of the zucchini flour done so now let’s go ahead and let’s finish up the pizza in the oven for about 5 minutes or so just the time to get nice and colorful dough now let’s wait a few minutes that the crust gets nice and colorful okay guys thank you so much Loris the pizza is about to be done we can see that is nice and colorful Bo they come out lovely and fantastic let’s place the pizza on the plate here we go ah let’s see if it’s crunchy and soft in the same time soft and CR oh oh quiet over there it’s soft and Crown so let’s check out the bottom it come out perfect so let’s finish up the pizza with some walnuts let’s ground it with your hands and place it on top let’s grab some basil ooo smells so good h of oil even on top of the Cross makes it nice and shiny and guys I present you the green pizza with the dough made uh with spinach and basil let’s open up the cross and let’s see how it looks inside cut the pizza let’s check out the inside before we taste it okay here we look look at this the inside of course it’s not super bubbling because the we cook the pizza in the home oven but of course still going to taste insane so let’s go ahead let’s grab a slice and let’s taste this this beauty wow wow tasty very uh surprising insane guys thank you so much for watching tell me how this set looks like because it’s brand new and uh tell me comments if you want to see more colorful pizza dough because I want to know from you what do you think about this colorful dough so after that I’m going to think about it and make it more I’ll see you soon guys


  1. Looks amazing ,you made me go to the yard and rub some fresh basil on my hand , that smell is crazy.

  2. I want to see a red one with roasted red bell peppers, and some Thai red chilis to make a soft & crunchy AND spicy colourful dough for home! I would make a diavola pizza with this dough. I also want to learn how to make mozzarella cheese and also burrata… and some Italian too by the way! You should speak more Italian!

  3. Really interesting recipe.
    I have one question though: I don't have an industrial spiral mixer like you do, I use an Ankarsrum for kneading bread dough, but you've mentioned the first stage of mixing for 20 minutes on the lowest speed. does that not raise the temperature of the dough too much?

  4. Vito this is incredible … I have just started using a ninja outdoor 13 in 1 oven which is incredible for pizza. Please can you share your favourite pizza sauce recipe? – and anybody else who sees this.

    I am currently lightly frying a bruised garlic clove in olive oil for 1-2 minutes, add 400g chopped tomatoes heated on stove top with dried oregano, sage, salt & sugar to taste – heat for 20 minutes or so, makes 3x pizzas worth of sauce.

  5. Great idea for new natural color pizza dough. My Wife loves the basil so we gotta try this green dough. Save the black ink and red/orange pepper dough for Halloween.
    Your "Home" set looks great. Everything a home kitchen would have. But you need a peel holder for your home oven set. Maybe on the side of the oven would be OK. Home pizza maker would squeeze a peel holder where ever it could fit or use a shorter foldable peel that fit in a drawer.

  6. Vito. I like your studio and the pizza as well. What colour do you suggest to do en you netx pizza? It could be tomatoes

  7. Need more taste testers. Can you really taste the basil and spinach in the dough or is it just colorful?

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