Hello everyone! Today we will see how to make Gemista. It means vegetables stuffed with goodies. One of the important Greek traditional dishes out there. It takes a bit of time to prepare but it is worth the trouble. Enjoy! If you would like to see more, simply support us by liking, comment and share the video with your friends. Lastly you can check our website for the recipe and our blog as well. Enjoy and have a nice day!



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-Music recorded and produced by StreamBeats by Harris Heller

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Amazon ingredient list (Affiliate links included):

Extra virgin olive oil 3L: https://amzn.to/3Qfc4N5
Extra virgin olive oil 750g: https://amzn.to/3Qc5SoX
Loumidis Greek Coffee 490g: https://amzn.to/3QuITqE
Alpro Oat No Sugars: https://amzn.to/3Mgpd7b
Lightly Sparkling Tonic Water https://amzn.to/4090DLt
Ceramic Baking Beans https://amzn.to/3sd89Ir
Spice Racks Organiser https://amzn.to/3QjTdk6
Tefal Blendforce II Blender https://amzn.to/45LO0qD
Gigantes beans https://amzn.to/40852hH
Table Salt https://amzn.to/3FtXxrU
Whole Black Pepper https://amzn.to/3Qxip7Q
Coffee Pot https://amzn.to/3QwiN6p
Classic Granola https://amzn.to/3tPUXde
Tefal Aluminium Non-Stick 20cm & 28cm Frying Pan https://amzn.to/3FyJKjM
Halloween Cookie Cutters https://amzn.to/3SaJI9n
Christmas Cookie Cutters https://amzn.to/408EHA1
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hello everyone I’m yanis scafa and together we’ll see how to make y or gista uh it translates into something that is stuffed uh obviously we’re we’re uh cooking so that means a vegetable stuffed with something and is one of the most popular SL traditional thises in Greece we we have already explained the reason behind and the philosophy of Greek cooking uh through the Mediterranean uh Cuisine series that we’ve C that we break down and we talked about it um about the Simplicity of food and also we recently uploaded a video on to 10 tricks on how to become a better home cook yeah make sure you go watch it and get some ideas let’s have a look so these will be our ingredients for today uh here you’ll notice some fresh herbs and as I said it’s very important you go see our tricks that uh the tricks that I give you on how to become better because one of them will be to have some live herbs uh from pots it literally makes a huge difference onto the flavor right so um now this recipe can vary uh last thing and then we start I promise uh you can stuff different vegetables uh today I’ll be skipping keeping auin and corett or Zu Chini um and I’ll be using just peppers onions and tomatoes you can get creative with it but I’ll just keep it simple now first thing will be to give a washer potatoes we’ll fill it up with water now we’ll give it a wash and at the same time we’re going to be washing our rice uh when you’re choosing rice for gam St make sure you get medium grain rice uh in Greece we call it glass glass but in the UK you’ll find it from Middle Eastern shops uh and mostly uh Egyptian Browns have it medium grained rice so we will leave it running a bit there now at the meaning time make sure you have a a g a tray that uh can feed your vegetables depending how much you do um you can put the baking paper one of those muts we’re just going to cut them into halfes like that and put them into the tray for now okay our potatoes done that will go onto the side now we’ll need two things one will be our mix that we’re going to cook and stuff our vegetables with and the other one will be the vegetables that we’re going to prepare them and leave them on the tray uh one thing you got to pay attention the vegetables must be similar size uh and thickness and all the stuff the more precise you get the better the outcome will come after the cooking now we will need a small knife for this job now the smaller ones we can keep them for um the mix so we’re going to cut them as we would cut on the seeds it’s no mess [Music] now I’ve got some spring onion baby licks here feel free to use a big one if you want a baby lick and carrots I forgot to buy so don’t do the same I’m going to wash [Music] [Applause] [Music] those now for the tomatoes we’re going to remove the green part and going to cut across some people say it’s easier if you cut the bottom as the leads but I’ll just do as I know and here we’re going to actually cut first our knife be careful you don’t Pier the bottom and then we’re going to get the rest with the help of a teaspoon spoon all the seeds out make a bit of space don’t go very thin cuz it’s going to collapse for now uh but that’s the main idea of it yeah be like that and I’m going to put it