$10,000 steak at a restaurant = $1.25 at home

by yourMommaKnow


  1. Schneefs

    That’s because it’s raw. I would send it back.

  2. mrmackey_mmmkay

    Hahahah I see what you did there 😏

  3. Sea-Presentation-631

    No no NOO. This is clearly a false post.😡

    1. This is not dry-aged or prime. And if it was it would be only $9,000 MAXIMUM. Such an exaggeration😤

    2. Theres NO WAY you found it for $1.25 at the store. I can only find $150/lb choice

    3. You should be banned from this subreddit🤬😡

  4. Advanced_Quantity606

    There is no steak worth 10000.

  5. slappynuts74

    I’m smoking 1mil dollar ribs right now

  6. sususushi88

    Ummmm no. You see, a 10k steak would come in one of those light up suitcases with fog coming out of it. And then you would have a group of waiters with a portable speaker, yelling “HEY HEY HEY HEY” to the beat. Then one of them would let out an airhorn into your ears. Then that salt babe chef would come out and throw salt at everybody.

    So maybe you should try harder next time, because this is reallyyyyy not it.

  7. medium-rare-steaks

    nice.. very nice shitpost. I just saw the other one a second ago, so this was funny.

  8. PooPiglet

    Only a sick pervert would go out for dinner in this age.

  9. NYerInTex

    Whoa boy – prepare for a week of this community meme

  10. SubHuman559

    That looks like a 17.00 dollar steak to me.


  11. beardgangwhat

    10000 steaks at home = 1 in the foot toe

  12. Pour_me_one_more

    I call fake. No way that’s 10k. Now, if there was an ass hat in shades sprinkling salt on it, I’d believe 10k or even higher.

  13. stevenbrotzel91

    Oh we’re doing these posts now?

  14. Samantha_I_Am418

    I made 15 filets today and ate none of them

  15. Honkey_Fellatio

    Looks more like a $200,000 steak to me

  16. the-content-king

    $10,000 steak? Where’s the gold leaf and the dry ice filled brief case bro???

  17. Fearless-Olive

    A little too well done for me but perfect sear

  18. Big_Fo_Fo

    Where the hell you guys buy your meat? I just smoked a brisket I paid $50 for ant it was meh

  19. Not_Guardiola

    It would’ve been $19B had it been a wagyu steak

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