Kitchen Nightmares has had some incredible dishes over the years. Today we’ll be going over some dishes on Kitchen Nightmares that left Gordon Ramsay speechless.

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here’s a look at some of the dishes that put Ramsay on the back foot on Kitchen Nightmares and with this Chef right here almost sending his customers to the E yeah I wouldn’t know what to say either what’s going on here on the food they sent it back SM it I feel awful I feel awful like I feed my daughter from here Kitchen Nightmares is no stranger to people absolutely butchering every health and safety standard out there I don’t think I’m making any waves by saying that but these kitchens were so bad they had Ramsay reconsidering his decision to come back with a new season of the show in the first place yep these are the grossest kitchens we’ve seen so far in season 8 all right let’s see what’s going on over at Basque 46 in Woodland Park New Jersey so this Gastropub ran into trouble just 6 months after throwing its doors open to the world the restaurant is owned by Steve and and Sandy the power couple who had been together for more than two decades running bars and other joints all the while after a string of successful business ventures the couple were looking forward to kick off their biggest restaurant yet but unfortunately their house of cards came tumbling down while Sandy spent all of her hours at the restaurant desperately trying to get things back in order Steve chose to hide in his socalled office instead of you know trying to fix things but the blame didn’t lay squarely on his shoulders because here comes the real failure I mean man of the hour with the culinary gangster be careful how you approach me however when Ramsay showed up viewers were quick to notice how Chef Bobby’s gangster facade started to crumble so who’s the real gangster here huh Ramsey had to dig deep and bust out the patience of a saint just just to last 2 seconds near this guy but here’s the real truth of the matter tensions were so high that it left Steve’s Health on the line my investments are are are blown away I put over a million dollars into this place I don’t want to go bankrupt Steve was sweating buckets literally drowning in business expenses and questioning his life choices but now let’s talk about the kitchen there chef Bobby was the only one who called the shots watch the temperatures on them every steak was messed up yesterday because you’re aggravating the out of us what Shou G on the kitchen the dude loves spending money but guess what no one was keeping tabs on where the dough was going so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is how Steve saw him chef Bobby is the kitchen nightmare kitchen don’t even talk it’s one thing to deal with difficult owners but it’s another thing entirely to deal with an arrogant chef Ramsay definitely had his hands full and things were already off to a terrible start with the QR code at the entrance so no menus no just the QR code yeah we don’t have menus right this QR code does not exist they redirected customers to a website where they had to practically go through a maze just to get to the menu because who’d want to make things easier on their customers right what’s more for a restaurant who claimed everything was homemade and authentic the mac and cheese was loaded with fake as hell cheese sauce I wouldn’t call anything with cheese whz in it my signature anything Ramsey’s disbelief was palpable onions are raw the flavor is terrible and they’re saying it’s a signature cheese sauce so it must be homemade but it tastes like so ramsy arrived at a conclusion management was clueless about basic business knowledge and to make things worse accountability was out the window come to me and give me the review man to man oh now for the reason we’re all here the inventory was rotten in the freezer the nightmares inside the thing were straight out of a horror movie what is this with Bobby he’s earning more money than you your wife put together yes he is 100 Grand and that and that kills the salary for an exec Chef in this area 70 grand tops but he’s not even delivering 50% of what you’re paying for yep that’s a frozen chicken swimming in a tub of batter all on its own but wait there’s more he’s get on man that chicken must have stunk to high heaven for Ramsey to have reacted like that not even the fruits or veggies were spared from the aura of Decay sitting over the place and well Ramsay was left with no other option but to shut down the restaurant for obvious reasons and then it was time to lay down the law Ramsay ordered them to clean up their act literally and figuratively and the whole team needed to step up and face the music this this is where your money’s going right here meanwhile Steve finally realized it was time to take charge of his business I can’t start to help you guys if you’re not prepared to help yourselves with that Ramsey and his Squad revamp the patio and added a fresh new menu to liven things up around the place it was small simple and dynamic there’s going to be no more wasting money on oversized portions here thank you very much during the relaunch people were digging the new flavors especially the chicken wings those tackles look great thank you the way this kitchen is function is night and day than early start but Bobby was having a complete meltdown which I’m sure absolutely made Ramsay’s day seven all day oh my life slammed right now and I just you don’t understand it’s just a lot but despite the rocky start they pulled through and they ended the night on a high note Ramsay left them with some words of wisdom and encouragement all wrapped up in an ultimatum prove yourself in 30 days or pack your knives as for Bobby well some things never change midle service I want think we had a good start the problem now the wheels are falling off and Bobby’s reverting back his old ways banging food out and sadly he’s not communicating he’s just shut down but we’ve barely even waited into the shallows here because what went down at Belair Diner well if you know you know either way the siblings running the place barely even speaking to each other definitely wasn’t putting their best foot forward but Ramsay was here aiming to return the place to its former glory as the hottest spot in Queens but the only thing that was on the menu was uh hold on my joke is definitely somewhere in this phone book of a menu seriously how many items were on there Ramsay lost counts and he wasn’t even halfway through