Hello and a big warm welcome to my channel 👋🏼

If you are new here then my name is Claire and I am a busy mum of 2 boys currently folllowing the slimming world plan it’s in and off as these things are and I hope to give a very real account of my slimming world journey.

In this vlog I am cooking some recipes from the Slimming world cook book taste the sunshine ☀️

I hope you enjoy the summer inspired food , please don’t forget if you enjoy the vlog give it a 👍🏼 (it makes me happy 😃) and consider subscribing so you get future vlogs as they upload.

#slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldrecipes #slimmingworldfood #cookwithme #foodvlog #mumlife #clairemariehoward

hi my name is CLA Howard welcome back to my channel if you’re a new viewer here then a very big warm welcome and if you’re a returner viewer then it is amazing to have you back here with me today so in today’s Vlog I am creating some recipes from this slimon world recipe book which is taste the sunshine I thought as we were headed into summer it might be nice to give some more summery vibrant recipes a little try so I’ll run you through the three dishes and one dessert that I am cooking from this book today we will be cooking turkey and feta cofas followed by summer greens risoto and Thai fish cake with eggs and spinach today we’re also adding on a little sweet treat which is banana and passion fruit mess hope you enjoy hi welcome back so this evening I am cooking another meal from from the slimon world recipe book taste the sunshine and the meal I am cooking this evening is turkey and feta cofes I was thinking as we are heading into summer it might be look nice to take a look at some kind of summer themed dinners you know we do go through the seasons and change what we fancy eating at the moment I don’t really know where I am with what I fancy and I picked out some summer meals and the weather’s not been that great this week although today has been sunny it’s clouded over now like it’s about to start raining again so it seems a bit early for the summer food however this is a dish that can be done on the barbecue because it does does say preheat your barbecue but I’m going to be cooking on a griddle pan okay so turkey and feta copas I think this looks really tasty really fresh summery vibrant salad it’s got like that garlicky um minty fresh yogurt dressing which I really like and turkey mints is something I don’t very often use it can be a cheaper alternative as well to beef mints and things so I thought it would just make a nice change and the fact that it’s Fetter as well I love things with fet in got the 40% less fat salad cheese which is kind of a fet which isn’t Asda one and yeah so we’re going to give this dish a go I am missing one ingredient which I thought i’ had ordered but it doesn’t seem to have turned up on my shop and that is Dill and apart from that I do believe I have everything else so I’m going to get on and start preparing my turkey and feta cofas those of you that have followed me for a while will know I’m a bit of a thrower together I’m not very good at following recipes and this one’s no different so I am following the recipe but this is a recipe for fall and it requires 750 gram of turkey mints I’m just making it for Mark and I and I have got this pack which is 500 G so I’ll adjust the ingredients a tiny bit just to make it a smaller portion for the two of us so let’s get started in a large bowl we are going to add our turkey mints feta spring onions lemon zest parsley and then season and mix [Music] as mentioned I’ve used a slightly smaller portion than instructed in the recipe if using the full 750 G of turkey mints you will then divide your mixture into 12 equal portions and squish them into short Stumpy sausage shaped Babs and flatten them slightly I am making eight with my reduced quantity [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m now just chopping up and prepping my salad [Music] one tablespoon of red wine vinegar for your salad [Music] dressing you like to add a dip to this you can use fat-free natural Greek yogurt and mix in with a little water or lemon juice to make it a little bit runnier and that works lovely as a little dipping sauce for your kebabs I also just added a little bit of my parsley chopped up into this so preheat your griddle pan you want it nice and hot I’m using my flora sunflower spray you can also cook these outside on the barbecue so cook the kebabs in your non-stick griddle pan or frying pan over a high heat for 8 to 10 minutes and don’t forget to turn them obviously including prep and cooking time this dish took around 25 minutes which I thought was pretty good for a week night meal I’m also now just popping my parsley into a pot with some water and I’m going to pop that on my witer cill so it stays alive and I’ve got fresh parsley for my next dish just before serving mix your rocket or salad leaves into your salad mix and and then serve up [Music] next up we’re making our summer greens risotto which is sinf free vegan and vegetarian friendly and ready in 45 minutes going to start by prepping our veggies so I’m great in aara and finally chop in some celery [Music] once my veggies are all prepped I am going to pre-make up my stock I used two vegetable oxy cubes and made up 1.2 L of boiling stock hi good evening so we are on the second recipe