Today I decided to spend the day travelling to Italy to finally have an authentic pasta carbonara. I had 24 hours in Milan to have as many carbonara’s as possible, however things did not go according to plan. It wouldn’t be a Loog video without some form of disaster.


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pasta carbonara throughout my 24 years on this planet there has been one clear Obsession for me and it is pasta carbonara just to put this into perspective this is what my for you page looks like this is what my real suggested looks like this is videos of me cooking pasta I have an absolute Obsession however I have never had an authentic pasta carbonara so with about 2 days notice I booked flights and decided to head to Italy I’m here I got off of the wrong stop of course I did because it wouldn’t be a lug video without any bumps my first interaction with an Italian person I panicked and said Ola so we’re off to a fantastic start on the surface this looks like it’s just a video where I’m going to eat pasta and and it kind of is but also I’m getting myself very far outside my comfort zone because I’m in a random country I actually have no bank cards long story but I actually don’t have any but yeah I’m going to try get into the center of bergo have a couple of plates of pasta go from bergo Back to the airport to Milan and fingers crossed that will go very smoothly some things don’t go according to plan someone tried to mug me in Bergamo and the only reason I found out was because the police came over after he started hysterically shouting at me for being so ignorant to the fact that that’s what he was trying to do if you’re going to try mug someone at least do it in in their language so they know what you’re trying to do anyway the police come over and they just kind of Usher him on I don’t think he had anything on him and I think he was just very drunk I thought you know what maybe I’ll just go away from this area of Bergamo and I’ll go go closer into the city I walked past a school and a child must have been about 13 years of age offered me cocaine I just wanted a carbon Arrow I’ve been walking for the last half hour and I don’t have Google Maps I have no data so I can’t even like double check where there’s a past the place I just assumed I’d walk I’d walk upon one and I haven’t I’m in Italy I’m not trying to be you know play into a stereotype or something but I I thought everywhere was going to be Pizza Pasta you know I was wrong if I wanted a kebab or Ramen I was sorted but if I wanted pasta or pizza I’m I’m getting nothing after like 4 hours wandering around bamo I found a place that did pass that I don’t know if I can put into words how excited I was to have this this was about to be a life-changing moment an actual authentic Italian carbonara was getting into my mouth and let me tell you it was okay you know I’ve had a lot of carbon Aras in my time and I’d give it I’d give it an eight I couldn’t stop there I wanted to have another one so I decided it was time to go into Milan so I had to spend another precious hour in the airport doing nothing but let me tell you something I learned about people who drive in Italy they don’t know how to I’m sorry if it’s a sweeping statement but what in the name of God is going on with the drivers in Italy this bus almost crashed and I am not even joking a truck decided to try and pull AC cross three lanes of traffic and the bus had to like swing to avoid it I left my house with the aim of having a carbon era and almost died eventually my dodgy bus made it into Milan City Center now I know what you’re thinking Luke surely the disasters end here surely right if anything the one thing I’ve noticed from doing this video is nowhere does pasta It’s always Pizza obviously if I came here for that I’d be absolutely over the moon but that’s not what I came here for so I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with that before I could find my second carbonara a man tried to Rob something out of my bag it went like this I’ve got a bag on my back there is nothing in this bag there is a book which was Atomic habit so I could have changed his life who knows and a change of t-shirt I hear my bag like slowly unzipping and I turn around and there is a small tiny fat man trying to open my bag and I’m like what are you doing and he kind of just goes h no you know like kind of like a cheeky little guy kind of thing so naturally enough I look him dead in the eyes and I go God loves a trer huh that must have been the nicest way to dismiss somebody trying to pickpocket you what the was I doing so after that encounter I eventually came across my second carbonara everything about this one was was top tier this was the best carbonara I’ve ever eaten in my whole entire life when it got put in front of me I was like it doesn’t look that appetizing but oh my God honestly this was a big thing for me this whole trip it was soul searching so after that I checked the time and realized that I was swiftly running out of it I rushed my ass to the train station as quick as I possibly could by the time I got on the train I had an hour and a half until my flight flies out and the train was going to take 50 minutes I was on the brink of being stranded in Italy all because of carbonara I had one of the most nerve-wracking train Journeys I’ve ever had in my life everything seemed to have gone wrong I had two attempted muggins my bus almost crashed I spent ages walking around trying to find a carbon era because I had no Google Maps everything that could have went wrong went wrong and now I was about to miss my flight on top of it at least I thought I got landed with the first bit of luck that I needed on that day my flight got delayed for 2 hours therefore allowing me to get there well on time and actually be able to enjoy my flight home except there was a wind warning and my flight landed like this I almost died again that was just one day where I left the country for pasta and that’s what my experience was if you have to die at least Die For Something you love and I love carbonera


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