How to Make a Grilled Vegetable Charcuterie Board

There is nothing more delicious, healthy and beautiful as a bountiful assortment of perfectly charred grilled vegetables served alongside a delightful lemon basil vinaigrette dressing, burrata cheese and olives. This recipe works so well because not only can it be made ahead of time, but it’s so simple! Using fresh summertime vegetables, serve this grilled vegetable board at your next BBQ, as an appetizer, side dish, or as the centerpiece of your meal! Since grilled vegetables and the lemon basil dressing taste best at room temperature, you’ll have plenty of time to relax and mingle with your guests. Watch the video for tips on how to not only prepare the vegetables for grilling, but for making the vinaigrette dressing and assembling a beautiful vegetable charcuterie board!


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❓ Eat Color with Claudia Cooking channel is about cooking healthy and colorful meals! I’ll also show you how to cook authentic Italian dishes, make things from scratch and adjust ingredients to keep dishes low in preservatives!


2 red peppers cut into quarters
1 red onion cut into 1/2” rounds
4 plum tomatoes cored and halved lengthwise
2 zucchinis cut into ¾” long slices
2 yellow squashes cut into ¾” long slices
1 eggplant cut into ½” rounds
2 lemons cut in half

For the Marinade:
1 tbs. minced fresh parsley
½ teas garlic powder
½ teas. salt
¼ teas pepper
3 tbs. balsamic vinegar
3 tbs. olive oil

For the Lemon Basil Vinaigrette:
¼ cup fresh basil, sliced into ribbons
1 clove garlic, minced
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 tbs. Dijon mustard
fresh lemon juice from one lemon
½ teas. salt
¼ teas. of freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Additional Ingredients for the Charcuterie Board:
A handful of fresh parsley
A handful of fresh basil
1 container of burrata cheese
1 jar of pimento olives


Prepare the Lemon Basil Vinaigrette Dressing:
In a food processor, combine basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, Dijon mustard, lemon, salt and pepper.
Pulse it a few times.
While running on low, add in the olive oil.
Store in the refrigerator, in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Be sure to shake or stir it since the oil will solidify as the dressing chills.

Prepare the marinade:
In a large mixing bowl, combine parsley, garlic powder, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Whisk together.

Prepare the Vegetables for Grilling:

Prepare the eggplant. After slicing, lay the slices on paper towels and season with salt. Wait for 20 minutes or until the moisture is extracted and wipe clean with a paper towel.

Prepare the red onions. After slicing, stick a metal skewer through the rings to keep the onion in tack while grilling.

Once the eggplant is wiped clean, brush the marinade on each side. Set aside.

Brush the marinade on to both sides of the red onion. Set aside.

Using the mixing bowl, drop in all the zucchinis and squashes. Use a wooden spoon to combine well. Transfer vegetables to a plate and set aside.

Using the same mixing bowl, drop in the bell peppers and lemons. Combine well. Set aside.

Add the tomatoes to the mixing bowl and carefully combine with the rest of the marinade. Set aside.

Add a bit of olive oil to the mixing bowl and drop in the eggplant slices.

Combine well and allow them to sit in the mixing bowl until grilled.

How to Grill on a Gas Grill:

Heat the grill to high for 15 minutes.

Lower the temperature to medium – medium high and grill the zucchinis and squashes for about 5-10 minutes each side or until lightly charred. Remove from the grill and set aside.

Place the red peppers on the grill and char them well. After they are fully charred place in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for about 10-15 minutes. The steam will loosen the skin away from the peppers allowing you to easily remove the skins later.

Place the onions and lemons on the grill, then the eggplants and then the tomatoes. After each is lightly charred, remove and set aside.

Make a Grilled Vegetable Charcuterie Board:

Using a large wooden board, arrange the grilled vegetables with a bowl of dressing and burrata cheese. Add olives, parsley and basil for accessories.

Enjoy this dish warm or at room temperature.

#GrilledVegetablesontheBBQ #Mediterraneanrecipes #Lemonbasilvinaigrette #EasySummerVeggiesrecipe
#HowtoMakeGrilledVegetables #summercharcuterieboard #tastyvegetabledishes #howtocookvegetablesonbbq #vegetablegrillingtips #grilledeggplant #healthybbqsidedishes #grilledvegetables #italian #Healthyrecipes #recipe #food #cooking #charcuterie #easy #eatcolor #claudia