right appetisers homemade Wings P three we just on the Cel it’s like an encyclopedia this thing anyway there is one thing a diner can never go wrong with a solid cup of Joe but what Ramsay got just wasn’t what he was expecting [Music] D jeez Louise and well the food didn’t do them any favors either the torini were store bought and the lobster which was supposed to be fresh out of the tank was raw mushy and just rancid it that lunch was shocking I mean really bad oh that well the lamb wasn’t looking like any lamb Ramsay had seen before and the fries had mysterious black bits in them Ramsey was so upset that he decided to skip dessert and get down to business right away did that end up being a mistake well you tell me Cal came over for a reality check and Peter um the dude was Mia and well once he did show up Peter had his own justification for never showing up I don’t feel like I’m respected as as a brother are you unappreciated here I feel I am yes but they had to put Petty things like that aside and start working towards Reviving the business or things were going to get pretty hairy tonight is both you running this place I want to see it in operation okay see you shortly cut to the dinner service and Ramsay was shocked the chefs couldn’t even dish out a simple Burger guys this is not aing joke that’s ice cold and it’s raw in the middle these guys need to wake up but while that train wreck of a service was rolling along Ramy decided to let them St for a bit and go inspect the basement in the meantime whether or not him skipping dessert was a mistake going down into that hellhole of a basement definitely was brace yourselves because what you’re about to see is genuinely that disgusting fans of the show just haven’t been able to let the topic go ever since the episode aired this was a place where produce went to die there was stuff that had been there for weeks not days and to make things worse there was absolutely no logic behind the way things were stored like honestly it was a legitimate death trap they should have been handing out hazmat suits to anybody who walked by on the streets let alone dared to walk into the restaurant but ramsy put it best calling the place a ticking Time Bomb now did you see the chicken it was just casually chilling in that nasty slimy water like it was no big deal and those meat trays wide open and who knows how long they’d been sitting there exposed to the elements but the oil oh boy the oil Ramsey wasn’t kidding when he said it was a ticking Time Bomb the place could have gone up in Flames at a moment’s notice with all that grease Caked Up in there so Ramsay had to act fast before they literally blew everybody up hold on hold on shut it down that’s got to be the worst it was time for the brothers to take responsibility you can’t just keep passing the buck and expect things to magically turn around all on their own at this point the fate of the restaurant was at stake Ramsey took the opportunity to make that abundantly clear the practices down there are shocking and I’m talking produce that is gone weeks gone not days place was quite literally their family’s Lifeline it was time they paid more attention to what had been going on there for all their sakes SM it I feel awful I feel awful like I feed my daughter from here Ramsey wasn’t going to leave without setting them straight first he asked the brothers to bury the hatchet and work like a team the dream was to pass on their legacy but it seemed like they were losing sight of it building this business three decades ago it was your dream to pass this Ramsey then decided to show them the ropes of how a real well-oiled restaurant runs and to do this he took the brothers over to Time Square to show them how things should be working efficiently and effortlessly and hygienically let’s not forget hygienically fast forward a bit and the diner had a whole different vibe a retro look making the diner Shine the decor was fixed the menu was trimmed down thank God and Ramsay kicked things off it was time to rock and roll new $188,000 Sesso espresso machine however during the dinner service the kitchen hit a roadblock almost immediately and Ramsay wasn’t thrilled going on here it’s roll hey it’s roll finally Peter stepped up and Cal handled the front of house eventually managing to finish strong generation you want something else I can get you something giving M and that a well-earned retirement not a bad start to a whole new story eh anyway we’ve jumped from New Jersey to New York so far in this video so how about we jump back to the good old Garden State again let’s take a look at this golf course joint in the drink Run by George and Salange since 2017 on the Outside The Joint was pulling in a crowd of up to 80,000 golfers but you wouldn’t know that once you walked into the actual place if uh you can find it that is where the hell’s the sign in the drink I’m in the D is this it it’s a gloomy Vibe all around in the decor there was no Decor actually I just admiring your patch my renovation you like that do I like it what do you think it looks stupid oh that’s a first as for the food it wasn’t taking home any awards not by a long shot it looked like he had given up and to make things worse the co-owners were clueless about the place’s finances you see George might be a nice guy but he wasn’t the best boss he was hardly around and cared so little about what was happening in his own restaurant he may as well have not been there at all meanwhile Nadia the unsung hero did everything she could to keep the ship from sinking all right so when Ramsey walked in and trust me it took him a while to do that he felt lost there were no signs nothing to point him in the right direction don’t dare this place looks bleak sat down for a taste test and this is where the actual drama began the chicken was too dry and the quesadilla was hard to swallow but this was the worst of them all on the food they sent it back my God but I’m not even done yet Caesar salad Bland Burger overcooked I didn’t even think it was possible to be more disappointed but here we are meanwhile the staff was just watching the Meltdown unfold it was like a train wreck they couldn’t look away from so Ramsay had been around this place for over an hour and there was still no sign of George nobody knew where he was at but turns out he’d been chilling in his office the whole time any news with the owner yeah so I just texted George and apparently he’s been here in his office the whole time and when they finally met he had to