back on and stick it onto the tray all right I bought some extra tomatoes which we’re going to to for the food [Music] all right tomato Dan as well then what we’re going to do is we’re going to uh finally actually no we’re just going to cross the garlic again maybe rip it apart a bit add it into the Bowl unless you want to eat it and now finally will be onion I chose red cuz they tend to get sweet once um they’re cooked now very important part here you you want to remove a little bit uh from the stock the bottom or root whatever you want to call it because other is going to fall apart we’re going to cut a little bit at top now we will definitely need the help of a knife um so if if you have kep the top completely I mean for me it’s going to be a little bit open and B mind um but we can cut this as a lead the idea is you going to keep like three layers to cut around [Applause] and then this will be as best as we can do it maybe you can go more but don’t want to make it too thin we’ll Place back the lid but is falling apart a bit and there you go okay we have finished our onions as well now we’re going to chop what’s left from the inside I mean roughly last thing we’ll be we’ll need will be our herbs I’ve put some mint and coriander coriander only because my plant is dying so I have to use it otherwise I wouldn’t uh add some so going to go ahead and chop some [Applause] thinly a bit of deal [Laughter] [Applause] and lastly parsley uh is up to you if you want to remove the stock or not I’m not going to here is everything we need we’re finally ready to begin for you be only few minutes for me it’s being about half an hour 20 minutes I’m not sure it’s been a while uh here’s everything here’s all our vets that we prepped as well we’re going to stuff them soon so you will see it now what we’ll have to do is get ready with 400 G of water and a big pan with a lot of olive oil here you go about four tablespoons and we go Max it for now now while we’re waiting for the pan to be hot we’ll switch on our oven to fun 180° okay our oil is hot so we’ll go in with a vegge and especially when you’re using corett and auin is very important that you get so much feeling it’s quite nice when they get a bit translucent soft we’re going to add our rice in and we’re going to mix now when this is hot enough we’re going to dig glaze with some white wine and then we will add Our tomato paste mix everything now here if we had added carrots maybe we wouldn’t need to add sugar but we will need to otherwise it’ll be quite sour now we’ll go with our tomato in and then we’ll add our water and we will leave it to cook for about 5 to 6 minutes okay so it’s been more than 8 minutes so it still has a little bit water whe for this case we want uh is not very wet is quite dry which is something that we also want but we don’t want to cook uh fully still hold a bit uh so what we’re going to do is we’re going to transfer into a bowl and now we’re going to add about 2 tbspoon of olive oil and about 100 mL of water cold water and we’ll mix now we’re going to season it quickly with a good amount of salt pepper and our herbs going to give it a good mix we will get our tablespoon and start filling our veg you don’t want to go all the way on top you want to leave a gap push it down now my grandmother my Yaya my Yaya would normally do some dadas the stuffed tne leaves that we have seen before uh if see how spare mix today I’ll be doing it to keep it keep it a bit simple we go and that’s it now we going to go with a lot of olive oil [Music] around a little bit of salt for vegetables as well next we’ll cover with steo squeeze well and now we go in the oven for about 60 [Music] minutes we need to remove the tin foil yeah so this how have cooked you can see them already soft and nice uh what we need to do is leave it uncovered to for the water to evaporate and then we’ll have a nice uh uh juicy result all right ladies and gentlemen here we are and that’s the result uh it takes a little bit of time but is worth uh waiting is is beautiful um you could have roasted or uh cooked a little bit the potatoes into a pan to give a little bit of color but this is the way that my grandar has been done it uh straight and then they’re soft and nice in the oil let me know what you think Down Below in the comments uh any feedback or how you do it if you have cooked up before yeah thank so much for watching uh don’t forget uh follow recipe which will be the link in the description and as you’re down there click the red button to join our beautiful family and press the like button to post this uh algorithm Al uh have a beautiful day bye

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