tonight from slimon Worlds Taste Of Sunshine going for some summery Vibes and the menu that I am cooking this evening the menu the recipe I’m going to cook this evening is a vegetarian actually says suitable for vegan so vegan one I’ve had lots of requests for vegetarian and vegan recipes every time I do I quite like doing these little three or four recipes from one of the slimon world cookbooks so I’m going to try and do one of these every month every six weeks whatever and I’ll always try and include a meat a fish and a vegetarian menu when I do do those so the even evening we are doing a summer greens risotto I thought this looked really fresh and delicious peas and beans are probably sort of my favorite go-to veg I really enjoy anything with the flavors from them and a PE risotto is always good so I haven’t cooked many rotos in my life I think I done one in a video a while back but um yes I’ve got no idea how this is going to go but I’m going to cook it tonight anyway I have already chopped and prepared my ingredients so I’m going to get on cooking it in a little while just wanted to show you because I’m doing some different meals that have here this week I have had to order loads of herbs so one of the recipes I can’t even remember which one I think it’s a dessert it needs a couple of mint leaves so I had to order mint all of this I’m never going to use this unless I drink a lot of Mojitos at the weekend which is quite tempting I have got Harrison’s birthday party so I could put M on the menu or even just soda water with a squeeze of lime and mint is nice so like a non-alcoholic sit free mjo is kind of nice too so lots of herbs and that can be the trouble can’t it when you get the recipe book out and you try and cook meals is there’s lots of fresh herbs and ingredients that you’re not using a lot of so it seems very wasteful to get in a huge Bunch like this I did order everything in the Growers selection I needed parsley for my one yesterday and I did order the little potted versions because I do then try and keep them alive in a pot on my window seill so one of my challenges this week that I’m going to set myself is to actually get some compost and some bigger pots and start a little herb garden because you will find that there is quite a lot of fresh herbs especially in like the summer ones well any of them really they all have some sort of chopped herbs and when there’s three or four you’re buying three or four huge Bunches of herbs and you’re wasting a lot of them so I thought if I can try and grow my own little herb garden I don’t know if you saw this when I put this on my window sill yesterday it was really wilted it’s had some water is coming lovely so I think if I putt these up all together and get myself a little herb collection going that is going to be a much better way than buying huge bunches like this when probably what I’m going to need is is like this oh it smells Divine I love mint anyway that is what we’re doing tonight I’m going to get on with cooking that shortly and we’ll see how it comes out sprayed My Pan with my cooking oil and I’m then going to add the onion garlic celery bay leaves and carrot and then season and leave that for 5 to 7 minutes or until everything is nice and soft before adding and stirring in my risoto rice I’ve put my vegetable stock in a saucepan and that is simmering nicely just across from My Pan and I’m going to add that one Ladle at a time to the rice mix stir that in wait until it’s absorbed and then add your next Ladle doing this one Ladle at a time until you’ve used up all of your stock obviously then try in your rice to see if it is soft enough and you are happy with that if not use a little bit more stock until the rice is softened sprayed another griddle pan with fry light and I am adding my asparagus sugar snap peas and peas to season those and leave them to cook for 2 or 3 minutes until the veg is slightly charred and this gives them a lovely flavor and a satisfying [Music] crunch just before serving add the lemon zest and squeeze in the juice of your lemon to your risoto stir well and then [Music] [Applause] [Music] serve seven suggestion for this was rocket leaves I’ve got a mixed Water Crest rocket and spinach salad which I’m adding some leaves from [Music] [Applause] here and then I am just going to top that with my charred asparagus sugar snap peas and peas again this dish took a little bit longer to prepare because you are waiting for all of that stock to get absorbed by the rice but it was really tasty really nice and quite a simple dish to prepare in the evening after work it’ also be really nice for the weekend though so either weekend or week night treat this is a great dish onto our next dish thae fish cakes with eggs and spinach Mark and I had this as a little weekend treat dinner put the prawns Cod lemongrass Ginger ch half of the lime zest and a pinch of salt in the food processor I don’t have a food processor so I’m using my blending stick which done the job it was a little bit tougher and I did need to cut that Cod up first you want to make that into a chunky paste before adding Basel and spring onions again pulsing for a few seconds and then you’re just going to stir through the sweet corn the recipe is initially to make this into eight patties I just made four because I reduced the ingredients and this was