Steak on the grill

by MrBeerandBBQ


  1. Few-Signal5148

    You forgot step 1 – *TURN ON THE GRILL*

  2. notonrexmanningday

    Cooked over a heated discussion

  3. sentrosi420

    Cooked with the heat I get from my wife when I come home late.

  4. Evening_Sky0

    Maybe a stupid question, new to grilling and usually like doing my steak on the cast iron. How to get a good sear on steak from bbq ?

  5. Idont_know2022

    Looks a little sad not gonna lie but I bet it was good.

  6. Odd_Library_3555

    I’ve gotten a better sear from the microwave

  7. austbart

    What temperature was that grill getting up to?…

  8. rockstuffs

    You guys, he said, “Steaks ON a grill,” not, “Steaks COOKED on a grill “

  9. backflipbail

    OP getting absolutely roasted in the comments lol

  10. Seamonkey_Boxkicker

    Looks like you were practicing a new reverse sear method.

  11. afripino

    Might as well just set it on a plate outside away from the shade. Ambient temps are definitely hotter than that grill.

  12. longrange_tiddymilk

    You could’ve just let it sit in the sun for a bit and got the same result

  13. armyofant

    Lot of hate on the sear marks but as long as it’s cooked enough and not too much inside is all that matters. Forget the haters.

  14. Marcus2Ts

    I usually cook my steaks when I put them on the grill, but to each their own

  15. MrBeerandBBQ

    To each their own. I like mine medium rare. The color is a bit different because I mixed A1 & Nashville hot wing sauce on it.

  16. CollateralHamage

    cooked on a recently slept on mattress

  17. NKinCode

    Why does it look like that? I’m new to grilling and cannot explain why this looks weird, just looks weird compared to the steaks I’ve seen.

  18. ihatethebeach84

    Ya know YOU are about to get grilled, right? Well done ✔️

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