get him on the same page real quick the best thing about this Resturant yeah is the service great food was terrible but George was in denial I mean how bad could it be right but Ramsay was having none of it how can you say that I mean we do have a good food where is the good food it was time to show the man how to run a business he came up with a genius idea of having a drink cart on the golf course those carts are cash cows some making up to a cool 2 Grand a day but oh boy George was clueless about the potential gold mine he was sitting on but in terms of the drink card George definitely doesn’t pay as much attention as needed this viewer seemed to get the hint and he knows exactly what to have on those cards wraps and sandwiches the ultimate filling finger food for the hungry golfer I hope you’re taking notes George anyway Ramsay was back at the restaurant ready to see how the place function during a busy dinner service I for one was wondering how they were planning on actually getting butts in seats in the first place but guess they figured it out somehow George claims that he was the expeditor on most nights but you’ve got to see how his staff reacted to that claim here most Knights Expediting my jaw drop that is a complete l he thinks we have a liar amongst us George’s wife was the real power on that front meanwhile the food going out was all wrong the sliders were too salty the chicken not cooked and the salmon may as well have still been alive soon the kitchen was drowning with orders and the ticket times were completely off the charts when the food started coming back to the kitchen Ramsay lost his patience and George’s so-called Expediting skills were almost non-existent he’s just pulling them and putting them and I had to take mine out from underneath all the tickets multip the night ended in a failure of spectacular proportions Ramsay shut down the kitchen and the customers were sent packing and who had to face the brunt of it Carlos the overworked Chef yeah I’ve removed Lono Carlos from the kitchen he was beyond burnt out right now George definitely wasn’t taking the blame when Ramsey confronted him he simply lost it you don’t understand you don’t know listening I don’t understand you don’t listening but hey hey hey Ramsey came back with a plan he had a new trick up his sleeve and he was going to hit the golf course again of course with the food yeah on the golf course and really maximize potential food sales these cards could bring in half a mill a year and George was sitting there in disbelief what’s more after the crew worked their magic the place went from looking like a funeral home to rivaling a legit Country Club and the menu finally finally pretty good have a beautiful Clubhouse restaurant we need the foods to be in keeping with the restaurant no more boring combo platters Ramsey brought in the big guns with honey glazed Wings sliders burgers and chicken caesar wraps the taste test went off without a hitch and the kit was ready to Rocket then came the big night where they needed to put that food in front of real customers George was playing waiter but you could tell that the dude had never worked anywhere near the hospitality industry before the dude just needed to sit down and shut up in my opinion meanwhile the kitchen was rocking it thank goodness for that in the end ramsy left with a strong message for George the man needed to trust his team delegate and embraced the change it was time to turn things around fast forward a bit and in the drink was swarmed with customers George was finally able to settle a few debts and Nadia now the manager was running the show like a boss as for Chef Carlos he was living the dream with some well-deserved days off and Ramsay’s recipes well I don’t think I need to tell you how good his cooking is well let’s see what this sad excuse of a man has got got cooking up a ripped Dawning didn’t exactly help their situation much either that is ghastly holes everywhere once inside he met Fabio the general manager who spilled the beans about Jon’s destructive Tendencies turns out Jon was next door tossing pizzas itself however he blamed the decline on increased competition Ramsey knew there were more to the troubles here and when lunchtime rolled around he was about to experience it firsthand he first placed an order for tortellini de Pate spaghetti and meatballs and a margarita pizza classic Italian stuff right how hard could it be well spaghetti meat Marita please okay thank you wait what freezing fresh pasta maybe they were trying to serve food they had made in the 9s in order to stay period accurate anyway then the desserts arve that mold on there you sure that no the Butter’s on top so covers that M moldy cakes Honestly though they’re really setting me up for these ’90s jokes way too well so we supposed to like put a fresh one every day so we can throw it out are you kidding me so here was the situation rotting desserts on display and Frozen tasteless torini Joe from Master Chef would about have an aneurysm if he got anywhere near this place that aside Ramsey sniffed out more trouble as he discovered an overwatered stagnant [Music] plans oh that’s disgusting nothing like having that dripping on your food to enhance your dining experience top tier service right there but the disastrous service wasn’t over the meatballs were practically made of rubber the pizza was an oily mess and JN when confronted with criticism backed up with facts mind you through a tantrum so why I’m here if no one’s caring okay please now this is the part where they really messed up during the dinner service customers found meat bones in vegetarian sauce and nope it wasn’t a pretty sight I’m aaran John seems like he didn’t really care and his recklessness showed in the business that makes it B Joe just clarify something for me we could possibly kill them kill someone the customer looked like he’d pass out at any moment but did Jon take responsibility hi this is Sal piz I need an ambulance the custom’s not feeling well oh man that’s a onear Yelp review waiting to happen but in order to try and Salvage the mess the restaurant was shut down with Ramsay confronting Jon about well everything but what Ramsey found when he checked out the freezer was absolutely horrifying this is a joke look at that oh come on something something that food was probably bought in the ’90s something something all right all right I’m done beating the dead horse now Ramsay then urged Jon to let go of the past and reinstated a Sleek new sign with modern