Anyone else do this? I break this rack down about once a month and charcoal grill 2-3x weekly.

Funny thing is she never complains after tasting my meat!

by Hannah_Dn6


  1. Different_Attorney93

    She must love your meat but dislike you lol
    Great meat tho! Looks thick and juicy!

  2. Pshad4Bama

    Well that’s just, like, her opinion man!

  3. EvilZombieToe

    I don’t know, that looks like a good breakfast. What’s for lunch?

  4. Hot_Salamander_1917

    It’s always the wife… tell her she eats too much carbs.

  5. Shorlong

    I mean, that looks like a little much for breakfast man. Save one steak for breakfast dessert!

  6. apex_super_predator

    I feel like you should have dry aged it.

  7. CrispyPancakeEdges

    That looks like a nice chimichurri would go *wonderfully* with those steaks!

    And I dunno about your wife, man. But in this economy, “too much meat” is a blessing.

  8. HellHothNoFury

    I’ll eat whatever meat she won’t finish.

  9. Johnny_Manson

    The 11th commandment is man shall not live with out meat. He ran out of room on the tables. Tell her it is Gods will.

  10. WillPersist4EvR

    I eat meat every day. If I’m working out a lot, several pounds per week. Beef, chicken and pork. But most of the time only 4-5oz per day, at dinner, like I posted in r/mealpics

    Plus, something like the Chik Fil a market salad for lunch.

  11. hard-on234

    If you don’t have gout, tell her to pound sand.

  12. wigglin_harry

    To be fair depending on your age she might not be totally wrong

  13. fishy-afterbirths

    What would this be labeled as at the store? I’d love to start doing this myself

  14. Fried_Wontton

    Here for a good time, not a long time lmao

  15. Holehoggerist

    Common wife thought.
    Pay no nevermind.

  16. No-Tip1702

    My blood pressure is off the charts just looking at it

  17. Educational-Low-5479

    i would agree if it’s all cooked like that

  18. MoneyMik3y

    Get rid of her. You don’t need that negativity in your life. /s

  19. ozzyrubio

    Mine used too after going ketovore, but not anymore after seeing me shred into the best shape of my life and cholesterol coming back normal.

  20. coolginge69420

    She’s right, you do eat too much meat. From now on, you need to cook steaks like that and give them to me

  21. Meatbasketbingo

    Too much?
    My friend, there’s never enough.

  22. HairyStyrofoam

    It really depends, to be honest. I love steak but I also try to rarely indulge in red meat. That being said, I’m extremely conscious of my BP

  23. Sassi7997

    Yeah, we all do.

    I’m expecting to get downvoted for this.

  24. centstwo

    Beverly Hills Cop (1), the scene where Taggert and Rosewood are on stakeout. I crack up every time Rosewood tells Taggert about how the average man at age 50 has 5-7 pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels.

    Taggert, “Why are you telling me this? What makes you think I would have any interest in that at all?”

    Rosewood, “Well, you eat a lot of red meat.”

    PSA, spoiler alert, top secret, news flash…that isn’t true, that is not how the body works. There isn’t a red meat pocket next to the chewing gum pocket.

  25. nothingfish

    That knife looks extremely beautiful.what kinda knife ie it?

  26. stephen_hoarding

    That’s a big missed steak from her

  27. Lisshopops

    I mean she’s not wrong, but dang I would too if I had these in front of me

  28. Relative_Business_81

    Are you eating it all raw? Are you actually a Tiger in a wildlife sanctuary? I’m not criticizing, I’m genuinely impressed you can type with claws. 

  29. the_odd_drink

    You eat the exact right amount of meat. But you don’t need to be told that. I’ll argue with your wife about this, if you want. #solidarity

  30. hes_crafty

    She’s right! You should share w us.

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