just for Mark and myself so we had to each pop corn flour into a dish and then just pop each fish cake in turning it over and dusting off any excess cornflour just so they are nicely coated [Music] spray a non-stick frying pan with your low calorie cooking spray and place over a medium heat gently cook the fish cakes for about 12 minutes or until golden and crisp turning occasionally [Music] this is where I discovered I didn’t have any Quark so I’m using fat-free natural yogurt for the sauce just going to mix that with some lime juice and the remaining lime zest and then SWR through a little chili sauce [Music] then just popped a little water splash of water into another pan and I put my spinach in there don’t you love the way you can just load a pan up with so much spinach and it just wilts down to nothing so I’m just wilting my spinach in this pan and I’ve boiled another pan of water I always add a splash of vinegar and stir the water for my poed eggs and there I’ve just just plopped in an egg each to top our fish cakes and then it’s just to serve up so again I thought this was a really easy dish to prepare it’s a light slightly more expensive dish because of the prawns and the Cod but they were really tasty and succulent I’d definitely add a little more lemongrass and chili next time but again a very tasty nice it feels a bit special this dish for the weekend and I really enjoyed it so yeah nice dish I do recommend giving this one a try this dish is one sim per serving [Music] yay and now it’s time for dessert banana and passion fruit mess yummy so I’m just preparing some lime zest here which I’m going to then squeeze the juice of my lime into and I’m chopping up two [Music] bananas before mixing them in with the lime zest and Juice adding my fat-free Greek yogurt and a tiny bit of my granulated sweetener got two merang Nest which I’m going to break up and mix into the yogurt please know I then stored this in the fridge and the mering will dissolve so if you are planning on pre- making it add your mering just before serving so mix the bananas into that yogurt and Mer mix and give that a nice gentle fold up so it’s all mixed in nicely together chop your passion fruit in half and you’re all good to go in serving just layering this into my glasses the yogurt and merang mix and then randomly placing some passion fruit in between those layers [Music] [Music] lean around the top of those glasses just to make it look pretty and then decorating with a sprig of mint this was a very nice sweet tasty dessert it did taste luxurious and it did taste like a naughty treat it is two and a half 2 and a half C per s and it was ready in about 10 minutes so a really nice quick and easy dessert that feels like a tree I’d highly recommend giving this one a go [Music] I hope you enjoy the recipes that we’re creating from slim and World cookbooks so today’s book taste the sunshine we’re going for some summer inspired recipes you will find I have already got one upload where previously I cooked from the take five for free book I really enjoyed cooking from this book I just thought that cooking from some recipe books get some fresh ideas out there not just my everyday stuff that I just make up as I go along cuz that’s all very simple but it’s nice to see what these recipes from from the books actually look like when they are cooked in the flesh and whether they’re nice or not whether they’re easy to cook recipes are easy to follow all that sort of thing so I’ve enjoyed cooking the recipes from the taste of sunshine and I really enjoyed the take five and it just gives me an opportunity to try new things as well so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do so planning my next Vlog going forward I’m going to be cooking some recipes out of this book which I picked up at last night’s weighin this is the out and about summer World out and about now I’m not going to lie I have flipped through this and I’m finding it hard to narrow it down to three or four recipes so I feel like I will probably make two Vlogs cooking about eight dishes from this book it has got some really delicious looking things let me just find some pages to show you there’s lots of soups and stews all the regular things in here but some of the ones that I feel like I would like to try and that I’d like to share with you guys cuz I feel like these are the things we feel we can’t have different sandwiches in there love a sandwich and I as you will see from my previous little mini Vlog that I’ve put on have been off plan for a while um so I feel like some sandwiches and PS and foods that are going to feel a bit naughty might be quite good to get me back on plan so loads of s sandwich and baguette ideas in here which I think are amazing very simple things look like hassleback potatoes just mixing our food up a little bit makes it taste so much better so this is another one I saw that I thought I might like to try creamy hot smoked salmon pate does that look amazing or what like in a little lunch box so I’m going to pick out three or four recipes out of here to cook in the next recipe book Vlog if you’ve got this book and there’s anything in particular you would like to see then do feel free to drop me a message and I might try and cook the dish that you request this one looks nice nice as well the Poke bow so yeah the next Vlog is