decor and a revamped menu we’ve got stunning turquoise WS that gives that nice vibrant pop hopefully they turn things around for the better from there but here comes a restaurant which had definitely seen better days Shelly Winters the owner once had a thriving catering business thanks to her mother Mary’s retirement fund investment in theur Resturant but soon blackberries a soul food joint in planfield New Jersey seemed to lose itself Soul if you ask me using up their entire retirement fund to open this poor excuse for a restaurant was a bold move and now my turn to be bold make sure to drop a like subscribe and turn on my post notifications I’ve got a ton of cool stuff coming and you definitely don’t want to miss it and hey you can also access some crazy behind the-scenes moments and win some cool prizes along the way just by clicking this tab right here and becoming a member of my Channel all right back to it the decision to use that retirement fund backfired real bad daddy put the check in the bank this afternoon oh okay despite it though Shelly was convinced that blackberries had it all great Decor great food great location but the customers and staff begged to differ so great according to who Shelly the problem is shell is in Den now she thinks that the decor is amazing they saw her as a control freaking denial a horrible combination and as a result the place was drowning in over $200,000 of debt when Ramsey arrived he came face to face with a disco ball nightmare with records dangling from the ceiling he then met James the general manager and Mary the Baker and surprise surprise Shelly and James were engaged nothing like a dash of workplace drama to spice up some soul food right anyway Ramsay ordered collared greens pork chops with mac and cheese chitlins and red velvet cake hoping for a Soulful experience probably reminiscing of better days with mama Sherry but the meal started on a sour note dry pork chops overcooked mac and cheese and microwaved leftovers and well check this out on my plate that’s like playing Mozart on a kazoo you lose like everything good about it what’s more the colored greens were soggy and the chitlins oh the chitlin yeah they had to pray before eating them and well that compelled a bathroom visit from Ramsay quite literally the bathroom up blowing up holy crap despite it though Ramsay braced himself to face the red velvet cake and his reaction was surprising wow had to wait to the end after the horrible experience Ramsay met the kitchen staff to lay down the truth about the lunch disaster so I’ve just had an embarrassing lunch brutal honesty or just a normal Ramsey reality check either way things were about to get spicy returning for dinner Ramsay spotted a mouse and Chaos ensued ramsy was taken AB when Shelly blamed him for planting the mouse oh what is that bloody hell anyway after the rodent drama Shelly wanted to shut the place down herself but Ramsay wasn’t willing to give up but she was willing to leave her customers hanging you out of here I’m out of here excuse me go pizza ovens and walks I don’t know neither of those screamed down south to me anyway to fix the issue Ramsay introduced a frier and a Southbend stove bidding Fair well to the walk but Shelly wasn’t pleased with the changes let’s get one’s thing straight okay can you please work on ticket one yeah funnily enough she had emotional attachment to the walk which was a Twist nobody saw coming cut to the relaunch and the new system started well but Shelly reverted to Old Habits practically sabotaging the kitchen when things started to fall apart Shelly retreated to her office and refused to face the music well this owner needed more than a makeover to turn things around But Here Comes an owner who lost something important along the way passion I’m talking about Sushi Co in Thousand Oaks California a restaurant owned by the husband and wife Duo Akira and Lisa Japanese restaurant called Sushi Co sushi in California huh not exactly Super Creative but if it’s good it’s good I guess still thanks to his undying spirit and hard work work Akira who was once a sue chef at the restaurant climbed the culinary ladder to become the owner but now the family business was on the Rocks losing $ 15,000 to $20,000 a month and the H couple’s marriage was hanging on by a threat credit card debt is hundreds of thousands but when Ramsay arrived he was puzzled by the lack of customers he was also puzzled when he was asked to try the sushi Pizza yeah you heard that right Sushi Pizza I’m not going to even try to justify it however during his tasting he encountered miso soup that was more salty than hot not really putting the appetizing in appetizer miso soup doesn’t taste very fresh it’s not actually very hot either if that wasn’t enough a little bit of hair snuck its way onto one of his plates were they even trying back there some great right here well well well now it was time for the sushi pizza and how did it turn out sorry and The Crowd Goes mild but wait till you see what Ramsay found in the kitchen from reuse skewer sticks to a chef blindly agreeing to some really dumb things Ramsey was surprised how the place was even open proper fresh fish and it doesn’t actually happen what’s more the restaurant had ruined more than just their finances when Ramsey talked with Sammy and Hana Kira’s children they had so much to share it was an idea for us to come help and when give them a break if they needed to but not to be here now coming to the dinner service there were more problems in store from Burn skewer sticks hopefully those weren’t the reused ones to customer complaints to a malfunctioning fryer and a broken fridge being held together by bags of ice Ramsey felt that Sushi Co was better off shut down I wash the stick and everything is clean what’s the progam after the dinner disaster Ramsay confronted Akira frustrated by how blasé he was in his response and this is when he learned that Akira’s Spirit was broken and he was in dire need of a confidence boost I can do it this time I can le start again Gordon hooked them up with new gear and Akira finally cracked a smile seeing the new stash of fridges and friers filled with renewed confidence Akira rocked the kitchen on relaunch Night dishing Out fresher fish than ever before and now it was time for The Kitchen Nightmares crew to wave their magic wand and overnight The Joint received a makeover with a new look and an upgraded menu talk about turning things around for the better anyway up next is Jay Willies in Southbend