hello everyone welcome to ecolor with Claudia and I’m Claudia and today I’m going to share how to prepare and then Grill some fresh summertime vegetables now these vegetables taste delicious straight off the grill but you can also for something a little special serve them with some lemon basil vinegret I’ll show you that and also how to place them on a shakery board so that you can bring it to your next barbecue or it’ll just look amazing as your centerpiece for your next [Music] meal let’s do the lemon basil vinegret first let’s start with one garlic a touch of this garlic in the dressing makes it so good and now some tender fresh basil leaves just slice them like this into ribbons we want about 1/4 cup you really do need to do fresh basil leaves because the dried basil leaves in this dressing just won’t cut it and 1/4 of a cup of fresh grated Parmesan cheese and fresh is always is better than the kind in the container now the juice of one lemon 1 and2 tablespoon of Deon mustard we’re going to pulse this a few times now I’m going to turn this on low and add a half a cup of olive oil while it’s running I almost forgot we need to add some salt and some pepper so let’s give this another R this dressing is going to taste delicious on these grilled vegetables but if you think of it you should make doubles so that that way you can have some of this dressing on your salad tomorrow CU it keeps really well in the refrigerator for at least two or 3 days delicious so let’s get our vegetables ready everybody’s been washed and dried and I’m going to start with the eggplant trim off the end and then cut them into half inch slices lay the slices on a paper towel and sprinkle with salt this will draw out any extra moisture that’s in the eggplant removing any bitterness that might be in there since eggplant is super absorbent this step will keep the marinate from soaking into the eggplant too quickly we let the eggplant sit here and let the sauce do their thing and let’s grab two red peppers let’s remove the core first and any ribs or seeds you want your peppers to lay flat on the grill so if there’s any kind of curly pieces like here just just shave them off so that they’ll be flat each pepper should be cut in about four or five pieces and now we’re just going to set these aside now we need a red onion cut this into half2 in rings feed a skewer through the center of your onion here so that it’ll stay intact and we won’t lose it on the grill let’s do two zucchinis and two squashes and we’re going to trim these similar ways slice off the ends cut these into cut them in half just like this if your squash or your zucchini is really thick you can cut it into three pieces so you just decide if you want to cut it in half or in threes that you also might just want to trim just a little bit of the edges this way when you put them on the grill both sides will get nice and charred and crispy and now let’s do some lemons two lemons because you might just like to squeeze the fresh lemon juice onto your vegetables gives it a really nice flavor when these are grilled now let’s get back to these egg plants which has lots of moisture on there and rather than dabbing them go ahead and really really wipe them wipe that excess moisture and the salt right off now we’re going to gather some ingredients for the marinade we’re going to put these vegetables in the marinade to get the flavoring before it hits the grill so we’ll start off with olive oil about three T tablespoons some of your tasty balsamic vinegar again about 3 tablespoons a half of a teaspoon garlic powder some salt some pepper a tablespoon of fresh parsley and we’ll add it in now let’s just whis this out I can tell by looking at this I just need a little bit more olive oil here we go now I like to vaste my eggplant with the marinade because eggplant tends to get a little greedy since it’s so absorbent even though we salted it we’ll make sure that there’s marinade left over for all the other vegetables and let’s do the same thing for the onions and be sure to base both sides drop the zucchini and the Squash in give it a stir let’s put the peppers in the lemons in and stir this up add just a little bit more olive oil and drop the eggplant in they’re going to get one more go round of the marinade and I’m just going to keep these in here until they go out on the grill I have a gas grill so if you have like a different kind of Grill you might need need to adjust but for my gr gas grill I’m going to keep the lid covered Crank It Up To High and let it get nice and hot for at least 15 minutes so these guys are going to rest here and I’m going to clean up this mess you want to bring a baking sheet outside with you and of course your vegetables I’ve got them covered and a bowl with some plastic wrap because we’ll put our bell peppers in here after they’re grilled lower your temperature down to medium and start with your squash and just go ahead and get all all these vegetables on here do the vegetables 5 minutes or so on each side do you need to watch them and you you know may need to figle them look how nice and charred these are getting just beautifully so I’ll just let these go here now on the other side for just a couple of minutes Okie do I’m going to get these guys off every time you open up your grill remember that it gets cooler and so you might need to switch between medium and medium [Music] high but there’s not enough color we forgot the tomatoes let me go cut up some tomatoes and get them on here all right yep these Tomatoes will definitely complete our board okay let’s get everybody inside okay let’s take a look at these Bel peppers and we’ll just take the skin right off of these when you assemble the platter the security board doesn’t have any rules the Only Rule is that you should balance the sides with color and with items so let’s give this a try [Music] the soft Barat cheese has just really nice flavor to spoon some of this on your vegetables okay I think this looks pretty stunning and I hope that you guys think it does too very very appetizing healthy and delicious thanks so much for watching please subscribe to the channel like the video and share this video till next week y’all B appetit


  1. This is really a good video. Learned how to grill many vegetables with a video. Thank you for sharing

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