going to be focused on three or four recipes from here like I said previously when I do these recipe book Vlogs now I am going to try and cook one meat well make a combination of at least one meat one fish and one vegetarian recipe CU I know a lot of you guys have commented that you are vegetarian or vegan and it can be that little bit more difficult so I thought I’d try out some of those recipes too hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Vlog I will link the previous take five for free Vlog cuz the recipes were great out of that book it was that one the recipes were awesome out of that book and they’re all only five ingredients so that makes life a lot easier one thing I did want to mention obviously I did mention I think going throughout the Vlog that when I done these recipes found you can have to buy like it’s always good to have your store store cupboard Staples but it can be with some dishes there’s a lot of fresh herbs included and obviously I’ve got loads of dried herbs in my cupboard and you can incorporate them but fresh herbs there’s they are they are that little bit more special and tasty in a meal so I did mention about getting some compost and actually getting the pots of herbs and planting them so that I have my own fresh herb suppli because you can find if not that you’re ordering big bundles of herbs and there is quite a lot of wastage there so that’s an idea for you guys is to buy your herbs when you do buy them the Potted ones from the supermarket and then get them planted all of the recipes that I cooked from here I did really enjoy so starting with those turkey cofas they were quite simple to make they were nice and tasty my one one thing I would say with these was one minute I looked at them and thought they were undercooked and then by the time I then took them off they were probably a little bit overcooked so they were slightly drier than I would like them so with the turkey ones make sure you keep an eye on your timings on them because they very easily go from just right to a little bit overcooked this summer greens risoto I’ve not made many rotos I think this is only about the second one I’ve made in my life I found this quite a nice simple afterwork dinner to cook it was really tasty and neither of us missed not having the meat Mark didn’t even comment on the fact that there was no meat or fish to go with this dish we really thoroughly enjoyed it the tie fish cakes with eggs and spinach I changed the amounts in this a little bit and I feel like I could have done with a little bit more of the lemongrass and chili flavors within that apart from that they were really nice it was a really nice weekend dinner and then finally I cooked the dessert I didn’t cook the dessert I just prepped it the dessert was the banana and passion fruit mess this was so tasty really nice really easy to make so my point with this is I made these and I mixed in the mer and then I put them in the fridge and we just got them out later and had them I thought that’d be really handy to have them all pre-made however the merang dissolved I was eating it and I realized that had no mer pieces I said to Mark did you have mer in yours have I managed to like not put any pieces in my glass but that wasn’t the case the merang had actually dissolved in the yogurt so if you are making this and you want to make it in advance make everything and then just turn your mering into that once you take it out of the fridge because if you decide to put it in the fridge you may find like me that you have a smooth dessert without mering pieces in which still tastes amazing but it was missing that crunch Factor but that’s my recipes from here hope you’ve enjoyed them let me know how you’re getting on this week and I’ll catch you in the next one don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button if you do enjoy the Vlogs like just make me feel good and show that you have enjoyed the videos and if you can subscribe that will be great that means that you will see future Vlogs as and when they are uploaded and I will catch you in the next one have a Fab week byebye


  1. Your choices are always really inspiring to me, and attitude is fantastic, know you'll do well. I love Disney/universal too. thanks so much.

  2. Thanks for the veggie options! It does put me off buying the books knowing that 3/4 of the recipes aren't suitable for me.

  3. Lovely summery recipes.I put my parsley in a jug of water no soil in my fridge and it keeps fresh and longer 😊

  4. You are such a good cook, Claire, love the recipes. Unfortunately my husband hates yoghurt and I love it! So many SW recipes contain yoghurt, it’s a nightmare! Sometimes he ends up with mayo instead. I have loads of herbs in my garden. Your mass of mint made me laugh. Oh and I would have to use chicken mince instead of turkey because his lordship hates that too. I do try!

  5. Thank you Claire the recipes look delicious! I freeze my mint by putting mint in ice cube tray cover with water then freeze! I add it to whatever recipe that calls for mint. I did try drying it but I wasn’t happy with the result! x

  6. Thank you, Claire, I loved this video; all the recipes looked very tasty. You could use some of your mint when cooking new potatoes or peas to make them taste really nice. xx

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