indana a barbecue joint run by a trio husband and wife Duo Rick and Trisha and their friend John William wonder where the name comes from he’s got to be the spark he’s got to be the fire he can’t just be back there now barbue in Indiana isn’t exactly traditional so depending on where the Pit Master got their stripes it could go either way Delight or despair the this is bad the whole as for Jay Willies it turned out to be despair I’d have a little initially successful the restaurant started losing its Sizzle with Rick and Trisha living 3 hours away entrusting the day-to-day to John who left no stone unturned to drive the business into the ground the jar the standards have declined so far that I I’m not even sure we can revive when Ramsey arrived he was unimpressed by the outdated appearance in a sign that seemed desperate for attention maybe it was the owner’s cry for help that Gastly sign of the B whenever a signs flashing it means desperation either way the flashy pictures on the menu and the decor failed to impress Ramsay who ordered a loaded baked potato pizza beef ribs and a pulled pork cheese bow wait uh run that back again a pizza loaded with potatoes ramsy isn’t too hard on me because this type of food wasn’t my idea oh wait till you see it hit the table holy mackerel that’s the strangest pizza I’ve ever seen meanwhile Ramsay couldn’t help but take in the gloomy atmosphere this had a thousand Buffalo walking all over it holy [ __ ] the restaurant’s condition was so dire that Ramsay actually got a priest’s blessing before digging in yes would you mind just blessing my food oh yeah would you sure yeah but that blessing fell on deaf ears since the food was terrible like the pizza was drowning in ranch dressing sort of wallpaper paste so the pizza sucks as for the rest of the meal well let me give ramsy the honors yeah and they were serving this slop to their customers on a daily basis well it wasn’t surprising that the kitchen was found to be filled with Frozen and canned ingredients and what was Jon’s excuse they had no had jef on board and when ramsy confronted the owners he got a front row seat to Trisha blaming everything on John anyway Ramsay stayed back to observe the dinner service and he was appalled by the frozen pizza ingredients and cheap Cuts made at every corner Frozen ho and of course most dishes were returned to the kitchen by unhappy customers I want something I’m going to eat what we got here after the disastrous service the staff admitted that they were embarrassed blaming it all on their dwindling paychecks I have mes at home to feed but Ramsey was prepared to face the worst he decided to inspect the fridge which on Kitchen Nightmares is never a good idea Tomatoes soft rotten from rotten vegetables to blood soaked meat this place was in desperate need of a cleanup peers the whole box is rot the following day Ramsay met the owners at a church and delved into their troubles and financial WS with deeper Insight he brought in fresh ingredients and taught the staff how to whip up a new burger special however once the ORD started to pile up the relaunch collapsed and customers were left unhappy and the disappointment combined with the long wait is too much for One customer to Bear although Ramsay questioned the owner’s commitment to change he didn’t fail to revamp the place a reduced menu and homemade barbecue sauce were introduced aiming for a fresh start and what do you know despite a few hiccups the customers loved the food and the owners were hopeful they’d be able to turn things around almost like Ramsay knows what he’s doing but here comes the most arrogant owner of all time Joe naggie you see when Ramsey set his sights on M Street Bistro in Norwalk Ohio he wasn’t prepared to come face to face with the most difficult owner he has ever had to deal with Amy and Sammy take a hike we’ve got the new hotness bought a livestock Ranch and decided to open M Street beastro anyway Joe was a livestock Ranch owner and he believed his Bistro complimented the ranch envisioning it as some sort of fine dining however the staff claimed he was delusional cutting corners while claiming it was all fresh scratchmade food what’s more Chef Tom let Ramsey in on a little trade secret the food was more like going from freezer to table not Farm to Fork as customer complaints Rose servers Rebecca and Amy resented Joe’s treatment and the quality of the food that they needed to serve to them however oblivious to his role in the restaurant’s woes Joe thought the lack of customers was his only problem but let’s not forget that he didn’t even encourage the locals to dine at his place now when ramsy arrived at The Bistro he was confused about the f F fire and questionable name tags sported by the staff but wait till you see what they were serving Ramsey ordered an array of dishes but was visibly shocked by the high prices especially for steak while most of the meal was disappointing when Ramsay gathered the staff the poorly executed French onion super ey further setting the tone for a disastrous meal Jesus belly melted jesz as the drama unfolded Ramsey was so disgusted that he left the restaurant hungry but was Joe bothered At All by it absolutely not he continued to claim that his elk was topnotch but I don’t see anything on the oysters well I got it in there returning for dinner service Ramsay remained unimpressed prompting Joe’s denial and a heated exchange for the ages possibly one of the wildest confrontations I’ve ever seen on the show for [ __ ] responsible asking for [ __ ] help then wake up Ramsey was witness both to Joe’s shortcomings and explosive arguments and there was not a shred of doubt in his mind the owner and more importantly his arrogance were responsible for the downfall of the place you shouldn’t even be in the kitchen get out go ahead get out ahead you put let’s finish it Ramsey was desperate to show Joe the truth and so he arranged a staff meeting where he urged everyone to vent their frustration little did they know that Joe watched from an adjacent room secretly listening to everything they had on their minds that told me every one of them was a piece of and he had to go down the street to eat wow exposed Joe apologized Ramsay then introduced cheaper dishes and prepared a burger challenging Joe’s resistance to change cut to the relaunch though and Joe and Ramsay were back to locking horns in yet another heated argument however Ramsey was determined to prove Joe wrong he unveiled a new menu that emphasized fresh food to earn Joe’s