Boyfriend made steak and I made pesto pasta. Would you say this is medium rare or leaning towards medium?

by electricdaisycat


  1. HonkBlarghh

    Looks tasty but it’s not “leaning” medium, it’s as medium as it gets

  2. jbuzolich

    No medium rare chance at all there for me. Medium to medium well. I’d still be fine to eat it especially with a nice pesto pasta.

  3. afihavok

    Medium or well side of medium. Good beer choice.

  4. wonkydonks

    It’s medium leaning well.

    A little over done for my preference, but not so overcooked as to be inedible.

  5. Simmyphila

    Medium. But 86 the pesto for me. Don’t like pine nuts. Steak looks great.

  6. Musician_Gloomy

    Medium… pulled the breaks just before well

  7. Chiang2000

    It looks delicious. G

    ood food and cooperation – what more could you want.

  8. Garnauth

    Medium leaning medium well, that being said it looks delicious. The thing with steak is, if you cooked it and you liked it you did a good job.

  9. Golden_Locket5932

    Not leaning towards medium, Is medium.

  10. Hannah_Dn6

    Nice medium color toward well. Penne looks well-seasoned, covered with pesto, and delicious. I would wolf that down pronto if I still ate carbs.

  11. EOMFD_Doowop

    Medium , but when drinking some 9.5% voodoo rangers shit happens

  12. pubstompmepls

    Medium. Also zero sear or crust to speak of, but that’s unrelated.

  13. SnacksCCM

    Pretty solid medium. Over pasta, I like my steak medium (less juice leaking into the pasta in that case sine it’s more seared in – lets the pasta sauce shine on its own), so I’d totally enjoy this. Hopefully it was good!

  14. Dangerous_Elk_6627

    Looks like your pesto salad is spot on. I wouldn’t change a thing.

  15. daveblairmusic

    Medium+, but it looks solid. May want to cut it into smaller pieces with that pasta, but 10/10 would eat

  16. Live-Accountant-1227

    Looks like a delicious meal

  17. Shivs_baby

    Not at all med rare, def medium, but still would smash.

  18. aceofpayne

    Well. Another idea to store in the dinner rotation. Pesto pasta and steak looks delicious

  19. Retrograde_Bolide

    Medium heading to medium well.

  20. MCay123

    Mam, that isn’t anywhere close to medium rare haha. That’s medium well.

  21. The_Original_Miser

    Looks toward medium-well to me, but I’d still eat it.

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