Sunday is steak day at my house. Grilled up this tri tip.

by tinacannoncooks


  1. jkwarch-moose

    Nice well done if that’s your tastes

  2. ShoulderPossible9759

    Maybe Sunday should be take out Chinese food day at your house.

  3. the_jinx_of_jinxstar

    Not to be mean but… that’s an expensive piece of meat you destroyed… I guess if you like that but man… hurts my soul a bit

  4. Past-Two9273

    I have no clue what people are hating on it looks good to me

  5. punkydrewster77

    As someone who grew up eating Tri tip, I guarantee this shit was delicious.

  6. Monsterjs2609

    Everyone expects everyone to eat rare steaks in this sub or you suck. Most of these dudes are morons that ain’t have no kids or significant others on here besides themself and their dog cause I know damn well my wife ands kids ain’t gunna eat no damn rare meat even tho I can cook one if I want. Looks fire to me I’ll grub that quick

  7. GingerJacob36

    Hey man, a lot of people are bashing you in the comments, and I’m not here for that.

    With that in mind, you said you removed it at the temp you like.. what temp was that?

  8. drowninginflames

    Damn, all the assholes came out for this one!

    OP, this is one of my favorite cuts, and I love seeing it get some love on here. It looks great and I’m glad you and yours loved it!

  9. TrueAbbreviations552

    Only comment is that you have an uneven cook. Hope it was tasty.

  10. HairyStyrofoam

    Looks good but also looks more like a tenderloin than a tri-tip

  11. GeeToo40

    Nice looking steak. I grilled 2 of them today on my Weber kettle.

  12. Pakana11

    This looks super good! I love very well done steaks also

  13. Leddesimus

    Too much hate here.

    I love a bloody steak and I can appreciate cooked through. Juicy and tender is the goal even if it’s not red. That being said, why a 10 minute rest?

    Also, gotta know what seasons? I enjoy knowing what people season their steaks with.

    7/10 from me.

  14. Friendly_Employer_82

    Looks like the way I cook my steak! 🥩 I love a heavy char on my charcoal grill! Fantastic!😁🤘

  15. SupermarketSelect578

    Lotta hate going on. Man I think your tri tip looks delicious. Good grilling day imo

  16. BadRedditTroll

    Yeah I like some pink. Try lowering to 125 or something, it’s a lot more tender and delicious.

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