confidence then you would do all year serving loins serving chops what’s more Ramsey went one step further and introduced Chef Brian Goodman who is ready to help set up the kitchen and interview a new Chef for the job to Brian Goodman Chef right nice as the community embraced the changes the relaunch night arrived with a ficient kitchen operations and delighted customers just eat I think the mil Street Beast finally has a chance to make it in the end Joe faced the reality that he shouldn’t be in the kitchen if M Street Bistro was to succeed but well I guess some things just don’t change because soon Joe is back to his old ways and nope despite all the years that have gone by he still hasn’t forgiven Ramsay so these were some of the times when customers got sick on Kitchen Nightmares maybe not explicitly but people were definitely getting sick but wait till you see what happens when the manager leads a coup over the owner and completely takes over the restaurant well Ramsay barely avoiding a trip to the hospital is why as you probably know Ramsay usually finds the grossest stuff in either the storage room or in the basement but at Dylan’s it was a totally different story as soon as Ramsey arriv arrived it was the first thing he saw the house let’s sit this table shall we yeah okay good this American Irish restaurant which also served Indian Cuisine because you know why not needed a health inspection immediately the place had more flies than customers and there were napkins thrown all over the place apparently hygiene was the least of the owner’s concerns and don’t even get me started on the food it was probably the worst Ramsay has ever seen there’s meat in there and that one’s got meat in there it’s not V turn tastes like Lam so the problem at Dylan’s was they served you more than you bargained for and I don’t mean in terms of quantity you see Ramsay had ordered a vegetarian dish but what he got instead was lamb and it wasn’t even halfway decent lamb yeah had it been for anyone else Muhammad would have found himself in some serious trouble if a particularly litigious customer showed up it have been a slam dunk of a lawsuit but hey he was probably safe because you know zero customers and all that but the next dish was somehow even worse Ramsay ordered some beef bua but you have to see what he was served instead that is not a piece of beef it was lamb Ramsey was so pissed he was struggling to find words to describe the situation he finally understood that there was something major usually wrong in the kitchen and so he decided to confront the chef but what he found in there was shocking what it say that that lamb is probably the old lamb you serve me old lamb oh yeah at this point Ramsay was regretting his decision to come over but the worst was yet to come when ramsy went in for a deeper inspection of the kitchen you won’t believe what he found what is that I don’t know what it is you don’t know moldy that is quite frankly the worst hamburger I’ve ever seen in my entire life God these were my [ __ ] potatoes for lunch and that wasn’t even the half of it sake look at that look cockroach is Holy Dam it I mean it’s it’s not even a pepper it’s rotten yeah so if you want food poisoning head on over to Dylan’s but what happened in this next restaurant was somehow even Wilder so grasshopper and Carl stot New Jersey had definitely seen better days obviously it’s dead tonight just go home okay as far as why the restaurant is failing but Mitch and Moren Sandler the owners were struggling to keep the place together after the customers stopped showing up when Ramsey arrived he was all business after all how bad could the food be right surely they’ll serve decent food this time right well Well turns out it surpassed Ramsay’s expectations but not in a good way it’s like somebody’s dropped sliced onions into boiling dish water yeah things kicked off on a bad note the soup was so bad that Ramsay felt like he was drinking piss What followed next only made his experience even more [Music] bitter cold congealed gravy now you’ve seen ramsy go red but this dish was so bad that his face went pale after he ate it and after one look into the kitchen Ramsay was on the verge of passing out and can you see that there blood blood from where from the meat blood from the meat on the moer stakes these guys actually rried frozen deep fried chicken that’s just the height of laziness and don’t even get me started on how unhealthy it can be to make things worse ramsy then discovered that the owner had no idea when the fridge was last clean well that pretty much explains the state of the chicken tenders he found slimy there’s a chicken come later the chicken comes like that look how slimy it is look how slimy okay I think I’m done with Grasshopper now editors cut the footage editors cut the footage please okay so yeah Ramsey was disappointed serving food seasoned with bacteria will certainly get him that way and this next restaurant wasn’t any better since they almost got ramsy to throw up so we’re heading to one of the oldest restaurants in Lancaster California they say old as gold but kasar Roma was better off being sold you see owners Nyla and her son Jeremy Christian didn’t need much help in running the business into the ground while they tried to keep a lot of their mistakes Under Wraps when Ramsay arrived he found a whole pile of garbage under his seat safe to say the place needed some deep cleaning and fast but when it came to the food ramsy was in for a shock F the oil was literally dripping out of the sandwich he ordered for his sake I hope Ramsay’s got a good insurance policy when he visits the States since I think You’ get a heart attack just being in the same room as that sandwich as for the pizza well for in Italian restaurant they had no idea how to make a decent pie unfortunately the Dough’s raw so thick it’s like wallpaper Pace raw but the pantry was where things got really bad from rotten veggies to open buckets of sauce it was an absolute travesty but what really stole the show was the meat segment this is outrageous look at it it sticks to hand it’s that rancid so imagine you order a simple hamburger and this is where they get the meat from yeah no thanks but somehow there were still more atrocities to find that’s just over 3 months old jeez at this point Ramsay was beyond disgusted the meat was legit 3 months old and the fact he actually ate it was finally beginning to hit him and a few minutes later he couldn’t hold it in [Music] anymore yeah me neither Chef now while casaroma was one hell of a restaurant I can assure you what’s coming next will give it a run for its money located in Harrison New Jersey what is it with all these nasty New Jersey restaurants jeez the Spanish Pavilion was run by Jerry Fernandez his mom Bina and his brother Michael now you must be thinking since there are three people managing the place everything must be going well well you know what they say about too many cooks and that adage could definitely be extended to the food since when Ramsay ordered his first dish it was a Next Level disaster it just looks like lobster was dead before they cooked him and do you remember that Infamous Lobster tank where lobsters were feeding off their dead brethren he’s dead a dead Lobster he’s gone is he yeah that was a Spanish Pavilion trade secret so after seeing the horrid condition of the restaurant when Ramsey was offered some desserts his response wasn’t much of a surprise very kind but I’ve lost my appetite thank you well I’m glad he took the hint and stopped himself from putting himself through the torture he’d endured so far and it was a good idea too because what he found in the walk-in fridge was disgusting from unlabeled meat to enough chicken to last a lifetime this place certainly had plenty to go around but the true horror was revealed when he checked the other fridge oh dead decomposed soft dead yep more dead lobsters and no they weren’t just dead they were decomposing right in front of him yeah yeah the less said about this place the better but I’m sure you’ve heard about this next place remember the belly dancer turned restaurant owner Rishi well everything looked bright and dazzling on the outside of prohibition Grill but when it came down to it Ramsay was disappointed that’s just slop horrible nasty GL and things just kept going downhill from there his next order was pan fried oysters and usually they taste a bit salty and creamy but this time around well let me have Ramsey describe it so he’s managed to take a delicious tasting oyster and turned into something that’s cake and cornmeal yeah so the oysters were like 5 days old and when it comes to food it’s impossible to fool Ramsay and he made it a point to share his disappointment with the chefs that is disgusting out yeah he was so dumb with the plays but that didn’t stop him from inspecting the kitchen a little more and that’s when he came across some cornbread just lying around in the pantry totally out of place but the real problem was the gravy that the customers were being served when Ramsey took a bite he totally wished he hadn’t oh my God if a basic gravy made Ramsay sick imagine how awful the rest of the food was but this wasn’t the only time Ramsay came close to needing to be airlifted to the nearest hospital you see Bona Parts owned by Sue Ray was one hell of an episode and the head chef Tim was singlehandedly responsible for driving away their customers I mean one look at his kitchen and you’ll know why ni Frozen get it back in the oven Yeah Tim was struggling to keep things together and when it came to the food The Taste was just as awful sh a bit this is really worrying a head chef who can’t even taste his own food the very first dish Tim made for Ramsay came out burned but that was only the beginning despite the terrible first attempt Ramsay really wanted to try Tim’s signature scallops but he probably wished that he quit while he was ahead it’s got to be sick Ramsey quickly started to feel his stomach turning and a deep sense of unease gripped his whole body and before long the inevitable happened we’ only G and give him me a rancid scallop someone get him a drink no I’m starting to understand why he decided to take a decade long Hiatus from the show anyway I know Ramsey has had some pretty nasty stuff in his life but nothing comes close to what he had at laf fre so this restaurant owned by Andre and his son Alex had one major issue but despite all the signs they failed to recognize that their main problem was their food um vinegar dressing is so strong they couldn’t get even a simple salad right so that should set the tone for Ramsay’s next door [Music] oh Seafood crepe not only looks like a pile of vomit but it tasted like it too first of all it wasn’t even a crepe it looked more like a pie and it was cold around the edges to boot no wonder Ramsay spat it out but that reminds me of another restaurant something similar happened in Thousand Oaks California which is home to Sushi Co a Japanese restaurant run by a Akira and Lisa Akira was no stranger to the restaurant business he had years of experience as a sue chef but when it came to the business side of things all that experience meant nothing because the place was a disaster and a lot of it sadly had to do with the food uh tail is old as time I’ll tell you are you guys wearing hats for service uh no nothing at all man miso soup is a classic how could they mess up such a basic dish not to mention they serve the soup cold God even I’m offended and I’m not even Japanese but the next dish was somehow even more appalling [Music] that great that would have been my cue to leave the place I mean come on hair really but Ramsay was curious to find out what else they would serve at the restaurant and so he deced decided to stick around for a little longer but I never expected he would order the one dish the waitress asked him not to but at the same time it was inevitable you know I mean you can’t not press the big glowing red button that says do not press in big bold letters right anyway the waitress was so taken aback that she actually wished him luck before he tried the dish and then finally the long awaited dish arrived and here Here Comes The Moment of [Music] Truth uh he was probably wishing he took the waitress’s advice it was so bad that well I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ramsey do this before seriously what the heck is a sushi Pizza anyway it had to have been some kind of a joke right but hey let’s look on the bright side you see you Ramsay learned an important lesson next time the server warns you not to order something you better take it seriously but hey I know you all are clamoring for some more season 8 content and I’m spoiled for Choice when it comes to more modern nasty restaurants yeah I’m talking about the first drop for season 8 the Bel Air restaurants in New York Queens probably shouldn’t come as much of a surprise if you’ve seen the new season run by Brothers Cal and Peter the family business had put more distance between them than actually pulling them together and when Ramsay entered the picture he couldn’t have expected what was coming so there he was and the first thing he ordered was a basic coffee but even that wasn’t up to par and well dish after dish it didn’t get any better I don’t feel good that’s about as Creek as after what he tried Ramsay simply couldn’t stomach it it actually came out faster than it went in like I said over the years Ramsay had learned his lesson and he realized it was better to spit it out now than throw it up later as for the basement well I’ve gone into great detail about that particular hell hole in one of my earlier videos and if you missed it then make sure to check it out because you’re not going to want to miss exactly how nasty it was but to sum it up the place looked like a scene out of a horror movie and a pretty realistic and scary one too not a shitty be movie with rusted broken oven doors with some weird liquid leaking out of it it definitely wasn’t a place I’d want to be trapped in but if you thought it couldn’t get any worse you’re wrong cuz when Ramsay checked out the meat fridge he couldn’t believe his eyes what the is that it was like there was no end to it marinated chicken oh my God I mean how hard is it really to at least try and clean it huh when it came the chicken what ramsy found straight up ended service for the day even the chicken propping at the mouth and it’s de frothy chicken those words shouldn’t exist in the same sentence unless that sentence is delicious chicken served alongside a frothy beverage anyway despite the decade long Gap Ramsay was so overwhelmed that he eventually well I’m sure you know ah just like old times huh Ramsay now Ramsay is currently on a mission to rescue restaurants that have hit a dead end after the pandemic so I can only sit back and pray for his health and his life while I’m at it so can you think of more times when Ramsey got sick on Kitchen Nightmares don’t forget to let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like subscribe and turn on my post notifications and hey if you’re always looking forward to my latest updates and want some cool perks to sweeten the deal make sure to head on over to the membership tab right here by the way you can also join me on my Channel’s Discord server where we can take a deeper dive into more of Ramsay’s worst days on the job also if you thought this video was crazy then make sure to check out my next post right here it’s even better


  1. Looks like they treated that restaurant like it is a wireless service without any menus what the hell kind of restaurant is that anyway Gordon Ramsay didn't like their food 🍲

  2. Ever had a scent so strong it went through time and cyberspace?

    Yeah, I retched at their reaction to the basement…

  3. لا تنشروا اي شيء محرم مثل الموسيقى و صور البنات لانه ذنب جاري

  4. Too many people fall for Ramsay's made-for-TV false drama. Be careful not to fall into it. He is about as honest as Donald Trump. I was actually hired in places to turn them around, and his "week at a restaurant" may open eyes, but it isn't enough to follow his standard script every time. There is chaos in changing an entire menu overnight. It is a recipe for failure. He doesn't care what happens after he walks in, allows the cherry-picked staff to fail, pick on everything from the moment he walks in whether valid or not (like the relative athleticism of the owners), and he dupes you and the rest of his viewers. You launch a new menu, then invites half the city, and you don't think that's a problem?

    There is indeed stuff to fix in every one of these restaurants. Probably in every restaurant. Give me time in one of his. Here's an example: Ramsay stinks at expediting. 20 meals retuned daily at Hell's Kitchen is more than I had in a 12 year career. If he was good at expediting, he'd get maybe one or two returns on a particularly busy evening, and the reasons would be stupid. He is setting people up to fail to make "good TV."

    Some of the stuff that is obvious to anyone doing this type of thing is stuff he never even touches on. 6:26, for example, shows seriously crummy inventory management that he has never addressed. I worked in the largest catering house on the east coast of the USA in the 80s, and we turned around 25,000 heads a week. We didn't have that much product. I worked in a restaurant with 20 pasta dishes which I had to cook 3 different ways depending on which sous was running the kitchen. No one needs 20 pasta dishes and a huge menu because it is impossible to manage — especially when there is no inventory system. That's touching low-hanging fruit. Individuals need to have responsibilities and held accountable for them… There are a ton of things that barely get addressed.

    Oh, and the mice? Planted. You can't pull a mouse with hair out of a toaster. It would be bald and black and stink like Hades when it was used. His vomiting is totally fake. A chef at his level wound smell a bad scallop before it got to the table, and he was stuffing them in his mouth (50:40)? NO WAY. Having to poop after barely eating some food? No way that happens immediately… Hours maybe. You are blindly taking his word for everything. HINT: You aren't there and you can't taste it. You can't smell it. He spits it into his plate and you assume what he says is true because of his facade. There is a list of words he uses as catch phrases — sometimes in the same sentence — that don't make any sense. The script is virtually the same every time. Make fun of a burger for making it so big Ramsay faked trying to bite it 3 ways… Now look at his backyard video where he stacks his own burgers 4 or 5 inches high and claims it to be extraordinary.

    I learned like he did: on the job from an excellent chef. He knows things, I am sure. He does some really amateur things as well, starting with cracking eggs on the side of a bowl. But he liked showbiz better. He doesn't save places in a sustainable way. Check out his record: restaurants practically all fail within a year after your prized superman waves his cape.

    You are falling willfully for his showmanship. If you had experience in restaurants, you'd see behind your hero's armor. Your voice and presentation are very good and convincing as well. The trouble here is, he duped you.

  5. Props to the camera man at Bel Air. They held it together and filmed steady while the Grip and Gordon lost whatever they ate for the last week

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